
  • 网络mild dehydration
  1. 方法:①注重血容量的补充,术后第1个24小时液体的入量为0.5~1.0ml·kg ̄(-1)/h,出量稍大于入量,使病人处于轻度脱水状态。

    Maintenance of blood volume : In the first 24 hours , the fluid intake was kept at 0.5-1 . 0ml · kg ( - 1 ) / h at slightly less intake than output so as to keep the patients in mild dehydration .

  2. 轻微症状:即使是轻度脱水,影响也会很严重。

    Milder Symptoms : Even mild dehydration has strong effects .

  3. 除了饥饿和轻度脱水,他的身体没什么大碍。

    Aside from hunger and mild hypothermia , he physically recovered .

  4. 治疗和预防轻度脱水引起的急性和慢性腹泻。

    Treatment and prevention of acute and chronic diarrhea caused by mild dehydration .

  5. 大便性状改变19例,伴有轻度脱水2例;

    The character of stool changed in 19 cases , there were 2 cases with slight dehydration .

  6. 如果运动后你的体重减少了3%或4%以上,你很可能已经有轻度脱水,那么下次可以酌情多喝点水。

    If you have lost more than about 3 or 4 percent of your body weight , you 're probably flirting with dehydration and might want to drink a bit more next time .

  7. 它影响了轻度脱水的妇女的情绪,她们在注意力,学习,记忆,推理的测试中,比正常的妇女做的差。

    It affected the mood of the slightly dehydrated women , and they did worse than the control group on tasks that tested for things like concentration , learning , memory , and reasoning .

  8. 注册营养师兼美国营养与饮食学会的发言人艾丽萨拉姆齐说:当你的身体真的需要补充水分时,轻度脱水经常让人感觉好像是饿了。

    Mild dehydration is often masked as feelings of hunger , when really your body just needs fluids , says Alissa Rumsey , RD , spokesperson for the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics .

  9. 康涅狄格大学的研究人员对25名健康妇女进行的一项研究表明,轻度的脱水会影响认知。

    Researchers at the University of Connecticut did a study on 25 healthy women and found that mild dehydration affects cognition .

  10. 喝水。康涅狄格大学的研究人员对25名健康妇女进行的一项研究表明,轻度的脱水会影响认知。

    Drink water.Researchers at the University of Connecticut did a study on 25 healthy women and found that mild dehydration affects cognition .