
fēn bù xínɡ
  • profile;distribution pattern
  1. 叶片尾缘线表征了叶片出口气流的分布型,它囊括了尾迹、激波、二次流等所有影响,另一方面,叶片前缘线代表了其对上游流场的势干扰。

    In fact , the blade trailing edge denotes the profile of outflow , in which the wake , the shock wave and other secondary flow phenomena are involved , while the blade leading edge presents potential interference on the former blade .

  2. 模糊聚类分析表明C和I为测定杉木涩籽分布型的典型指标。

    Fuzzy clustering showed that the representive indices were I and C for testing the distribution pattern .

  3. 其6种分布型指数可分为三类:即(1)m~/m,CA,Iδ;

    The six indices were classified into three kinds : ( 1 ) m ~ / m , C_A , I_ δ;

  4. 已有的很多研究均是采用分布型动力学机制研究MAPK转导通路模型。

    Many existing studies use distributive mechanism to describe the dynamic mechanism of the MAPK transduction pathway model .

  5. 马尾松毛虫(DendrolimusPunctatusWalker)的空间分布型及其在实践上的应用

    Spatial distribution patterns of the pine caterpillar ( dendrolimus punctatus walker ) and its application in practice

  6. 采用聚集度指数(I、C、M、CA、K、Iδ)和Iwao及Taylor法,研究了稻粒黑粉病病株在稻田的空间分布型。

    Aggregation indices and the methods of Iwao and Taylor were used in the study of spatial distribution patterns of the rice grain smut in the field .

  7. 同时两种爬行动物胃肠胰系统5-HT细胞的分布型存在着种间差异。

    On the other hand , some species-dependent discrepancies in distributional patterns of 5-HT cells in the GEP system are also detected between the two reptiles .

  8. 给出了单参数指数、两参数指数、两参数Weibull及两参数对数正态分布型产品在基于分组型数据下参数的近似极大似然估计。

    Present the approximate maximum likelihood estimate of the parameters under multicomponent data with a single-parameter exponential , two-parameter exponential , two-parameter Weibull or two-parameter log-normal distribution .

  9. 数据分布型sort-first并行图形绘制系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of a Data Distributed Sort-First Parallel Rendering System

  10. 然后又采用奇异值分解(SVD)法找到了两场之间较好的对应分布型,并由实测资料得到验证。

    The SVD method is used to identify corresponding distribution patterns between precipitation fields and SSTA fields , which are verified by real data , finally .

  11. 结果表明:(1)在大气-海洋相互作用过程中,与厄尔尼诺(或拉尼娜)事件有关的SST分布型起着重要作用,而与此耦合的大气则表现为类似于PNA型遥相关的变化。

    Result shows , the PNA teleconnection is closely connected with EL Nino and the patterns-Japan ( PJ ) teleconnection pattern is related with La Nina .

  12. 芳香木蠹蛾东方亚种(CossuscossusorientalisGaede)空间分布型的研究


  13. 而最近的实验结果表明:哺乳动物细胞中MAPK级联反应可以在一定的条件下由分布型磷酸化过渡到过程型磷酸化反应。

    Recently , an experimental result shows that the kinetics mechanism of the MAPK cascade in mammalian cells can convert distributive phosphorylation into the processive phosphorylation under certain conditions .

  14. 讨论了光纤分子瑞利(Rayleigh)背向散射精细结构谱和光纤分子喇曼(Raman)背向散射光谱及其温度效应,以及在分布型光纤温度传感网络上应用研究的进展。

    The temperature effect of Rayleigh back scattering fine structure spectrum and Raman back scattering spectrum of optical fiber and the applied research for distributed optical fiber temperature sensor network are discussed in the paper .

  15. 本文通过对夏季热带西太平洋暖池区SSTA的EOF分析,发现夏季暖池区海温存在两种主要空间分布型,即SSTA的一致性分布和南北半球反对称分布。

    Based on the SST data , the temporal and spatial variations of SSTA in Western Pacific Warm Pool region have been analyzed in this paper by means of EOF .

  16. 正态分布型的Gauss-Weierstrass算子的逼近性质

    Some Approximate Properties of Normally Distributed Gauss-Weierstrass Operators

  17. 采用Iwao的m~-m回归分析和Taylor幂的法则,测定三种松毛虫混合种群幼虫的空间分布型和其单一种群一样呈聚集分布,以个体群的形式存在于林间。

    In order to analyse the distribution pattern of the larvae of three kinds caterpillar mixed communty in forest the M ~ & M regression analysing method of Iwao and Taylor 's power law were used in this paper .

  18. 研究了这两类降水分布型的环流特征,结果指出:北半球500hPa位势高度场有着显著的差异。

    The circulation analysis results show that there are obviously differences between the NH 500 hPa geopotential height fields of P1 and P2 precipitation pattern .

  19. 本文采用概率频次拟合法和种群扩散指数法测定了油菜病毒病(TpMV、YMV和CMV)在油菜幼苗期、越冬期及盛花期的田间分布型。

    The spacial distribution patterns of rape virus disease ( TpMV , YMV , CMV and TMV ) in seedling stage , overwintering period and flowering phase were studied respectively in this paper .

  20. 用北太平洋(含赤道太平洋区)1949~1979年的COADS资料,通过矢量EOF分解得到北太平洋异常风场的分布型及其时间变化规律。

    The vector EOF analysis method is employed to analyze the wind data ( COADS ) of the northern Pacific ( including the equatorial Pacific ) from 1949 to 1979 and several dominant anomalous wind modes and their time variations are obtained .

  21. 结果:兔灌胃及静注Ani后其药动学行为符合二室模型,属快分布型药物,Fabs为6.36%。

    ZHU program on microcomputer . Results : A two compartment open model featured the pharmacokinetic process after iv or ig Ani in rabbits , belong to fast distribution drug , absolute bioavailability is 6.36 % . ( 2 ) C shape ;

  22. 应用空间分布型统计参数IWAOM-m模型中α、β及若干聚集度指标分析了烟蚜在晒红烟烟田的空间格局,并对抽样技术进行了探讨。

    The spacial pattern of Myzus persicae ( Sulzer ) in tobacco field was analyzed with the α, β and some indexes of social degree in Iwao m-m model of statistical parameter of spacial distribution , and the sampling technique was discussed as well .

  23. 利用1998年广东省番茄花叶病春、秋两季的大田调查资料,采用各种分布型指数分析了病株的田间分布型和秋季植株传毒有翅蚜介体(Myzuspersicae)的空间分布型。

    Based on the results of field investigation in spring and autumn tomato planted fields in Guangdong province in 1998 , a detail analysis was conducted for spatial distributions of the diseased plants and its aphid vectors ( Myzus persicae ) in autumn with several indices of spatial pattern .

  24. 甜菜象虫幼虫田间分布型及抽样研究

    Field distribution pattern of beet weevil larva and its sampling technique

  25. 松埃尺蛾空间分布型及其在实践中的应用

    Spatial Distribution Patterns of Ectropis crepuscularia and Their Application in Practice

  26. 对小地老虎卵空间分布型及抽样技术的调查分析

    Spatial distribution pattern and sampling method on eggs of Agrotis ipsilon

  27. 枇杷园蜘蛛混合种群空间分布型的动态分析

    Dynamics of Spatial Distribution of Mixed Spider Populations in Loquat Orchard

  28. 金钱松小卷蛾幼虫空间分布型的研究

    Spatial Distribution Patterns of the Larvae of Golden Larch Olethreutid Moth

  29. 苹果蠹蛾空间分布型及数学消长模型研究

    Study on the Spatial Distribution and Mathematics Models of Codling Moth

  30. 文中给出了I(d)的计算方法及用I(d)判定昆虫种群空间分布型的标准,并以马尾松毛虫的空间分布为例进行了实例研究。

    The calculation method of I ( d ) was given .