
  • 网络Uric acid nephropathy;uric acid nephropathy,UAN
  1. 尿酸性肾病(UricacidNephropathy,UAN)又称痛风性肾病,是由于血尿酸浓度过高,尿酸盐在肾脏沉积、结晶导致的肾脏损伤。

    Uric acid nephropathy ( UAN ) also known as gouty nephropathy is due to excessive concentrations of uric acid urate deposition in the kidney , kidney damage caused by the crystallization .

  2. 本课题进一步研究了IGPS对尿酸性肾病大鼠的影响及其可能的作用机制。

    This study is intended to further investigate the effect of IGPS on uric acid nephropathy in rats and its possible mechanism .

  3. 核因子-κB与单核细胞趋化因子-1在尿酸性肾病大鼠肾脏中的表达及意义

    Expressions of nuclear factor-kappa B and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in renal tissue of uric acid nephropathy rats and their significance

  4. 结论NF-κB和MCP-1在尿酸性肾病大鼠肾脏病变的发展起重要作用,可能与肾组织中NF-κB活化介导MCP-1蛋白表达上调有关。

    Conclusion The NF - κ B and MCP-1 may play important roles in the pathogenesis of uric acid nephropathy .

  5. 大黄对尿酸性肾病大鼠肾组织bFGF及COX-2的影响

    Effect of Rhubarb on the Expression of bFGF and COX-2 in Renal Tissue of Uric Acid Nephropathy Rats

  6. 目的探讨尿酸性肾病大鼠肾脏核因子-κB(NF-κB)与单核细胞趋化蛋白-1(MCP-1)的表达及与肾功能损害的关系。

    Objective To investigate the role of nuclear factor-kappa B ( NF - κ B ) and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 ( MCP-1 ) in the pathogenesis of uric acid nephropathy .

  7. 氯沙坦、依托考昔能改善尿酸性肾病大鼠肾脏功能、防治肾间质纤维化,其作用可能与抑制肾小管间质TGF-β1、PAI-1和IL-1B的表达有关。

    Losartan , etoricoxib can improved renal fuction and interstitial fibrosis of uric acid nephropathy , associated with downregulation of IL-1 β, TGF - β 1 and PAI-1 .

  8. 目的:探讨益气养阴法对气阴两虚型慢性尿酸性肾病(CUAN)患者红细胞CR1分子基因型及数量表达、黏附活性的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of Supplementing Qi and Nourishing Yin on erythrocytes CR1 genomic density and quantitative expression and adherent activity of chronic uric acid nephropathy with Deficiency of both Qi and Yin .

  9. 威灵仙对尿酸性肾病大鼠的实验研究

    Effect of Clematis on uric acid nephropathy in rats

  10. 尿酸性肾病胰岛素样生长因子和成纤维细胞生长因子的表达

    The expression of insulin-like growth factor and fibroblast growth factor in uric acid nephropathy

  11. 新型尿酸性肾病动物模型的建立

    A New Rat Model of Uric Acid Nephropathy

  12. 尿酸性肾病(附16例分析)

    Urate Nephropathy ( Report 16 Cases )

  13. 缬沙坦联合氟伐他汀治疗尿酸性肾病合并脂代谢异常的实验研究

    Study of Valsartan and Fluvastatin on treatment of uric acid nephropathy and abnormal lipid metabolism

  14. 在血尿酸升高的病例中,有临床诊断的256例,其中痛风9例,尿酸性肾病5例。

    In these patients with hyperuricemia , 9 were diagnosed as gout and 5 as uricemia .

  15. 慢性尿酸性肾病动物模型研究及中医药对其的影响

    Researches on the Establishment of Chronic Uratic Nephropathy Models and the Effect of TCM on these Models

  16. 辨证治疗尿酸性肾病56例观察

    Observation on 56 Cases of Uratic Nephropathy Treated with Method Based on Overall Analysis of Symptoms and Sings

  17. 目的探讨加味三妙散治疗慢性尿酸性肾病的临床疗效。

    Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of modified Sanmiao Powder ( SMP ) in treating chronic uric acid nephropathy ( CUAN ) .

  18. 健脾补肾活血泄浊法治疗慢性尿酸性肾病38例临床研究

    Clinical Observation on 38 cases of Chronic Uric Acid Nephropathy Treated by Invigorating the Spleen and Kidney and Promoting Blood Flow and Diminishing Turbid

  19. 目的:研究中药复方痛风Ⅰ号胶囊治疗慢性尿酸性肾病的临床疗效。

    Objective : To study the efficacy of the " Tong Feng ⅰ" capsule combined with Benzbromarone on chronic uric acid nephropathy ( CUAN ) .

  20. 近年来,慢性尿酸性肾病的实验研究逐渐增多,人们主要从基因重组、抑制尿酸排泄、促进血尿酸产生几方面来复制动物模型。

    Following contents were reviewed in this article : More and more experimental studies related with chronic uratic nephropathy were carried out in recent years .

  21. 化湿泄浊祛瘀法治疗湿浊瘀阻型慢性尿酸性肾病54例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment 54 Cases of Chronic Uric - acid Nephropathy of Blood Stasis Type with Drugs for Purging Turbid , Resolving Dampness and Dispelling Phlegm

  22. 提示尿酸性肾病多数伴有关节炎,且肾功能损害进展缓慢,早期以肾小管功能损害为主。

    It indicated that most uric acid renal failure complicated with arthritis , and the renal function were slowly deteriorated , and the renal tubular was mainly injured in the early stage .

  23. 结论:化痰祛瘀通络法及降酸保肾汤治疗尿酸性肾病(痰瘀阻络)疗效确切,其能降低患者的血尿酸,改善肾功能,阻止尿酸性肾病的进展。

    Conclusion : Jiangsuanbaoshen Decoction has specific effect in treating uric acid nephropathy patients with the syndrome of Phlegm and Stasis Block Collaterals . It operates through reducing the blood uric acid and improving the kidney function .

  24. 将56例尿酸性肾病分为四型进行辩证治疗,结果显效21例,有效27例,无效8例,总有效率为85.71%。

    Fifty cases of uratic nephropathy were divided into four groups and treated with the method of overall analysis of sumptoms and signs in traditional Chinese medicine , The result showed that 21 is obvious , 27 effective and 8 ineffective .

  25. 人类由于基因突变而缺乏活性尿酸酶,这导致人类以尿酸作为嘌呤代谢的终产物。当人血液中尿酸浓度高于其溶解度(高尿酸血症)时可引起尿酸性肾病和痛风性关节炎。

    Human beings lack active uricase because of gene mutations , leading to uric acid as the end product of purine metabolism and resulting in the development of urate nephropathy and gouty arthritis when the concentration of uric acid reaches its solubility limit in blood ( hyperuricemia ) .

  26. 21.25%高尿酸血症者并发痛风性关节炎、尿路结石和尿酸性肾病。

    21.25 % of the inhabitants with the hyperuricemia suffered from gouty arthritis , urinary calculus , or hyperuricemia nephropathy .