
  • 网络Mild anemia;Anaemia
  1. 轻度贫血,对于从事静止不动的工作的人,可能没有任何症状。

    A mild anaemia may not produce any symptoms at all in people in sedentary occupations .

  2. 结果:患者治疗后中轻度贫血发生率为80%,白细胞减少症和血小板减少症的发生率分别为13.4%(4/30)和6.7%(2/30)。

    RESULTS : The results showed that 80 % ( 24 / 30 ) of patients appeared mild or middle anaemia , the incidence rate of neutropenia and thrombocytopenia were 13 3 % ( 4 / 30 ) and 6 7 % ( 2 / 30 ) respectively .

  3. 轻度贫血食管癌患者术中输血与否的安危

    Transfusion Versus Non-Transfusion during Operation of Esophageal Cancer for Patients with Mild Anaemia

  4. 轻度贫血对幼儿园儿童短时记忆及学习能力的影响

    Effect of mild anemia on abilities of memory and learning of children in kindergarten

  5. 实验室检查发现轻度贫血、谢性酸中毒、浆肌酸激酶增高。

    Routine laboratory tests showed a mild anemia , metabolic acidosis and elevation of plasma creatine phosphokinase .

  6. 由此说明轻度贫血对学龄儿童体力工作能力有一定的影响。

    The results showed that mild anemia has an effect on the physical work capacity in school children .

  7. 两组病人术毕均有轻度贫血,但仍在安全水平范围内。

    The patients had a mild anemia postoperatively in both groups , which was still within safe limits .

  8. 血红蛋白测定发现有35%的学生患轻度贫血,以女生多见。

    The results of detection of hemoglobin showed that there was slight anemia in 35 % of students , especially in female students .

  9. 结果:正常组的局控率和1~4年生存率最高,重度贫血组的最低,轻度贫血组界于二者之间。

    Results : The local control and 1 to 4-year survival rates were the highest in normal group and lowest in severe group .

  10. [结果]检测2142名学生,贫血率为7.70%,均为轻度贫血;

    [ Results ] The total prevalence rate of anemia among 2 142 senior high shool students in Jianhe county was 7.70 % .

  11. 对这部分儿童应纳入重点管理。铁摄入量达供给量标准的144.42%,仍有12.2%儿童患轻度贫血。

    The ingestion of ferrum reached 144 . 42 % of the standard , but still there were 12 . 2 % of the children suffered from slight anemia .

  12. 本文报告29对轻度贫血和非贫血儿童在平板机运动试验条件下的最大运动耐受时间,耗氧量、心率和运动后血乳酸浓度。

    This paper presents maximal endurance time , maximal oxygen consumption , heart rate and blood lactate in 29 pairs of mild anemia and non-anemia school children in treadmill exercise test .

  13. 营养不良影响因素排位依次为喂养不当、上呼吸道感染、佝偻病、轻度贫血、先天缺陷、早产和低出生体重儿。

    The influence factors of malnutrition in the order were incorrect feeding , upper respiratory infection , rickets , slight anemia , congenital deficiency , preterm and low born weight infants .

  14. 99%属轻度贫血(<12g/dl至9.0g/dl),2/3为缺铁性贫血(占75.45%)。

    In all cases , 99 % belong to mild anemia ( < 12g / dl-9.0g / dl ) and 2 / 3 of them are of iron deficiency anemia ( 74.5 % . )

  15. 结果表明,宁夏中、小学生贫血患病率为35.49%,其中轻度贫血占98.38%,无重度贫血。

    The resultant data & records indicated that the chance of having anaemia was 35.49 % , in which , 98.38 % being light anaemia , and none was of the severe type . The mean blood conc .

  16. 结果:12000名儿童456名贫血,贫血率为3.8%,其中轻度贫血448名,占贫血人数的98.2%,中度贫血8人,占贫血人数的1.8%,未发现重度贫血儿。

    Result 3.8 percent of the 12000 Children got anemia , and in the 228 anemic children , 98.2 percent ( 448 cases ) got mild anemia , 1 . 8 percent ( 8 cases ) got moderate anemia , no one got severe anemia .

  17. 结论孕早期轻度以上贫血,孕中、晚期重度贫血与早产风险增加有关;

    Conclusion Mild anemia during early pregnancy and severe anemia during late pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth .

  18. 维生素C强化五种果泥(汁)对轻度缺铁性贫血的疗效观察

    The Therapeutic Effect of Fruit Pulp and Juice Fortified with Vitamin C on Slight Iron Deficiency Anemia

  19. 轻度缺铁性贫血组与隐性缺铁组及中度缺铁性贫血组比较均无差异(P均>0.05);

    In both recessive iron deficieney gronp and moderate iron deficiency anemia group , there was no dif-ference with mild iron deficiency anemia group ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  20. 不仅肾功能中重度减退且轻度减退合并贫血的患者,其PCI术后的远期生存率均显著降低。

    Conclusion Renal insufficiency and anemia are significant independent and combined predictors of long-term mortality in patients undergoing PCI .

  21. 目的探讨小剂量间断补铁治疗小儿轻度缺铁性贫血(IDA)的临床效果及其细胞学分析。

    Objective To investigate the cytologic characters of low dose iron supplementation in children with iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ) of children .

  22. 目的了解轻度缺铁性贫血(MIDA)对婴幼儿智能、行为发育的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of mild iron deficiency anemia ( MIDA ) on mental and behavioral development of infants .

  23. 轻度营养性贫血对儿童智力和性格影响的研究

    Effect of Mild Nutritional Anemia on Intelligence and Personality in Children

  24. 轻度缺铁性贫血对儿童身体作功能力的影响

    Effects of mild iron deficiency anemia on children 's physical work capacity

  25. 轻度缺铁性贫血对学龄前儿童有氧能力的影响

    Effect of Mild Iron Deficiency Anemia on Aerobic Working Capacity in Preschool Children

  26. 轻度缺铁性贫血对学龄儿童学习成绩的影响

    Effect of Mild Iron Deficiency Anemia on Scholastic Achievement in School-age Children in Beijing

  27. 结果妊娠晚期贫血患病率为48.2%,以轻度和中度贫血为主。

    Results The overall prevalence of anemia during third trimester of pregnancy was 48.2 % , mainly consisting of mild and moderate anemia .

  28. 本文采用双盲法对北京130名轻度缺铁性贫血和正常学龄儿童的学习成绩进行了研究。

    The study applies the double-blind method to the scholastic achievement of 130 chidren with iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ) and without IDA in Beijing .

  29. 本文研究了130名轻度缺铁性贫血和正常的7岁儿童的身体作功能力。

    This study was carried out to determine the effects of mild iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ) on physical work capacity ( PWC ) of 7-year-old children in Beijing .