
  • 网络direct energy;Direct Energie
  1. ATP是肌肉收缩的直接能源,在整个肌肉收缩过程中起着关键的作用。

    ATP is the direct energy and plays a key role in the process of muscle contraction .

  2. 结论MDMA耗竭大脑皮层直接能源物质ATP,对中枢5-HT系统具有明显的神经毒性。

    Conclusion MDMA could deplete the direct energetic substance ATP . MDMA could exert neurotoxic effect on 5-HT system .

  3. 认为磷酸肌酸作为肌肉收缩直接能源的观点,流行了不过数年。

    The view that phosphocreatine was the direct source of energy for muscular contraction lasted only a few years .

  4. 煤炭是一种不可再生的碳烃资源,具有特殊的化学结构和特性,其直接能源利用不仅造成严重的环境污染,而且造成这一重要资源的极大浪费。

    Coal is a non-renewable hydrocarbon resource , and it is special chemical structure and characteristics . The direct application of coal not only brought environmental pollution seriously , but also led to wasting resources extremely .

  5. 直接为能源公司提供贷款的银行也焦虑不安。

    Banks that have directly lent to the energy companies are also twitchy .

  6. 如果不注重建筑节能设计,将直接加剧能源危机。

    Neglect of the building energy-saving design will directly aggravate the energy crisis .

  7. 能源安全是一个直接与能源供求比例相联系的概念,但在全球化条件下,能源安全又应当是一个处于开放体系中并与世界相互依存的概念。

    The concept of energy security is directly linked not only to the relations between energy demand and supply , but also , under the conditions of globalization , it is linked to an open global system .

  8. 电热直接供暖是能源的低效应用;

    Electric power heating is an application of low energy efficiency ;

  9. 换热器性能的好坏,直接影响着能源利用和转换的效率。

    Their performances are directly connected with the effective using and transferring of energy .

  10. 另一方面气候变化又直接影响到能源消耗。

    On another hand , the globe climate change might directly impact on energy consumption .

  11. 此外,作为一种减少依赖石油的直接步骤,能源效率标准也应该被提高。

    In addition , fuel-efficiency standards should be raised as an immediate step towards reducing dependency on oil .

  12. 由于各产业对能源的需求量不同,产业结构变动直接影响着能源的消费量变化。

    Because energy demand for each industry is different , so a change in the industrial structure will directly affects energy consumption .

  13. 但我国幅员辽阔,地区差异较大,各省(直辖市、自治区)吸引的外商直接投资和能源利用效率都不同。

    However , China is a big country with vast territory and regional differences . Provinces in China have different FDI and energy efficiency .

  14. 锅炉作为将一次能源转化为二次能源的重要设备之一,其工作情况的好坏直接影响到能源利用率的高低。

    As one of important devices that transformed the crude resource into quadric resource , the boiler 's working status affects the using rate of resource directly .

  15. 我国建筑耗能的数字非常惊人:在建造和使用过程中直接消耗的能源占全社会总能耗的20%。

    Chinese building energy consumption are very alarming : in the construction and use of direct energy consumption accounted for 20 % of the total social energy consumption .

  16. 指出电直接供热是能源的低效应用,但可以作为其他供热方式的补充或用于建筑局部供热。

    Points out that direct electricity heating is of low energy efficiency , but it can be a supplement to other heating modes or for spot heating in buildings .

  17. 节约能源在国外已经被列为继煤、是有、天然气、水力、核能之后的第五种能源,而且作为一种直接有效的能源开发。

    Energy saving in foreign countries has been listed as following the coal , are , gas , hydraulic , nuclear energy after five kinds of energy , but as a direct and efficient energy development .

  18. 中低温地热水的主要应用形式为地热供暖,经供暖设备换热后的低温地热尾水温度偏高,直接排放造成能源的极大浪费。

    The main application of low-temperature geothermal water is in the form of geothermal heating , but the temperature of the discharge water after heat exchanged by the heating system is hill , which causing great waste of energy .

  19. 另外,铁路机车柴油机的耗油占到我国全部轻柴油产品的三十分之一强,作为耗油大户,其质量的高低也直接影响着能源利用率和大气污染指数。

    And the diesel 's consume oil of railway locomotive accounts for more than one thirtieth of whole light diesel oil in our country , the diesel 's quality affect also using rate of energy sources and atmosphere index of pollution .

  20. 由于存在大量生产条件较差、技术相对落后的小煤矿,山西煤炭产业整体技术水平较低,这直接导致了能源的极大浪费,同时造成了严重的煤炭生产安全问题,矿难事故屡屡发生。

    There are a large number of small coal mines which have poor production conditions and outdated technology in Shanxi , so that the whole level of the technology is low . This directly led to great waste of energy and caused serious safety problems of coal production .

  21. 太阳能作为一种巨量的可再生能源,是目前大量应用的化石能源的主要替代能源之一,是人类可利用的最直接的清洁能源之一,因此开发利用太阳能具有重大的战略意义。

    The energy of sun is a huge self-born resource , is one of the main substitute of petrifaction resource largely used at present , and it is one of cleanly resource available by human . Therefore , the exploitive of the energy of sun has a great strategic meaning .

  22. 煤炭直接液化在中国能源战略中的作用

    The Role of Coal Direction Liquefaction in China Energy Strategy

  23. 煤直接液化是中国能源可持续发展的一项技术途径

    Coal Direct Liquefaction-One Technical Access of China Energy Sustainable Development

  24. 生物质资源作为一种可直接液化的可再生能源引起世人格外关注。

    Biomass energy attracts the worldwide attention as it is a renewable energy which can be liquefied directly .

  25. 我国煤炭采选业的好坏直接关系到国家能源供给的大局。

    Good or not of mine and pick coal in our country is important to our energy supply .

  26. 中国和东盟国家的政治、经济关系将直接影响到中国能源安全。

    And this will ultimately affect bilateral relations between China and ASEAN nations in politics , economics as well .

  27. 能源安全战略体系的构建和实施直接决定着国家能源安全状况。

    System of energy security strategy and implementation of a direct role in determining the country 's energy security .

  28. 另一方面,中日能源的竞争与合作也直接影响了地区能源合作态势。中日能源关系与东北亚能源安全合作是相互影响,相互促进的。

    On the other hand , the competition and cooperation between China and Japan influence Northeast Asian energy cooperation .

  29. 热电材料是一种电能与热能之间实现直接转换的新型能源材料。

    Thermoelectric materials are functional materials which can be used to convert thermal energy into electrical energy or vice versa directly .

  30. 这些系统可以直接利用低品位能源包括:废热、太阳能以及地热等,提供冷量或热量。

    These systems use the low thermal energy such as waste heat , solar energy , geothermal energy etc , to provide cooling and heating directly .