
  • 网络myocomma;myosepta;Myoseptum;myophragm
肌隔 [jī gé]
  • [myoseptum] 邻近肌节间的隔

  1. 结果于近端切断胸廓内动脉可以保证该动脉逆向供血,血供来源于下位肋间动脉、肌隔动脉和腹壁上动脉。

    Results ITA can get blood supply from the inferior intercostal arteries , musculophrenic artery and superior epigastric artery , if its proximal end was divided .

  2. 前乳头肌、隔侧乳头肌和后乳头肌的高度分别为0.61±0.20cm、0.31±0.08cm和0.53±0.19cm。

    The heights of anterior papillary muscle , septal papillary muscle and posterior muscle were respectively 0.61 ± 0.20 cm ,( 0.31 )± 0.08 cm and 0.53 ± 0.19 cm .

  3. 方法①采用经皮肤入路下睑成形术切口,在眼轮匝肌与眶隔之间剥离至眼轮匝肌下缘,形成皮肤-肌肉瓣。

    Methods Through a transcutaneous lower lid blepharoplasty incision , dissection was carried between orbital septum and orbicularis oculi muscle to the inferior border of the orbicularis muscle .

  4. 形态边缘:肿瘤形态多不规则,边缘呈浸润状,沿眼球壁、泪腺、视神经、眼外肌、眶隔或眶壁蔓延生长。

    Shape and margin : Most tumors had an irregular shape with obscure margin , infiltrating around the structures of the eyeball , lacrimal gland , extraocular muscle , optic nerve and ( or ) bone .

  5. 睑袋是由于下睑部皮肤,眼轮匝肌,眶隔和眦韧带等结构的薄弱,松弛及张力减退,因而在下睑外观上呈现异常和袋状畸形。

    The reasons of lower eyelid are the weakness , relaxation and hypotonicity of the skin , orbicularis oculi muscle , orbital septum and the ligament of canthus , etc. So the appearance of the eyelid becomes abnormity and baggy malformation .

  6. 双层眼轮匝肌瓣及眶隔固定的睑袋整复术睑袋整复术后下睑外翻的综合矫治

    The lower eyelid blepharoplasty with double layers of the orbicularis oculi muscle and fasciodesis of orbital septum Combination method for correction of lower eyelid ectropion following lower eyelid blepharoplasty