
  1. 格网DEM在坡耕地调查中的应用&以庄河市为例

    Application of Grid-based DEM to Sloping Farmland Investigation in Zhuanghe City

  2. 大连庄河电厂600MW超临界机组一体化平台主辅控DCS系统

    Main and Auxiliary DCS System in the Supercritical Unit Integration Platform

  3. 本文以GIS为辅助工具,以地理学和区域经济学有关理论为指导,对大连庄河市海洋产业空间布局问题进行探讨。

    This article take GIS as the auxiliary means , and take the geography and the regional economics related theory as the instruction , and carry on the discussion to the Zhuanghe sea industry space layout question .

  4. 结果CEA显示,在庄河地区高危人群中每多投入8448元人民币进行筛检治疗就可以减少一例胃癌的死亡;

    Results Dada from CEA showed that : investing every 8448 Yuan on screening program and treatment in Zhuanghe high risk area of gastric cancer , one gastric cancer patient could be avoided .

  5. 目的检测辽宁庄河居民血清胃蛋白酶原(PG)含量,以明确其基本人群分布特征,并探讨相关影响因素。

    Objective To determine the serum level of pepsinogen ⅰ,ⅱ( PG ⅰ, PG ⅱ) and PG ⅰ / ⅱ in the residents from Zhuanghe county , a high risk area of gastric cancer in North China , and to explore their distribution as well as related factors .

  6. 其中老庄河大桥主跨170m,边跨约100m,洛河特大桥墩高达142m。以这两座桥梁为蓝本的模拟桥做1/10全桥模型试验。

    Luohe bridge , the main span of 170m , side span of 100 m. Luohe bridge large piers up to 142m . the full-bridge model is modeled on simulation modeled 1 / 10 of the two bridges .

  7. 庄河市海洋产业空间布局研究

    The Study on the Spatial Distribution of Marine Industry in Zhuanghe

  8. 庄河地区胃癌综合防治初期效果的流行病学评价

    The Initial Epidemiological Evaluation to Comprehensive Prevention to Gastric Carcinoma

  9. 基于庄河市空间大地全面控制网谈似大地水准面的确定及精度分析

    Determination of Quasi-geoid and Precision Analysis Based on Zhuanghe Space Geodetic Network

  10. 明天要去庄河的海洋村。

    Tomorrow we are going to Haiyang village in zhuanghe .

  11. 庄河电厂岩质边坡稳定性评价

    Stability Evaluation on a Rock Slope of Zhuanghe Power Plant

  12. 庄河近海区沉积特征及泥沙来源研究

    Study on Depositional Pattern and Sediment Source in Offshore Area of Zhuanghe Harbor

  13. 2004~2007年庄河市恶性肿瘤死亡资料分析

    Death Data Analysis of Malignant Tumor in Zhuanghe City from 2004 to 2007

  14. 胃癌高发区庄河县三种腌制食品的致突变性研究

    Mutagenesis study on three preserved foods in the highrisk area for gastric cancer

  15. 庄河市农业技术推广经费管理体制研究

    The Fund and Management System of Agricultural Technique Extension

  16. 庄河市农村育龄妇女紧急避孕知晓率情况调查

    Survey on Awareness Rate of Emergency Contraception in Rural Childbearing-age Women in Zhuanghe

  17. 黄海北部庄河附近海域海冰物理力学特性

    Mechanical properties of sea ice in North Yellow Sea

  18. 旅游产业在庄河国民经济和社会发展中的地位日益提升。

    Tourism becomes more and more important in the economic and social development status .

  19. 并以庄河蓝莓生产流通为例,进行具体分析。

    Take the blueberry product in Zhuanghe for example and conduct a specific analysis .

  20. 潮汐潮流三维数值模拟在庄河电厂温排水问题中的应用

    Application of Tidal Numerical Model to Thermal Plume Dispersion from Power Plant at Zhuanghe

  21. 辽东庄河金矿同位素地球化学特征及成矿时代

    The Isotope Geochemical Characteristics and Ore-forming Time of Zhuanghe Gold Deposit , Eastern Liaoning

  22. 来到庄河我们就算正式进入大连了。

    Our arrival at Zhuanghe means we had formally entered the city of Dalian .

  23. 从庄河旅游发展情况来看,庄河旅游产品开发需要不断创新以满足不断发展的旅游需求。

    From tourism situation , tourism product development requires innovation to meet the growing demand .

  24. 本文在推动庄河地区旅游产品开发创新的同时,对庄河旅游活动后期协调持续发展具有促进作用。

    The paper will promote tourism product development and tourism activities sustainable development in Zhuanghe .

  25. 辽宁省庄河市胃癌高发区胃癌筛检的卫生经济学评价

    Study on health economics regarding the screening of gastric cancer in Zhuanghe high risk area

  26. 庄河市拥有丰富的旅游资源,荣获中国优秀旅游城市等荣誉称号。

    There are rich tourist resources in Zhuanghe . Zhuanghe win the prize for china excellent tourism city .

  27. 主要介绍海水泥浆的制作、质量控制及在庄河特大桥钻孔灌注桩中的实际应用。

    The production of sea mud , quality control and bored Zhuanghe Bridge of practical application were introduced .

  28. 同样,庄河市的农产品深加工产业在发展中也出现了较多困难。

    Similarly , agricultural products further processing industry of Zhuanghe City has been confront with the development difficulties .

  29. 辽宁省庄河市农村育龄妇女生殖道感染的危险因素及对生殖保健知识需求的调查

    Investigation of Risk Factors of Reproductive Tract Infections and Demand for Reproductive Health Knowledge of The Rural Childbearing Age Women

  30. 辽南地区(庄河&丹东)中生代花岗岩类成因特征及其与金矿关系

    Genesis characteristics of Mesozoic granitoid in South Liaoning ( zhuang he & dandong ) and its relation with gold deposits