
  • 网络Lipid Profile
  1. 方法选择平均年龄58.5±7.43岁具有典型心绞痛或非典型心绞痛,心电图或动态心电图ST&T有缺血性改变的高血压患者176例进行冠状动脉造影(CAG),心脏B超及血脂检查。

    Methods The coronary angiography , 2 - D echocardiography and lipid of 176 cases with EH ( age 58.5 ± 7.43 , with typical or atypical angina pectoris , ST-T on electrocardiogram showed ischemic changes ) was examined .

  2. 检测方法:心电图检查、血脂检查、血液流变检查。

    Method of test : electrocardiogram ;

  3. 方法选择典型激光作业环境中工作的职业人员,进行血脂检查,并与对照组平行比较。

    Method : The personnel really engaged in laser work were selected and their serum lipid were examined .

  4. 方法对现行调脂治疗持续时间≥2个月的118例高胆固醇血症患者进行血脂检查,并根据1997年我国制定的《血脂异常防治建议》确定血脂是否达标。

    Methods 118 patients with hypercholesterolemia who had been treated with regulating lipid drugs for at last two months received serum lipid determination .

  5. 35岁以上人群中有535%在两年内测量过血压,成人高血脂检查率为197%。

    The rate of checking blood pressure in two years was 53.5 % in adults aged 35 years and above ; and the checking rate of hyperlipidemia was 19.7 % .

  6. 在所研究的样本中进行组间比较,HCV各基因业型在病毒载量、肝功、空腹血糖、血脂等检查指标上的差异无统计学显著性意义。

    There was no significant difference between different genotypes in virus load , biochemical test , fasting glucose test and so on .

  7. 入院当日采集血标本以备血浆BNP、血糖、血脂等检查,并于当日完成6min步行试验。

    Within 1 day blood samples of BNP , sugar and lipid were obtained , and the 6-min walk test were measured .

  8. 某高校职工血脂血糖检查结果分析

    Analysis of the Results of Blood Fat and Blood Sugar of Employee in a University

  9. 结论:定期颈动脉超声和对血脂血糖等检查,可作为早期发现和筛选脑梗死高危病人的重要手段。

    Conclusion : Regular examination of carotid ultrasound , serum lipid and blood glucose are important method which can earlier detect and screening the patients of cerebral infarction .

  10. 方法用一般工作紧张问卷对某市4种职业人群共839例进行了职业紧张调查、心血管疾病危险因素调查,同时进行了血压、血糖、血脂、心电图检查。

    Methods The occupational stressors , risk factors of cardiovascular diseases were investigated by questionnaire in 839 people with 4 kinds of jobs . Blood pressure , sugar , and lipid were detected at the same time .

  11. 观察缺血性中风急性期患者与对照组之间、中风患者各证型之间血脂的差异性,探讨血脂这一实验室检查对中风中医辨证的意义。

    Observation of acute ischemic stroke between patients and controls , stroke patients with the syndrome types of differences between the blood lipids , blood lipids in this laboratory study of stroke TCM significance .