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qī wǔ
  • bully;treat sb. high-handedly;humiliate;browbeat
欺侮 [qī wǔ]
  • [bully] 欺负侮辱

  • 她备受欺侮

欺侮[qī wǔ]
  1. 我成了这个办公室霸王欺侮的对象。

    I fell victim to the office bully

  2. 你不该欺侮那个孩子。

    It is wrong of you to bully the child .

  3. 这件事我们理直气壮,难道让他欺侮不成!

    We have justice on our side , so there 's no fear of his getting the better of us !

  4. 要是我发现他再欺侮小孩,而且我能把他抓住的话,我要狠狠揍他一顿。

    If I find him bullying small children again , and I can lay my hands on him , I 'll knock the daylight out of him .

  5. 我为什么老受折磨,老受欺侮,老挨骂,一辈子也翻不了身呢

    Why was I always suffering , always browbeaten , always accused , for ever condemned ?

  6. 4月,他成立了一个工作小组,帮助打击欺侮行为。周二,肯辛顿宫(KensingtonPalace)宣布,万维网的发明者蒂姆·伯纳斯-李爵士(TimBerners-Lee)加入该小组。

    In April , he established a task force to help combat cyberbullying - on Tuesday , Kensington Palace announced that Sir Tim Berners-Lee , the creator of the World Wide Web , had joined the effort .

  7. 孤儿奥利弗(巴尼·克拉克BarneyClark饰)由教会抚养长大,9岁时被送去童工厂拣填絮,后被卖给棺材铺当学徒,屡受欺侮。

    Young orphan Oliver Twist is forcibly brought to a workhouse on his ninth birthday . He and the other resident children are treated poorly and given very little food . Facing starvation , the boys select Oliver ( through a lottery ) to ask for more food at the next meal , which he tentatively does .

  8. 就职于英格兰华威大学的心理学家DieterWolke表示多数关于孩子被欺负的研究都会把焦点集中在虐待而非简单的欺侮,前者既包括心理上、精神上的虐待还包括忽视或者其他可能的伤害。

    Dieter Wolke works at the University of Warwick in England . Until recently , most studies of child victims focused not on bullying but on maltreatment , this psychologist says . Maltreatment includes physical or emotional abuse , neglect or other behaviors that can harm a child .

  9. 真的,命运与岁月实在欺侮他。

    Truly , fate and father time had tricked him sorely .

  10. 他不是好欺侮的。

    He is not a man to be bullied and humiliated .

  11. 她绝不是甘受官僚欺侮的人。

    She was never one to take bureaucratic bullying lying down .

  12. 他欺侮我的朋友,我保护了她。

    He was annoying my friend , and I protected her .

  13. 直到我们威胁要罢工,经理才不再欺侮我们。

    The manager pushed us around until we threatened to stop working .

  14. 她哭的原因是他们一直欺侮她。

    She was crying because they had been bullying her .

  15. 我们不能袖手旁观,看他们受人欺侮。

    We cannot stand by and watch them being bullied .

  16. 好几年时间里,阿提拉故意欺侮狄奥多西。

    For some years Attila bullied Theodosius as he chose .

  17. 目的了解中小学生欺侮行为的方式与特点。

    Objective To know ways and features of bullying behavior in students .

  18. 现在,学生欺侮问题已经遍及英国全境。

    At present , the bullying of students has overspreaded in Britain .

  19. 发达国家欺侮落后国家的政策没有变。

    Their policy of bullying backward countries has not changed .

  20. 你根本没有权利欺侮弱者。

    You 've got no right at all to bully the weak .

  21. 他总是严厉对待(欺侮)那些个子比他小的小朋友们。

    He is always hard on children who are smaller than him .

  22. “我会随时保护你不受北方佬欺侮的。”

    " I 'd back you against the Yankees any day . "

  23. 那么布朗特法官又有什么特权欺侮真理呢?

    Then where did Judge Blount get the license to assault truth ?

  24. 凭什么把人欺侮到这个地步呢?

    What right had they to bully and humiliate people like this ?

  25. 别让他们欺侮你.把他们顶回去!

    Don 't let them bully you . Fight back !

  26. 我们中国人是不好欺侮的。

    We Chinese people are not to be bullied .

  27. 初中学生自我概念与欺侮行为相关研究

    A Correlative Study of Self - Concept and Bullying in Middle School Students

  28. 别让你的孩子们养成违反社会公德的习惯,譬如说欺侮人。

    Don 't let your children develop an anti-social habit such as bullying .

  29. 一些白种人的孩子经常欺侮有色人种的孩子。

    Some white boys often bullied the coloured boys .

  30. 约翰总喜欢欺侮小孩。

    John likes to kick around the little boys .