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jī fěng
  • ridicule;sarcasm;satirize;mock;sneer;quip;jeer;lampoon;acrimony;jibe;scoff;shaft;throw out innuendoes against
讥讽 [jī fěng]
  • (1) [ridicule;mock;quip;satirize]∶用旁敲侧击或尖刻的话挖苦、指摘或嘲笑言行

  • (2) [sarcasm]∶以轻蔑或憎恶口气尖刻嘲笑或指责

  • 充满责备性讥讽的讲话

  • (3) 亦称嘲讽

讥讽[jī fěng]
  1. 她的话音中有点儿讥讽的意味。

    There was a touch of sarcasm in her voice .

  2. 她讥讽地笑了笑。

    She gave a short , derisive laugh .

  3. 她以讥讽的口吻咬牙切齿地作了回答。

    She growled a sarcastic reply .

  4. 他的话语中充满了讥讽。

    His voice dripped sarcasm .

  5. 他讥讽地微微一笑。

    He smiled ironically .

  6. 他的眼里是不是闪过一丝讥讽?

    Was there a glint of mockery in his eyes ?

  7. 市长到此进行为期一周的访问时,遭到了示威者的讥讽。

    Demonstrators have jeered the mayor as he arrived for a week long visit

  8. 他们讥讽着,喊叫着,打破了惯常的那一分钟沉默。

    They interrupted the customary one minute 's silence with jeers and shouts .

  9. “你可得做得比那好,”乔安娜讥讽地说。

    ' You 'll have to do better than that , ' Joanna scoffed .

  10. 圣诞季商业化的一面很容易招来讥讽。

    The commercial side of the Christmas season is an easy target for satire .

  11. 他的话里满是讥讽。

    His voice was dripping with sarcasm .

  12. 在起伏不定的政治生涯里,他对争议和讥讽早已习以为常。

    He has been no stranger to controversy and vitriol during a tumultuous political career .

  13. “毫无疑问他会给我机会和他再打上一架的,”他半开玩笑地讥讽道。

    ' No doubt he 'll give me the chance to fight him again , ' he jibed , tongue in cheek .

  14. 这一点,加上飞行器仍是人们普遍嘲笑和讥讽的对象,使得兄弟俩只能暗地里行事。

    This , coupled with the fact that flying machines remained universally a subject for jeers and derision , made the brothers secretive .

  15. 一句讥讽的话是那样的温和,那样的含蓄不露,以致许多读者都没有注意到。

    An irony is so quiet and so delicate that many readers never notice it .

  16. 好几个人都不约而同地以讥讽的口吻作出回答。

    This answer came derisively from several places at the same instant .

  17. 从她的声音里我们可以感到某种讥讽的意味。

    In her voice we could sense a certain tinge of irony .

  18. 看到他难过的样子,夏洛毫不客气地讥讽起羊羔来。

    Charlotte noticed his embarrassment and she spoke sharply to the lamb .

  19. 生物圈2号最终被讥讽为科研上的大失败,代价是昂贵的伪科学

    Biosphere 2 was ultimately ridiculed as a research debade , as exfravagant pseudoscience .

  20. 她朝他讥讽地笑了一笑。

    She gave him a sardonic smile .

  21. n.讥讽当她缓慢地穿衣时,他的父亲讽刺地说“别急”。

    sarcasm " Don 't hurry ! " said her father in sarcasm as she slowly dressed .

  22. Barnes&Noble讥讽微软只拥有一些不重要的专利并向提醒司法部微软以往的反竞争行为。

    The bookseller sniffed that Microsoft owned only " trivial " patents and reminded the department of the software company 's past trespasses against competition .

  23. 黄的电视形象——大墨镜、高帮运动鞋、花哨的街头时装——经常让他看上去像一个亚裔版的阿里·G(AliG)。这一形象要不是黄有意的自我嘲弄,倒真会招致讥讽。

    Tricked out in big sunglasses , high-top sneakers and flashy street wear , Huang 's on-screen persona often resembles an Asian Ali G - easy to mock , were it not a deliberate self - ­ caricature .

  24. JonStewart是名电视幽默节目主持。他讥讽新总统没有像Stewart先生期待的那般,及时彻底地与布什划清界线。

    Jon Stewart , a satirical television pundit , ribs the new president for failing to distinguish himself from Mr Bush as quickly and completely as Mr Stewart would like him to .

  25. 上周,在一场友谊赛中,效力于ac米兰足球队的加纳人凯文普林斯博阿滕(kevinprinceboateng)与队友一起愤然离场,原因是对方球迷讥讽他为“猴子”。

    Last week , Kevin Prince Boateng , a Ghanaian who plays football for AC Milan , stormed off the pitch with his team-mates in anger at " monkey " taunts by opposing fans during a friendly game .

  26. 黎德寿(LeDucTho)曾在谈判中讥讽我:如果用50万人都无法摆平越南,你凭什么认为用越来越少的人反倒可以呢?这个问题我一直没有想出答案。

    I never found an answer when Le Duc Tho was taunting me in the negotiations that if you could not handle Vietnam with half-a-million people , what makes you think you can end it with progressively fewer ?

  27. 他听见自己吐出了冷冷的,略带点儿讥讽的声音。

    He heard his voice issuing coolly , a trifle ironically .

  28. 从她的声音里我们可以感到某种讥讽的意味

    In her voice we can sense a certain tinge of irony

  29. 他好像有些讥讽,当然有可能是我看错了。

    He seemed a little sarcastic . I could be wrong .

  30. 尽管她觉得害怕和困惑不解,但他的讥讽仍刺痛了她。

    Even through her fear and bewilderment , his sneer stung .