
  • 网络vessel wall;blood vessel wall;vascular wall;capillary walls
  1. 心脏移植受者冠状动脉对5-羟色胺的高反应性与血管壁形态及维生素C效应之间的关系

    Relation of coronary hypersensitivity to serotonin in cardiac transplant recipients to vessel wall morphology and effect of vitamin C

  2. 氟伐他汀对兔动脉粥样硬化血管壁NF-κB和PDGF表达的影响

    Effect of fluvastatin on the expression of NF - κ B and PDGF-A in the blood vessel wall of atherosclerosis rabbits

  3. 基于普通USB采集卡的血管壁动态信息远程测控系统

    Vascular wall dynamic information distance measurement and control system based on general usb acquisition card

  4. 慢性缺氧大鼠肺内(肺血管壁)细胞增殖、凋亡及c-myc、p53基因表达研究

    The study of cell proliferation apoptosis and expression of c-myc and p53

  5. 国产红葡萄酒对食饵性AS血管壁NF-κB活化及MCP-1表达的影响

    Effect of Chinese Red Wine on Atherosclerosis in Activated Nuclear Factor - κ B and Expression of Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1

  6. b.应用抗纤维连接蛋白和层粘连蛋白的单克隆抗体染色观察血管壁中b>结构b>蛋白表达。

    B. Monoclonal antibodies such as anti Fibronectin and Laminin were used to investigate the expression of structure protein .

  7. 治疗组血管壁细胞增殖期细胞数明显低于对照组(P均<0.001)。

    It also showed that the number of proliferous cells of the arterial wall in the treatment group was significantly lower than that in the control group ( all P < 0.001 ) .

  8. AS时,血管壁LOX活性增高。

    LOX activities of vessel wall is increased at AS .

  9. 实验发现,大鼠皋丸间质结缔组织及血管壁接受NA能神经支配:此种带膨体荧光神经纤维发出分枝,伸进曲细精管壁;

    The experimental results showed that the interstitial tissue and the wall of blood vessels of testis and epididymides received noradrenergic nerve innervation .

  10. 最大密度投影(MIP)能较好显示主动脉血管壁的钙化;

    Maximum intensity projection ( MIP ) well displayed the calcification of the vascular wall ;

  11. ox-LDL在尿毒症患者血管壁上的沉积及其对血管重塑的影响

    Deposition of ox-LDL on uremic vessel wall and its influence on vascular remodeling

  12. CCA表现弥漫性血管壁增厚,较少出现斑块。

    Diffuse vessel wall incrassation occurs in CCA with few plaque formations . 5 .

  13. 2周后,测定血脂、血清ICAM-1、TNF-α水平及血管壁组织NF-κB的含量。

    After administered 2 weeks , blood lipids serum ICAM-1 , TNF - α levels and NF - κ B content in blood vessel tissue were determined .

  14. 进行股静脉的压力-容积(PV)关系测试,并观察血管壁的显微结构。

    Pressure volume ( P V ) relationship of rabbits femoral veins was measured and the microstructure of the veins was observed .

  15. 发现:(1)LA后血管壁可见c-fos、c-jun、C-myc和N-ras等癌基因表达;

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) There was expression of oncogenes c-fos , c-jun , c-myc and N-ras in vascular wall after LA .

  16. 结论络活喜可能通过抑制血管壁ET-1与MMP-2表达,遏制自发性高血压大鼠血管壁重塑。

    Conclusions Amlodipine may restrain vascular remodeling by down-regulating expression of ET-1 and MMP-2 in blood vessel in SHR rats .

  17. 基于IVUS影像的血管壁局部应变计算方法

    Method of calculating local strain of blood vessel wall based on IVUS image

  18. γ线照射对血管壁PGI2样活性的影响

    The influence on pgi_2-like activity of blood vessel wall following γ ray irradiation

  19. 经Losartan治疗后,在降压的同时淋巴细胞[Ca2+]i显著性下降,血管壁超微结构的损害得到明显逆转。

    After treatment of Losartan , lymphocyte cytosolic calcium I decreased significantly and the impaired ultrastructure of vascular wall reversed .

  20. ET-1免疫组化染色阳性细胞主要分布在肺动脉血管壁和心肌细胞上,染色程度由强到弱依次为B组>C组>A组。

    The distribution of ET-1 positive cells was seen in pulmonary arterial wall and cardiomyocytes . The ET-1 immunoreactivity was group B > group C > group A by turns .

  21. 目的探讨罗格列酮对自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)血管壁的保护作用。

    Objective To explore the protective effects of rosiglitazone on the vascular system of spontaneous hypertensive rat ( SHR ) .

  22. 通过OCT成像清晰地显示8处纤维斑块、3处钙化斑块、9处富含脂质斑块、2处血栓形成、斑块破裂3处及血管壁上夹层、粥样硬化斑块微小裂口和夹层等。

    Two thromboses , 8 fibrous , 9 lipid-rich and 3 calcium plaques as well as 3 plaque ruptures were visualized by OCT.

  23. 氧化性低密度脂蛋白(Ox-LDL)是重要的致损伤因素,它通过其受体介导血管壁的损伤。

    Oxidized LDL is one of important injury factors which mediated the damage to vascular wall through its receptor .

  24. SCLC呈大片状广泛坏死,血管壁嗜碱性,NHL没有此改变;

    SCLC large flake was extensive necrosis , blood vessel wall basophilic , NHL does not have this change ;

  25. 动脉硬化兔血管壁组织中LOX-1的表达

    Expression of LOX-1 protein in aorta of atherosclerotic rabbits

  26. 核因子-κB(NF-κB)激活一系列与血管壁病理生理相关的靶基因,包括细胞因子、化学因子、白细胞粘附分子和调节细胞增殖、细胞存活基因。

    NF κ B activates a variety of target genes relevant to the pathophysiology of the vessel wall , including cytokines , chemokines and leukocyte adhesion molecules , as well as genes that regulate cell proliferation and mediate cell survival .

  27. 研究人员因此进行了一项深度研究,旨在明确是否FSH受体存在于肿瘤的血管壁上。

    The researchers , therefore , undertook an in-depth study aimed at determining if FSH receptor was present in the blood vessels of tumours .

  28. 这些变化提示高脂可以通过抑制血管壁TM功能来影响机体局部抗凝功能。

    These data suggest that elevated blood level of LDL may contribute to decreasing the function of local anticoagulation by inhibiting the activity of TM on the vessel well .

  29. 肽6A对球囊损伤后大鼠主动脉血管壁增殖的影响

    Effect of peptide 6A on vascular cell proliferation induced by balloon angioplasty in rat aorta

  30. SAH后血清与血管壁PDGF与脑血管痉挛关系的基础研究

    Experimental Study on the Relationships between Expressions of PDGF in Serum and BA Vessel Walls and Cerebral Vasospasm after SAH in Rats