
  • 网络uridine;BUDR
  1. 方法采用5溴脱氧尿核苷(BrdU)标记分裂细胞,比较大鼠全脑缺血再灌注损伤后7d和14d时各iGluRs拮抗剂处理组与相应对照组之间海马齿状回神经前体细胞的增殖速度。

    Methods Using systemic administration of bromodeoxyuridine ( BrdU ) to label dividing cells , the proliferation rate of neural precursor cells in the dentate gyrus was compared between iGluRs antagonist intervention group and corresponding control group at various time points after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in rats .

  2. 用5-溴脱氧尿核苷(BrdU)脉冲标记结合免疫组织化学单标记技术,观察正常组、假手术组、脑缺血后3、71、4、212、8d组SVZ和SGZ区BrdU阳性细胞的变化;

    By BrdU pulse labeling and immunohistochemical single staining , the change of the number of BrdU positive cells was observed in SVZ and SGZ of normal rats or cerebral ischemia rats after MCAO 3d , 7d , 14d , 21d , 28d and sham operation respectively .

  3. 离子型谷氨酸受体拮抗剂对大鼠脑缺血再灌注后海马齿状回5-溴脱氧尿核苷表达的影响

    Effects of iGluRs antagonists on expression of BrdU in the dentate gyrus after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in the adult rats

  4. 报道了采用高效毛细管区带电泳技术直接将人尿液注入毛细管进行尿液中肌酐、尿酸及伪尿核苷含量测定的新方法。

    In this paper , a method to determine O6-methylguanine in urine by high performance capillary zone electrophoresis has been established .

  5. 幼鼠骨髓干细胞经体外培养、5-溴脱氧尿核苷标记和5-氮杂胞嘧啶核苷诱导能形成幼稚的心肌样细胞。

    Bone marrow stem cells of young rats can form immature myocardial-like cells after in vitro culture labeling of5-bromodeoxyuridine and induction of5-azacytidine .

  6. 目的探讨尿核苷检测对结直肠癌的诊断价值及在手术治疗监测中的应用。

    Objective To evaluate the value of urinary normal and modified nucleosides in diagnosis and surgical monitoring of colorectal cancer ( CRC ) .

  7. 5-碘-2-去氧尿核苷不能抑制其生长,吖啶橙染色看到细胞质内存在红色颗粒。

    5-iodo-2-deoxyuridine could not inhibit its growth and when the infected cover-glass culture was stained with acridine orange , red granules were found in the cytoplasm .

  8. 差速贴壁结合5-溴脱氧尿核苷处理的纯化培养的窦房结细胞梭形细胞电生理特征符合窦房结起搏细胞的特点,即动作电位有舒张期自动去极化。

    The electrophysiological characteristic of the sinoatrial node fusiform cells purified by the differential velocity adherent technique combined with 5 ' bromo 2 ' deoxyuridine treatment was in accordance with that of sinoatrial node pacemaker cells , that was , action potential had diastolic spontaneous depolarization ;

  9. 因此用差速贴壁结合5-溴脱氧尿核苷处理的纯化培养较常规培养可更明显提高窦房结梭形细胞的比例,是一种可靠的窦房结细胞培养技术。

    Compared with primary culture , the purifying culture by the differential velocity adherent technique combined with 5 ' bromo 2 ' deoxyuridine treatment can more obviously increase the proportion of sinoatrial node fusiform cells , so it is a reliable culture technique of sinoatrial node cells .

  10. 本文将这些结果联系辐射对核酸,特别是DNA,mRNA及tRNA的中间代谢的影响进行了讨论,并与一例急性放射病事故病人的尿中核苷变化作了比较。

    The significance of the results were discussed in connection with the radiation effects on the intermediary metabolism of nucleic acids especially of DNA , mRNA , and tRNA .

  11. 本文还建立了使用高效液相色谱分析人尿中核苷的方法,并探索了使用LC/MS/MS对液相色谱分离组份进行定性分析的方法。

    Meanwhile , HPLC method was also established to analyze the normal and modified nucleosides in human urine . Furthermore , LC / MS / MS method was employed in identifications of fractions from LC separation .

  12. 一例肿瘤病人经6Gyγ线一次照射后尿中核苷的高效液相色谱分析

    High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of urinary nucleosides in a cancer patient irradiated once with 6 Gy gamma ray

  13. 尿中核苷检测在胃癌诊断中的意义

    Significance of Urinary Nucleosides in Diagnosis of Gastric Carcinoma

  14. 整体柱高效液相色谱法测定尿中核苷的方法研究

    High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method Development Using Monolithic Column for the Determination of Urinary Nucleosides

  15. 氟尿苷-层状双金属氢氧化物纳米杂化物制备及表征氟尿脱氧核苷键合聚阳离子载体的合成及其抗肿瘤活性研究

    Synthesis and Characterization of Floxuridine-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanohybrids Preparation of floxuridine loaded polycation and its antitumor activity

  16. 从理论上探讨了在胶束电动力学毛细管色谱中采用迁移时间来定性的不足,首次提出将相对有效淌度用于该体系下尿中核苷组分的定性。

    Relative mobility was taken as a tool to investigate the peak identification of urinary nucleosides in MEKC for the first time .

  17. 恶性肿瘤患者尿中修饰核苷的检测

    Detection of Urinary Modified Nucleosides in Patients with Malignancies

  18. 尿中修饰核苷检测对胃癌的诊断有一定意义。

    Urinary modified nucleoside may be helpful in the diagnosis for gastric carcinoma .

  19. 尿中修饰核苷作为肺癌普查标记物的可行性研究

    Feasibility for Urine Modified Nucleosides as a Tumor Mark in Lung Cancer Survey

  20. 建立一种基于代谢组学技术,以尿中修饰核苷为分析对象的乳腺癌早期诊断方法。

    A new approach for diagnose breast cancer using nucleosides in urine based on metabonomics has been proposed .

  21. 摘要:目的探讨尿中修饰核苷代谢轮廓分析在肺癌诊断中的作用。

    ABSTRACT : Objective To study the feasibility of modified urinary nucleosides metabolic profiling on lung cancer diagnoses .

  22. 背景与目的:有研究表明,尿中修饰核苷的含量在多数恶性肿瘤患者中有明显升高。

    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE : It was reported that urinary modified nucleosides with abnormally high amounts were found in many cancer patients .

  23. 照后尿中5种核苷(脱氧胞苷、脱氧尿苷、7-甲基鸟苷、肌苷、假尿苷)和一种游离的碱基(胸腺嘧啶)大幅度增加,随后在一周内逐渐减少。

    Ten nucleosides and bases were effectively separated . Five nucleosides ( deoxycytidine , deoxyuridine , 7-methylguanosine , inosine , pseudouridine ) and one free base ( thymine ) were shown to increase significantly soon after irradiation , and then gradually to decrease in the following days .