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cháng cháng
  • often;frequently;usually;generally;commonly;oftentimes;perpetually
常常 [cháng cháng]
  • (1) [often;frequently;usually] 表示行为、动作发生的次数多,而且时间相隔不久

  • 他常常工作到深夜

  • (2) 否定式多用不常,少用不常常

  • 他不常来

常常[cháng cháng]
  1. 那个团伙常常耍流氓。

    The group have frequently used bully-boy tactics .

  2. 他们常常陷入孤独、屈辱和绝望的深渊。

    They frequently plumb the depths of loneliness , humiliation and despair

  3. 她常常使用粗俗的骂人话,这使他感到震惊。

    He was shocked at how often she used the F-word .

  4. 猫在咬死老鼠之前常常要耍弄它一番。

    A cat often plays with a mouse before the kill .

  5. 我上学时常常与他和他姐姐在一起。

    I palled around with him and his sister at school .

  6. 法律对变化中的观念常常反应迟缓。

    The law is often tardy in reacting to changing attitudes .

  7. 人们常常对同一件事的叙述大为不同。

    People often give very different accounts of the same event .

  8. 我常常想:后代将怎样评价我们所作出的努力。

    I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts .

  9. 政治家常常被迫在互不相容的利益之间开辟航道。

    Politicians are often obliged to steer a course between incompatible interests .

  10. 我打电话时常常信手乱画。

    I often doodle when I 'm on the phone .

  11. 了解公众支持的广泛程度常常是困难的。

    It is often difficult to discern how widespread public support is .

  12. 从政者都常常巧妙地回避问题。

    Politicians are often very clever at fudging the issue .

  13. 在城镇骑自行车常常比开车更方便。

    A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns .

  14. 新生婴儿出世时孩子常常感到忌妒。

    Children often feel jealous when a new baby arrives .

  15. 人常常跟自己的父母政治观点一致。

    People often share their political views with their parents .

  16. 穿着常常反映出一个人的个性。

    Your clothes are often a reflection of your personality .

  17. 观光客常常破坏岛上微妙的自然生态平衡。

    Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island .

  18. 学校里大一些的男生过去常常取笑他。

    The older boys at school used to tease him .

  19. 心理压力常常是形成长期病的一个因素。

    Stress is often a factor in the development of long-term sickness .

  20. 总而言之,那一天平平常常,并没有什么特别。

    All in all , it had been a not untypical day .

  21. 医生常常宣扬少吃脂肪的好处。

    Doctors often extol the virtues of eating less fat .

  22. 我爹以前常常喝醉了回家,又是喊又是骂。

    My dad used to come home drunk , shouting and cussing .

  23. 教师跟随业界的管理人员实地学习,常常会很有收获。

    It is often helpful for teachers to shadow managers in industry .

  24. 最近我常常睡得很晚。

    I 've had a lot of late nights recently .

  25. 那时候孩子们常常因为很小的过错而挨打。

    At that time children were regularly beaten for quite minor offences .

  26. 我的脑海中常常回想起那天的情景。

    The memory of that day still haunts me .

  27. 一个人的财富常常与他的幸福成反比。

    A person 's wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness .

  28. 我常常想起老家的朋友。

    I often think about my friends back home .

  29. 作为政治人物,他常常招致争议。

    As a politician he has often courted controversy .

  30. 文化因素常常对性别的角色有着重要的影响。

    Gender roles are often conditioned by cultural factors .