
  • 网络Decomposition rates;rate of decomposition
  1. 分解速率和N、P变化取决于分解材料的烧失重与总氮比值。

    The decomposition rates and N , P changes were decided by the ratio of AFOW to TN.

  2. Zn-Al合金中Al和Cu对α'相和β相分解速率的影响

    Effects of Al and Cu on Decomposition Rates of α ' and β Phases in Zn-Al Alloys

  3. 研究结果表明:落叶分解速率(落叶干重残留百分率和分解常数k)与矿质元素初始浓度之间没有明显的相关性。

    No significant relationships were found between de-composition rate ( percentage dry mass remaining and decomposition constant k ) and initial element concentrations .

  4. 采用圆盘塔研究了F(22)在碱液中的分解速率。

    The rate of F_ ( 22 ) ( Freon-22 ) decomposition in alkaline solution has been studied by means of discs column .

  5. 稳定剂、尤其复合稳定剂的加入能够显著降低POM的起始分解速率常数。

    And degradation rate constant decreases considerably by adding stabilizers , especially compound stabilizers .

  6. 介绍了氯乙烯聚合反应体系pH值的变化对分散剂的稳定性和引发剂的分解速率的影响。

    The influences of the change of pH value of the vinyl chloride polymerization system on the stability of dispersant and the decomposition rate of initiator were introduced .

  7. 而H2O2的投加量过多,将使铁的络合物更加稳定,H2O2的分解速率受到限制,投加量过少,效果也会降低。

    Excessive hydrogen peroxide can make its decomposing rate decrease and the stability of complex ferric ion increase .

  8. 结果表明,双氧水的分解速率随时间的延长、温度的升高、pH值的提高而加快,32同时也表明希夫碱金属配合物具有优异的催化效果。

    The results show that the decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide was accelerated with the extension of time , the rise of temperature and the increase of pH value .

  9. 利用XRD研究了Al和Cu对Zn-Al合金中'α和β相分解速率的影响。

    The effects of Al and Cu on decomposition rates of α ' and β phases in Zn-Al alloys were investigated by using XRD .

  10. 推进剂燃速压力指数与AP高、低压下催化分解速率的不同有关。

    The pressure exponents of burn of the propellants can be related to the rates of the catalyzed decomposition of AP at various pressures .

  11. 结果表明,发泡剂AC分解速率随温度升高而增大,分解活化能随发泡剂AC含量的增大而增大;

    The results showed that the decomposing rate of blowing agent AC increased with the temperature and the activating energy for decomposition increased with the addition level of blowing agent AC ;

  12. 实验测量了H2O2在不同体系不同条件下的分解速率,并与相应的传统式体系作了比较。

    The decomposition rate of H 2O 2 was measured in different systems under different conditions and was compared with the traditional system .

  13. 在49天的培养期内,DOC的分解速率为31%~58%,其中低分子量组分能在数天内降解掉。

    During the 49 days of incubation , decomposition rate of DOC was 31 % ~ 58 % , which differed from soils .

  14. H2O的存在能够降低SF5CF3的分解速率,但降低的量与H2O的分压无关。

    The dissociation of SF_5CF_3 was reduced if the system existed H_2O , but it was independent of the amount of H_2O .

  15. CHP在该反应过程中起重要作用,反应速率随着CHP分解速率的增加而增加。

    Cumene hydroperoxide played an important role in this reaction , the reaction rate increased with CHP decomposition rate .

  16. 研究结果表明,通过提高低温段的升温速度来加快碳酸铝铵的热分解速率,会使各Al2O3相的转化速度明显增大,相转化温度明显降低,对α-Al2O3的生成产生有利的影响。

    It is demonstrated that , as the heating rate of the AACH is increased , the phases of formation temperatures of the different Al_2O_3 phases decrease .

  17. 以上结果说明:在RAFT聚合中,自由基中间体太稳定,其分解速率有所降低,导致整个聚合反应速率变慢。

    In the RAFT polymerization , the reaction rate was reduced which was attributed to the slow decomposed rate resulting from the fine stability of the radical mediate .

  18. 就各养分而言,C的归还量最大,其次为N。3.凋落枝和叶1a的分解速率中阔叶林明显大于针叶林,各林分凋落物中,凋落叶明显大于凋落枝。

    Just as nutrient , C had the volume of nutrient for return and N was second . ( 3 ) The rate of decomposition for branch and leaf litter is significantly higher than in coniferous forest .

  19. 低温下,TAA分解速率影响产物的组成、形貌和大小。

    At low temperature , the decomposition rate of TAA influences the composition and morphology and grain size of the products .

  20. 研究发现GAP有效地包覆在超细高氯酸铵的表面,且GAP用量越大,包覆层越致密,包覆效果越好,热分解速率越快。

    The studies found that GAP can be effectively coated on the surface of ultra-fine AP . If the amount of GAP was greater , the coated layer was denser , the coating effect was better , and thermal decomposition was faster .

  21. 实验数据表明,在反应的前50h,CH4水合物的分解速率较快,其后分解速率变慢。

    Experimental data showed that the decomposition rate of CH4 hydrate was faster in the first 50 hours than the later time .

  22. 综合现有的资料表明,大气CO2浓度增加,会促进绿色植物生物量增加,同时改变生物质的C/N比,降低有机质的分解速率,增强了陆地生态系统对大气CO2的固持作用;

    Generally , elevated atmospheric CO 2 may stimulate biomass accumulation , and enlarge C / N ratio in plant tissue so as to reduce the decomposition of organic matter . This action could increase CO 2 sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems .

  23. 同时,纳米SiO2的引入可提高PMMA的耐热性能,当SiO2含量为14.7%时,其玻璃化转变温度和最大热分解速率时的温度分别提高了11.8℃和18.8℃。

    The introduction of nano-silica into PMMA improved the heat-resistance of PMMA . When SiO_2 content was 14.7 % , the glass temperature and the temperature of maximum degradation rate were increased by 11.8 ℃ and 18.8 ℃, respectively .

  24. PC-602对次氯酸钠的稳定性无影响,葡萄糖酸钠和水杨酸钠复配具有协同增效作用.但可加速次氯酸钠的分解速率。

    For PC-602 , there are no influence on the stability of sodium salicylate can be accelerate the rate of decomposition of sodium hypochlorite .

  25. 通过比较RDX-AP体系在不同温度下的分解速率常数可知,在高温时AP使RDX分解速率常数增大,而常温下分解速率常数减小。

    Compared with the decomposition rate constants of RDX at different temperature , it showed that AP made the decomposition rate of RDX-AP mixture increase obviously at high temperature , and lower the value at normal temperature .

  26. 利用非线性最小二乘方拟合法得到了预平衡步的K1、K2和速控步的k.利用温度系数法得到了相应的活化参数,并讨论了不同取代基对酸分解速率的影响。

    The dissociation rate reachs a plateau in strongly acidic solution K_1 and K_2 of the pre-equilibrium steps and k of the rate-controlled step are obtained by means of non-linear least-spuares fitting method , and corresponding activation parameters are also obtained by means of temperature coefficient method .

  27. 未伤肢蛋白质分解速率48h高于正常,但72h已降至正常水平,伤肢则在72h明显高于正常与未伤肢,骨骼肌溶酶体组织蛋白酶活性与分解速率呈明显正相关。

    The protein catabolic rate of uninjured limb was higher than the normal at h 48 , but it came to normal level at h 72 . The rate of the injured limb was higher than that of normal and uninjured limbs significantly 72 h after the scalding .

  28. 两种中国特有树种的枯叶分解速率

    The litter decomposition rates of two endemic tree species of China

  29. 自由基聚合氧化还原引发体系的分解速率常数

    Decomposition rate constant of oxidation-reduction initiation systems in free radical polymerization

  30. 过氧化氢催化分解速率常数测定实验的改进

    An Improvement on The Experiment of Catalytical Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide