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zhuāng zhòng
  • solemn;grave;serious;dignity;modesty
庄重 [zhuāng zhòng]
  • [serious;grave;solemn] 风度、仪表、举止或谈吐不随便;沉着稳重

庄重[zhuāng zhòng]
  1. 电话另一端传来庄重而威严的声音。

    The voice at the other end of the line was serious and commanding .

  2. OliverWoo最近的一位客户、在高盛工作的达伦•米尔斯(DarrenMills)选了比较庄重的款式。

    Darren Mills , one of Oliver Woo 's recent clients who works for Goldman Sachs , has opted for a more serious look .

  3. 大教堂白色的塔楼优雅庄重地耸入云霄。

    The cathedral 's white towers climb gracefully into the sky .

  4. 神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。

    The priest intoned the final prayer .

  5. 不幸的是,周五晚上他表现得既不得体,也不庄重。

    Unfortunately , on Friday night he showed neither decency nor dignity

  6. 他举止优雅而庄重。

    There was elegance and simple dignity in the way he bore himself .

  7. 他庄重地画了个十字。

    He solemnly made the sign of the cross

  8. 女士穿着应当庄重,以免受到当地人的骚扰。

    Women have to dress modestly , to avoid being harassed by the locals .

  9. 他喜欢一种寂静庄重的气氛。

    He liked a hushed and dignified atmosphere .

  10. 史密斯先生庄重地保持着沉默。

    Mr Smith is maintaining a dignified silence .

  11. 今天的庆祝活动显然更加庄重。

    Today 's celebrations have been altogether more sedate

  12. 他没像平时那样优雅庄重地走着,而是几乎跑了起来。

    Instead of moving at his usual stately pace , he was almost running .

  13. 在那块刻有哈考特·西布利医生姓名的久经风雨的黄铜牌映衬下,门柱更增添了几分庄重。

    The gatepost was dignified by the weathered brass plate of Dr Harcourt Sibley .

  14. 他脸色苍白,皮肤较黑,颇有威信,浑身透着一种布克奖得主应有的庄重。

    He is pale , dark , and authoritative , with the gravitas you might expect of a Booker prize winner .

  15. 总理的葬礼场面庄重。

    The Premier 's burial was a solemn occasion .

  16. 对于他这种地位的人来说,这样的行为是不庄重的。

    Such conduct is undignified for a person of his position .

  17. 他保持庄重威严的仪态。

    He preserved his grave and dignified bearing .

  18. 这些人质都手按着福音书立下了庄重的誓言。

    All these hostages took a solemn oath on the gospels .

  19. 他举止庄重而得体。

    His manner was strict and formal .

  20. 他讲话语调庄重。

    He spoke in a solemn tone .

  21. 两个戴着可笑草帽的农妇神情庄重地牵着漂亮的暗灰色的毛驴走了过去。

    Two peasant women with funny straw hats passed , gravely , leading beautiful smoke-colored donkey .

  22. 她举止庄重。

    She is grave in manner .

  23. 我从来没看到过有人像你在现在这神圣的一刻这样地庄重、优雅。

    Never have I beheld one that could hold my comparison with what you are at this blessed instant .

  24. 她仪态大方,庄重而威严,似乎表示出身名门,习惯于上层社会的生活。

    Her manner was easy , dignified , and commanding , and seemed to evince high birth and habits or elevated society .

  25. 他神色庄重地回到房子里,把这事情说给他的太太听。

    Instead , he walked solemnly back up to the house and spoke to his wife .

  26. 在中国文化中,大门是庄重之地,倒着贴“福”是不敬的。

    In Chinese culture it 's a solemn place of acceptance that needs to be respected . An upside-down posting of fu on the front door is unnecessary and irreverent .

  27. close通常与shut的意思相同,但较庄重

    Generally , close means the same as shut and is more formal

  28. employment是庄重的公文用词。

    Employment is formal and official .

  29. 我们将努力实现到2020年单位GDP碳强度降低40-45%的目标,这是中国向国际社会做出的庄重承诺。

    We have every intention of fulfilling our pledge to cut carbon intensity by40-45 % by2020 .

  30. 他于今年早些时候在其CCTV博客中写道,星巴克的出现破坏了紫禁城的庄重并践踏了中国的文化。

    Starbucks'presence " undermined the Forbidden City 's solemnity and trampled over Chinese culture ," Rui wrote in his CCTV blog earlier this year .