
  • 网络secretory epithelium
  1. S100蛋白及CK(34βE12)在各组肌上皮细胞染色阳性率较低,并可见分泌上皮阳性着色。

    The positive rates of S 100 and CK ( 34 β E12 ) were low in each group and they also expressed immunoreactivity in the secretory epithelia ;

  2. 透射电镜下12例腋臭患者顶泌汗腺细胞整体形态显示典型的分泌上皮细胞特征,8例顶泌汗腺细胞未显示典型上皮细胞特征;

    Under the electron microscope , typical features of secretory epithelial cells were shown in 12 cases .

  3. 结果表明表皮生长因子主要定位于前列腺的分泌上皮细胞,正常前列腺和良性前列腺增生组织中表皮生长因子的活性无显著性差异。

    Our results showed that EGF was mainly localized to the secretory epithelium . There was no significant difference between the amount of EGF activity in normal prostate and benign prostatic hyperplasia .

  4. 兔泪腺摘除后的泪液分泌及其角膜上皮的形态学改变

    Changes of Tear Secretion and Morphology of Corneal Epithelium after Lacrimal Gland Extirpation in Rabbits

  5. 结果获得了1株稳定分泌抗人晶状体上皮细胞McAb的杂交瘤细胞系,其亚类为IgM。

    Results One hybridoma cell line secreting anti-human lens epithelial cell McAb was successfully obtained , its subclass is IgM .

  6. PCOS组分泌期内膜腺上皮细胞Ki67表达为(14±6)%,对照组为(9±7)%,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0·05)。

    Compared with the control group , the anovulatory PCOS group showed a significant higher expression of Ki-67 in the glandular cell of the secretory phase endometrium ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 蜕膜组织中的腺体具有乳头状结构,并呈高度分泌状态,腺上皮细胞的胞浆较丰富。

    Decidua glands with papillary structures , and was highly secretory state , the cytoplasm of epithelial cells rich .

  8. 随着时间的推移,鳃部粘液开始异常分泌,病原体侵袭上皮细胞,不久鱼就会因呼吸困难而死亡。

    As time goes on , gills mucus began to secret abnormally ; epithelial cells , pathogens , and soon the fish will die due to breathing difficulties .

  9. 为此,本研究通过体外细胞实验,观察了从液体培养幽门螺杆菌上清液粗提的含有VacA的分泌蛋白对胃壁细胞酸分泌以及胃上皮细胞增殖/凋亡的调控作用。

    For this reason , the purpose of this study was to observe the regulation and control of the crude extracted protein containing VacA of H.pylori Broth culture filtrate on the acid secretion of isolated parietal cells from rabbit and the proliferation / apoptosis of gastric epithelial cells .