
  • 网络urine pregnancy test;HCG;UB-HCG;U-HCG
  1. 65例患者中,49例尿妊娠试验阳性,41例血绒毛膜促性腺激素升高,24例腹腔或后穹隆穿刺抽出不凝血。

    5 , In 65 patients , the urine pregnancy test was positive in 49 patients , 41 patients with elevated serum human chorionic gonadotropin and 24 cases with uncoagulable blood in puncture of abdominal or posterior fornix .

  2. 超声和尿妊娠试验作检验治疗效果的指标。

    Echography and urine pregnant test were selected for effective marker .

  3. 尿妊娠试验阳性;

    With a positive pregnancy test ;

  4. 医生询问病史并进行妇科检查,发现少许血来自宫腔,就立即作了宫颈刮片和尿妊娠试验。

    Pregnant abortion The doctor ask medical history gynaecology , found a little blood from uterine cervix immediately , the blade urine pregnancy tests .

  5. 尿妊娠试验,一定要采用晨尿,因为晨尿浓缩,激素水平较高。

    Urinates the pregnancy test , certainly must use the early morning urine , because of the early morning urine concentration , the hormone level is high .

  6. 其他测试包括血清铁和血浆铜蓝蛋白、铁饱和度、24小时尿铜水平和妊娠试验结果都没有异常。

    The results of other tests , including the measurement of serum iron and ceruloplasmin concentrations , iron saturation , 24-hour urine copper levels and a pregnancy test , were unremarkable .