
qī hánɡ bà shì
  • 熟语dominate the market
欺行霸市 [qī háng bà shì]
  • [oppress the fellow of same trade] 欺压同行,称霸市场

  • 严禁欺行霸市,囤积居奇,哄抬物价

  1. 随着市场经济在我国的推行,出现了一些欺行霸市、强买强卖的现象,扰乱了正常的交易秩序。

    With the implementation of market economy in China , there have been some dominate the market , hard sell of the phenomenon , disrupted the normal trade order .

  2. 坚决打击出售假冒伪劣产品及欺行霸市行为。

    Determined blow sells fake product and bully travel bully city action .

  3. 上周日,有某匿名厂商指控苹果在NAND闪存市场上“欺行霸市”,威逼闪存厂商。

    Apple was accused on late Sunday by anonymous industry sources of'bullying'NAND flash memory suppliers through its purchasing tactics .