
  • 网络urinary amylase;AMY;UAMY;AMS;AMY-U
  1. 两组治疗前后血清锌和尿淀粉酶含量比较差异有非常显著性意义(P0·01),且治疗组升高更显著(P0·05)。

    There were significant differences in blood zinc content and urinary amylase activity in the two groups before and after treatment ( P0.01 ), with more significant increase in the treatment group as compared with the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 中药组在血、尿淀粉酶的恢复时间,腹痛缓解时间以及缩短住院天数和节约住院费用等方面均明显优于西医组。

    The treatment group was better than control group in the restoration of blood and urinary amylase , the relief of abdominal pain , hospitalization days and cost .

  3. 流行性腮腺炎患儿尿淀粉酶(AMS)检测的临床意义

    Clinical meaning of detection for urine amylases in children with epidemic parotiditis

  4. 方法回顾性分析已确诊的急性胰腺炎63例,将其CT改变分为五个级别,各级病例分别与相应的血清、尿淀粉酶数值对比分析。

    Methods : 63 cases with acute pancreatitis were divided into five grades based on CT findings , and the CT grading relevant to the serum and urine amylase were analyzed .

  5. EN开始时机为血、尿淀粉酶正常,出现正常肠鸣音,有肛门排气或排便。

    EN started while serum and urine amylase activity returned to normal with regular peristaltic sound , defecation or break wind .

  6. 观察2组临床症状、体征变化及血白细胞总数,血、尿淀粉酶,CRP指标;定期复查胰腺CT,观察胰腺形态变化。

    Observation of 2 clinical symptoms , signs and changes in the total number of white blood cells , blood amylase , urine amylase , CRP target .

  7. 结果:本组主要诊断方法为胆道感染的临床征象,如左上腹压痛范围广泛,血、尿淀粉酶明显升高,B超、CT显示有胆道结石和胰腺病变。

    Results : The evidences of diagnosis were mainly clinical features of biliary infection , as wide left epigastric tenderness , elevated urine and serum amylase , biliary stones and pancreatic disorders in B-ultrasound and CT scan .

  8. 进口组(A)与国产组(B)治疗前后MAP患者进行白细胞、血淀粉酶、尿淀粉酶、血钙、血糖的实验室检查。

    Import group ( A ) and the domestic group ( B ) white blood cells before and after treatment in patients with MAP , serum amylase , urine amylase , calcium , glucose , albumin of laboratory tests .

  9. 结果水肿型胰腺炎的有效率为100%,其中显效率达83.2%,各种大黄制剂疗效相似,但在腹痛消失、退热、尿淀粉酶恢复正常时间方面比复方西药优(P0.01或0.05)。

    RESULTS The efficacy of rhubarb in the treatment of edematous pancreatitis was 100 % , and it was 83.2 % with good results , being better than that of western drugs .

  10. 结果21例均在急性胰腺炎发作后20~40d,血、尿淀粉酶正常15d后,成功实施LC,9例放置腹腔引流管。

    Results The LC was performed 20 ~ 40 days after the onset of pancreatitis and 15 days after the recovery of serum and urinary amylase levels . An abdominal drainage tube was placed in 9 patients .

  11. 尿淀粉酶/尿肌酐比值及尿胰蛋白酶原-2快速检测对急性胰腺炎的诊断价值

    Rapid Measurement of Urinary Trypsinogen-2 for Patients with Acute Abdominal Pain

  12. 干化学法和湿化学法对尿淀粉酶检测的比较

    The comparison of the dry and wet chemical methods for urine amylase

  13. 尿淀粉酶4例,2例阳性,腹水淀粉酶检查3例,均为阳性。

    Of 4 cases had high level of urinary amylase .

  14. 尿淀粉酶及其与肌酐比值的测定与应用评价

    Test and Evaluate the Urine Amylases and It 's Ratio with Urine Creatinine

  15. 尿淀粉酶与尿肌酐比值参考范围的测定

    Determination of the reference range of the ratio between the urine amylase and urine creatinine

  16. 目的了解流行性腮腺炎患儿尿淀粉酶增高的临床意义。

    Objectives To investigate the significance of raising of urine amylase value in children with epidemic parotiditis .

  17. 尿淀粉酶水平在急腹症各个疾病的患儿组之间没有统计学差异。

    The level of urine amylase in every group of children shows no statistically different . 3 .

  18. 血、尿淀粉酶亦有下降(P<0.01),但两组间差异无统计学意义。

    Amylase in blood and urine were also decreased significantly ( P < 0.01 ), but without significant difference .

  19. 结论在胰液膀胱引流的胰、十二指肠及肾联合移植动物实验中,尿淀粉酶是移植物急性排斥的早期指标;

    Conclusions Urine amylase was the early marker of acute rejection in SPKT with bladder drainage of pancreatic exocrine secretion .

  20. 用奥曲肽后血、尿淀粉酶升高发生率为17.24%和34.48%;

    Serum and Urine amylase values were increased in 17.24 % and 34.48 % of patients in the octreotide group .

  21. 排斥反应发生时,尿淀粉酶的改变明显先于空腹血糖和移植肾尿量的变化。

    The change of urine amylase concentration was prior to those of fast blood sugar and urine volumes of the kidney allograft .

  22. 尿淀粉酶/尿肌酐及尿胰蛋白酶原-2诊断急性胰腺炎的评价

    The clinical value of the ratio of urine amylase to urine creatinine assay and urinary trypsinogen-2 dipstick test in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis

  23. 结果:大剂量云母粉组尿淀粉酶活性和D-木糖排泄量和模型组比较有非常显著差异。

    Result : It showed significant difference in the activity of urine amylase and xylose excretion between mica powder groups of larger dosage and model group .

  24. 定时检测肝、肾功能指标、凝血参数、动脉血气、血糖浓度以及血、尿淀粉酶等生化参数,根据上述检测结果调整治疗。

    The parameters of blood coagulation , the indexes of hepatic and renal function , blood glucose and amylase levels in blood and urine were surveyed regularly .

  25. 目的:测定尿淀粉酶/尿肌酐比值的参考值范围,并将它与单纯的尿淀粉酶测定值进行比较和评价。

    Objective : To determine the reference range of ratio between urine amylases and urine creatinine , and evaluate the ratio by comparing with urine amylases only .

  26. 目的分析干化学法和湿化学法测定患者样本尿淀粉酶结果的相关性及对两种方法进行偏倚评估。

    Objective To analyze the correlativity of the dry and wet chemical methods for urine amylase ( AMY ) of patient samples and estimate the bias between two methods .

  27. 而血淀粉酶敏感性为86.2%,特异性84.9%;尿淀粉酶敏感性82.8%,特异性82.1%。

    The sensitivity and specificity of serum amylase test were 86.2 % and 84.9 % respectively , and of urinary amylase test were 82.8 % and 82.1 % respectively .

  28. 对照组仅根据临床表现和血、尿淀粉酶值以及患者自我感觉来决定进食时间和种类;

    The time and character of feed of patients in the control group were based on the symptoms and signs , the blood and urine amylase levels , and the feeling of the patients .

  29. 结论尿淀粉酶/尿肌酐比值及尿胰蛋白酶原2检测是较好的早期诊断急性胰腺炎的指标。

    Conclusion The ratio of urine amylase to urine creatinie assay and urinary trypsinogen-2 test strip are useful and better than the traditional assays for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in the early stage .

  30. 方法对1988~1998年收治的61例胆总管囊肿进行血丙氨酸转氨酶、尿淀粉酶、B型超声等检查,并对有关资料做回顾性分析。

    Methods During a period between 1988 and 1998,61 children suffering from choledochal cyst were admitted . The perioperative clinical data were analysed retrospectively including serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase ( GPT ), urine amylase , echography .