
  • 网络muscle feeling;Muscle Sense
  1. 田径课教学与肌肉感觉

    Track and Field Teaching and Muscle Feeling

  2. 形成神经肌肉感觉(即协调和动作控制);

    Develop neuromuscular awareness ( i.e.coordination and movement control );

  3. 于是当肌肉感觉到胰岛素被分泌出来时,它们知道此时应该开始恢复体力,修复受损组织。

    When muscles sense the presence of insulin , they see that its time to begin healing and recuperation .

  4. 罚球肌肉运动感觉的心理训练

    Psychological Training of the Motion Sense of Muscle in Penalty Shot

  5. 提高幼儿肌肉运动感觉敏感度的实验性研究

    Experimental Research on Improvement of the Sports Sensitivity of Children 's Muscle

  6. 我凭肌肉能感觉到我在支撑着它。

    I feel , in my muscles , the need to push up .

  7. 现代舞正确肌肉用力感觉的形成

    Formation of proper muscle perception in modern dance

  8. 盲人门球投球时肌肉运动感觉的心理训练探讨

    A discussion of mental training for muscle sense while shooting gate ball by the blind

  9. 肌肉用力感觉的方法对体操技术动作与人体的作用

    The Feeling of Muscle Acting : Its Role in the Gymnastic Technique with the Human Body

  10. 他通过肌肉运动感觉形状。

    He can perceive shapes kinesthetically .

  11. 绷紧肌肉的感觉非常棒。

    Tensing your muscles is brilliant .

  12. 我的肌肉没有感觉到任何承重,所以壶是无重量的。

    I no longer * my muscles don 't feel anything and the bottle is therefore weightless .

  13. 该测力机器人为人体上肢肌肉运动感觉和人机接触交互研究提供了一个系统的实验平台。

    This arm wrestling robot provides a system experiment platform for the study of moving feelings of human upper limbs and human-robot interaction .

  14. 通过对现代舞舞步正确肌肉用力感觉形成的基础及过程的分析,阐述了舞步的正确肌肉感觉形成的本质及运动技能形成的三个阶段,介绍了相应的强化训练方法。

    By analysing basis and process of formation of proper muscle perception in steps of modern dance , this paper expounded the nature of formation and 3 stages to form the movement skill and introduced intensive training methods .

  15. 实验结果显示:视觉与本体感觉的反馈信息控制能有效地诱导学生寻找完成规定动作所必须的肌肉本体感觉,加速建立正确的运动动力定型,显著地提高教学效率。

    Measures analysis indicated that feedback control method of visual and muscle sense could guide validly them to understand clearly muscle sense in the process of right technique shaping , accelerating right technique finalizing , improving remarkably efficiency of teaching-learning .

  16. 他总是大喊:享受肌肉燃烧的感觉!

    He 's always shouting : ' Feel the burn ! '

  17. 有时在一年后,肌肉会开始感觉无力。

    Sometimes up to a year later the muscles start to feel weak .

  18. 使用一面镜子检查你的面部肌肉,如果感觉比较好就继续做我提议做的。

    Use a mirror to check in with your face muscles or better still do what I do .

  19. 感染疟疾的症状和感冒一样,最常见的(患者会)发高烧,打寒战,肌肉酸痛并且感觉四肢疲软。

    Symptoms of malaria are similar to flu , a high fever , shaking chills , muscle aches and tiredness being the most common .

  20. 对于健康人,也配备了其他装置,比如来源于肌肉神经的感觉反馈信号,可以调节肌肉运动,可以告诉使用者是否正确使用肌肉。

    " Healthy people have other tools , such as sensory feedback from muscles nerves , which report on muscle control , telling them whether or not they are using their muscles correctly ," says Baram .

  21. 难道肌肉隐隐约约的“感觉”到它需要血液供应?

    Is it possible that muscle somehow intuitively knows that it needs this blood supply ?

  22. 她全身肌肉酸痛,并且感觉像是有了发烧的前兆。

    Her muscles ached , and she felt as if she had the beginnings of a fever .

  23. 肌肉伸拉的感觉与肌肉紧张引起的疼痛是有区别的。

    There is a difference between the feeling of stretching muscles and the pain associated with strain .

  24. 来自肌肉的绝大部分感觉或传入神经冲动不会由人所意识到。

    The majority of the sensory or , afferent impulses from muscle do not reach the level of consciousness .

  25. 由此,肌肉组织内部有感觉感受器,通过这些感受器向神经系统传达肌肉的僵硬度或者是松弛度。

    To check this , your muscles have sensory receptors inside the muscle tissue itself which tell your nervous system just how stiff or relaxed these muscles are .