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  1. 目的:研究建立血清游离甲状腺素固相试管酶免测定方法。

    Objective : To develop testing the concentration of free thyroxine in human serum by enzyme immunoassay .

  2. 血清游离甲状腺素(FT4)双抗固相放射免疫分析方法的建立

    Establishment of a double-antibody solid-phase radioimmunoassay for free thyroxine in serum

  3. 本文测定甲亢患者血清游离甲状腺素(fT3、fT1)、总甲状腺素(fT3、fT1)和胆同醇(Ch)水平,并进行相关分析。

    In this paper levels of free thyroid hormone ( fT_3 , fT_4 ), tota thyroid hormone ( TT_3 , TT_4 ) and cholesterol ( ch ) in serum of patients with hyperthyroidism were calculated and correlation between them were analysed as well .

  4. 甲状腺功能正常者血清游离甲状腺素与血脂紊乱的相关性分析

    Relationship between Serum Free T4 ( FT4 ) Level and Dyslipidemia in Healthy Euthyroid Subjects

  5. 小儿肾病综合征血清游离甲状腺素与血脂及血、尿蛋白的关系研究

    Clinical Study on the Relation Between Changes of Serum FT_3 / FT_4 Levels and Blood Lipids , Albumin , Urinary Protein in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome

  6. 利用双抗固化试管建立了检测血清中游离甲状腺素(FT4)的固相放射免疫分析方法。

    Using double-antibody coated tubes , a solid-phase radioimmunoassay for free thyroxine ( FT4 ) in serum has been developed .

  7. 本文也进一步表明血清FT4的稳定是垂体-甲状腺轴功能正常的十分重要的标志,以及大鼠血清游离甲状腺素的半衰期短于1h。

    The observations also suggest that the normal range of serum free T-4 concentration is an extremely useful index to indicate normal functioning of the pituitary-thyroid axis and that the half - life of serum free T-4 in the rat is shorter than 1h .