
  • 网络blood-air barrier;blood air barrier;Air-blood barrier;blood-gas barrier;bllood air barrier
  1. 14d肺泡数目增多并渐成熟,气血屏障变薄;

    Lungs of 7 d , 14 d preterm rats the number of alveoli increased and became mature , the thickness of the blood-air barrier became thinner and thinner ;

  2. 胎儿肺泡上皮和气血屏障的电镜观察

    Transmission electron microscopic observation of alveolar epithelium and blood-air barrier of human fetus

  3. 结果阴性对照组和佐剂对照组豚鼠在激发后1h、24h、72h肺泡间质无明显炎性细胞浸润,气血屏障结构完整、清晰。

    It was found that there was no obvious inflammatory infiltration in the lung tissues of the normal control group and adjuvant control group after challenge with the Ascaris allergen , and the blood air barrier distinct and intact ;

  4. 在ALI中,微血管内皮细胞,作为气血屏障的主要构成成分,不仅是损伤炎症级联反应的作用靶细胞,而且是这种反应的积极参与者,对肺血管内皮通透性、气血交换有重要影响。

    In ALI , endothelial cells of microvessel as main components of blood gas barrier , are the action target cells during cascade reaction of injury inflammation and actively take part in such action , exerting important effect on permeability and blood gas exchange of the pulmonary vascular endothelium .

  5. 胎龄19周时,即可辨认肺泡Ⅰ型上皮细胞和气血屏障。

    The pneumocyte type ⅰ and blood-air barrier were present at 19 weeks .

  6. 形成了由Ⅰ型细胞-基膜-内皮细胞组成的气血屏障。

    The blood-air barrier was composed of type ⅰ cell , basement membrane and endothelium .

  7. 并对肺泡上皮细胞、气血屏障造成严重的损伤,使细胞器出现空泡、肿胀或呈碎裂状改变;

    The type I and type II alveolar cells appeared swollen , vacuolated and broken with the blood air barrier severely damaged and surfactants significantly decreased .

  8. 为阐明不同胎龄肺泡表面上皮和气血屏障的发育状况,对24例受精龄为14~40周的人胎肺脏,进行透射电镜观察。

    In order to investigate the development of the lung , the ultrastructure of alveolar epithelium from 24 human fetuses of 14-40 weeks in gestation age were observed .

  9. 电镜观察肺泡Ⅱ型细胞损害较重,肺毛细血管细胞连接间隙增宽,气血屏障结构变薄等。

    It was also found under electronic microscopy that cells of type ⅱ in alveoli were damaged , cellar connective spaces of capillaries in lungs increased and gas & blood barriers thinned .

  10. 大气细颗粒物表面吸附了大量有毒有害物质,可通过呼吸而沉积在肺泡,甚至可以通过气血屏障进入血液循环,引起机体呼吸、心血管、免疫等系统的损害。

    Furthermore , a lot of toxic compounds adsorbed on fine particles can deposit in the alveoli through inhalation , even penetrate the air-blood barrier into blood circulation . Therefore , fine particles may result in a wide range of damages to respiratory , cardiovascular , immune and other systems .