
  • 网络lactate;BLa;Lac
  1. 跆拳道运动员比赛前后最大耗氧量、血乳酸及血清LDH活性变化的研究

    On the O_2max , Lactate Acid and LDH Activity of Taekwondo Athlete

  2. 目的:探讨血乳酸水平监测对于ICU危重患者预后的评价和APACHEⅢ相比较是否存在一致性。

    Objective : To compare monitoring lactate with APACHE ⅲ on the prognosis evaluation of ICU critical ill patients and discuss the consistency of them .

  3. 不同海拔高度健康青年尿SOD和血乳酸的变化

    Changes of uric SOD and serum lactic acid in youths at different altitude

  4. 小鼠的运动后血乳酸含量,高、中、低剂量组均明显低于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Three Mare 's milk groups showed decrease of blood lactic acid in swimming mice after 40 days ' administration ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 结论虽运动中血乳酸引起血pH下降,但并未引起溶血发生。

    Conclusions These results suggest that the increased blood lactate concentration caused pH decreasing , but may not affect intravascular hemolysis during exercise .

  6. 对击剑运动员比赛心率、赛后血乳酸和血清CK的研究

    A Study on Fencers ' Competition Heart Rate , After-Competition Blood Lactic Acid and CK

  7. 血乳酸动态监测在ICU危重患者预后评价中的意义

    Significance of Blood Lactic Acid Dynamic Monitoring in the Prognosis Evaluation of ICU Cirtical Patients

  8. ICU患者血乳酸/血清胆碱酯酶的比值与APACHEⅡ评分的相关性研究

    Relevance research of ICU patient blood lactic acid / serum cholinesterase ratio and the APACHE ⅱ score

  9. 结论:DCA具有降低血乳酸的作用。

    CONCLUSION : DCA has the action to decrease blood lactic acid .

  10. 结果:外科ICU危重病人的死亡危险性与血乳酸水平呈正相关;

    Result : The death risk was positive correlated with blood lactic acid level among these patients in SICU .

  11. 本文通过逐级递增负荷运动时血乳酸、血液PH和其他酸碱状态指标的测定,以三种方式计算了受试者的血液缓冲能力。

    Blood lactate ( LA ), blood pH , and other acid-base status during graded exercise were tested to calculate blood buffer capacity ( BC ) of the subjects .

  12. 男子400m专项运动员血乳酸与血液动力学关系的研究

    Studies on the Relations Between Blood Lactic Acid and Blood Dynamics of Man 's 400m-Athletes

  13. 结果各组年龄、性别、APACHEⅡ评分和初始血乳酸浓度比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    Results There were no differences in age , sex , the score of APACHE ⅱ after admission to ICU and the initial blood concentration of lactate ( P > 0.05 ) .

  14. 男子400m分段时间对运动成绩的影响及血乳酸值的变化

    Effect of Split Time on Men 's 400 m Running Performance and the Changes of Blood Lactate

  15. 目的旨在了解小儿Ⅰ型糖尿病酮症酸中毒(DKA)时血乳酸水平的变化。

    Objective To explore the lactic acid metabolism in DKA patients .

  16. 以30%和50%MVC负荷强度运动时,出现了表面肌电图的MF值逐步下降和血乳酸浓度逐渐增加的现象;

    30 % and 50 % MVC witnessed a step-by-step dissension in MF , and a step-by-step ascension of blood lactate content .

  17. 大强度间歇训练对男子运动员400m全速跑血乳酸的影响

    The Influence of High Intensity Intermittence Training on BLA of Male 400 m Athletes at Full Speed Running

  18. 结论:低温CPB期间予异丙酚6~8mg/kg·h持续静脉泵注能维持血糖及血乳酸浓度正常。

    Conclusion : Infusion of propofol at a rate of 6 ~ 8mg / kg · h intravenously during CPB can keep blood concentration of glucose and lactate normal .

  19. 结果两组患者血乳酸下降、血pH上升的速度有显著性差异(P<005),机械通气组优于常规组;

    Results The fall speed of lactic acid level in plasma and rise speed of pH of arterial blood in two groups were significantly different ( P < 0.05 ), mechanical ventilation group were faster .

  20. 结论:1.耐力训练可降低机体在递增负荷运动中同等负荷条件下血乳酸的浓度和MDA的含量,说明耐力训练提高了机体有氧氧化的供能能力和抗氧化系统的功能。

    Endurance training can reduce the blood lactate concentration and MDA content , Indicating body endurance training can improve the aerobic oxidation capacity and the antioxidant system function . 2 .

  21. 其中肠功能的观察指标主要为血浆二胺氧化酶;全身炎症反应方面则采用全身炎症评分、血乳酸浓度、C反应蛋白、TNF-a、IL-10作为观察指标。

    Intestinal function was observed by plasma diamine oxidase while systemic inflammatory response was observed by inflammatory score , blood lactate concentration , C-reactive protein , TNF-a and IL-10.4 .

  22. 目的探讨血乳酸和血糖值在全身炎症反应综合征(SIRS)时的监测价值和诊疗中的意义。

    Objective To explore the role of diagnosis and monitoring of blood lactate acid and glucose in systemic inflammatory response syndrome ( SIRS ) .

  23. 血乳酸和血液、心、肝、肾、肺、脑等组织器官MDA的曲线变化拐点是否具有随训练水平提高而同步后移的动态变化规律。

    Whether the blood lactate inflection point and heart , liver , kidney , lung , brain , MDA-curve inflection point are postpone in synchronization with the improved level of training , 3 .

  24. 不同耐力训练水平大鼠的血乳酸拐点和血MDA拐点随训练水平的提高而同步后移,且血MDA拐点的出现滞后于血乳酸拐点,这一规律性的动态变化明显。

    The blood lactate inflection point and MDA inflection point of different endurance training levels rats were delayed in step , and the blood MDA inflection point fell behind the blood lactate inflection point .

  25. 目的探讨血糖、血乳酸在合并全身性炎症反应综合征(SIRS)的小儿肺炎患者中的变化。

    Objective : To determine the change of blood glucose and blood lactic acid in children with pneumonia accompanying systemic inflammatory response syndrome ( SIRS ) .

  26. 检测各组脑组织超微结构、颈静脉血乳酸含量、脑组织ATP含量和一氧化氮合成酶(NOS)活性。

    Ultrastructure of cerebral tissue , lactate content in venous return blood , ATP content in cerebral tissue and activity of nitric oxide synthetase ( NOS ) in cerebral cells were measured .

  27. MET加DA(5μg·kg-1·min-1)后有扩张血管降低血压作用.但增加MET用量.血乳酸和肌酐值也呈上升态势。

    The addition of DA ( 5 μ g · kg-1 · min-1 ) induced a decrease in BP , but with an increase in MET doses , blood concentration of lactic acid and creatinine content were also increased .

  28. T4、T5时的血乳酸(Lac)水平明显高于T0时(P<0·05)。

    The content of arterial lactate at T_4 , T_5 were much higher than that at T_ 0 ( P < 0.05 ) .

  29. 结果表明,力竭性疲劳时,与游泳组相比,跑台组大鼠心肌和骨骼肌的组织学损伤相对较少,且血乳酸浓度也低于游泳组(P<0.01)。

    The results showed that when fatigue , the histological injury degree in treadmill running group was relatively lighter than that of swimming group , and the concentration of lactic acid in the former group was lower than that of the latter ( P > 0.001 ) .

  30. 主要观察指标:血管紧张素I转换酶基因型测定、800m跑成绩测定、血乳酸浓度测定。

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : Detection of I / D genotype , result of 800-meter race , and concentration of blood lactic acid .