
  • 网络Direct extension;Straight Extension
  1. 基质层直接延伸形成隔。

    The ground substance extends into the cyst to form trabeculae .

  2. 这种感觉或印象会使人产生一种联想,并直接延伸到产品的定位和属性里。

    The feeling or impression will make people produce a Lenovo , and directly extended to the product positioning and attributes in .

  3. 遗传资源最重要的价值体现在其包含的遗传和生物化学信息,而产权的保护并不能直接延伸到这些知识产品。

    The most important value of genetic resource is the genetic and biochemical information contained in genetic resource , but the property right protection could not extend to the information product .

  4. 县级政府将服务职能直接延伸到公众,其改革、创新是全国服务型政府建设的突破口。

    The functions of county level government directly extend its service to the public , and the reform and innovation of it will bring out breakthrough in the construction of service-oriented government .

  5. 课程改革中教师接受的培训生活依然是“旧常教学生活”的直接延伸,实际结果是强化而不是改造教师固有的教学习性。

    The training teachers got in the curriculum reform is the direct extension of the " daily teaching experience ", which as a matter of fact enhances rather than changes teachers'teaching habits .

  6. 除了大桥,中国路桥还修建了180多公里长的连接线项目,将配套道路直接延伸到莫桑比克与南非接壤的边境地区,从马普托开车到南非的时间由原来的4个多小时缩短为现在的不到两小时。

    Besides the bridge itself , CRBC also built a 180-kilometer long road that stretches from Maputo to the country 's border with South Africa , reducing the travel time to 2 hours from the previous 4 hours .

  7. 进入社会转型期,媒介生态环境的变迁,直接影响和延伸了大众媒介的传播形态和功能。

    However the changes of media enviroment caused by social transfomation directly influences and extends the communication forms and funtion of mass media .