
cháng chūn téng
  • ivy;Chinese ivy;Hedera Helix
常春藤[cháng chūn téng]
  1. 冬青和常春藤、槲寄生一样,都是常绿植物。

    Holly , like ivy and mistletoe , is an evergreen .

  2. 他们常常出去玩,一般是到皇家咖啡馆或者常春藤那里。

    They went out a lot , to the Cafe Royal or the The Ivy

  3. 梳妆台正面饰有常春藤叶子。

    Ivy leaves embellish the front of the dresser

  4. 他在一所常春藤联盟学校上学。

    He goes to an Ivy League school .

  5. 墙上爬满了常春藤。

    The wall is covered all over with ivy .

  6. 常春藤攀墙往上爬。

    The ivy has climbed up the wall .

  7. 常春藤爬上屋顶。

    The ivy climbed to the roof .

  8. 但你不必为了获得这些奖励而去上常春藤盟校。

    But you needn 't attend an Ivy League school to reap those rewards .

  9. 它不必是常春藤盟校,但它必须是“顶尖学校”。

    It didn 't have to be the Ivy League , but it needed to be " top school . "

  10. 那些常春藤攀援而上,爬满了整面墙。

    These Chinese ivies climbed upwards and covered the entire wall .

  11. 我们打算在房子后面种一棵杂色常春藤。

    We 're going to grow a variegated ivy up the back of the house .

  12. 艾米丽发现,国家经济状况好时,父母更常给孩子取独特的名字——“我看着你呢!蓝常春藤”。

    Emily found that when the economy is doing well , parents are more likely to give their kids unique names — " I 'm looking at you , Blue Ivy " .

  13. 我总会说我想要去一所常春藤大学就读,然后去梅奥医学中心当一名神经外科医生,爸爸就会说我们州立大学绝对没什么问题。

    I would always say I wanted to go to an Ivy League school and then practice neurosurgery at the Mayo Clinic , and my dad would say there was absolutely nothing wrong with our state university .

  14. α-常春藤皂甙和无患子皂甙B对小鼠肝微粒体细胞色素P-450的作用

    Effect of α hederin and sapindoside B on hepatic microsomal

  15. 排名最高的常春藤盟校是布朗大学(Brown),排在第45名。

    The highest-ranked Ivy was Brown , at No. 45 .

  16. 目前,他是NBA里唯一一位常春藤联盟的球员。

    He 's currently the only Ivy League player in the NBA .

  17. 彼得没有尝试申请常春藤盟校(IvyLeague)。

    Peter didn 't try for the Ivy League .

  18. 其中威力最强大的核弹之一代号为“常春藤麦克”(IvyMike),这里有它的图。

    One of the most powerful was code-named Ivy Mike , pictured here .

  19. 哈佛(Harvard),麻省理工(MIT),和常春藤联盟学校当前正在使用Drupal。

    Harvard , MIT , and every Ivy League school currently uses Drupal

  20. NAA、IBA处理及不同营养液配方对水培常春藤的影响

    Effect of NAA , IBA and Nutrient Solution on Water Culture Ivy

  21. 常春藤大学的中国毕业生,如红杉中国(SequoiaChina)的沈南鹏(NeilShen),已向各自的母校慷慨捐赠。

    Chinese Ivy League graduates such as Neil Shen of Sequoia China have been generous donors to their alma maters .

  22. 常春藤盟校(IvyLeagues)就是这样诞生的。

    This is how Ivy Leagues are born .

  23. 女星格温·帕特洛给她的宝宝们起名为“苹果”和“摩西”,歌星碧昂斯给孩子起名蓝色常春藤(BlueIvy),而金·卡戴珊给她女儿起名叫“北方”(North)。

    Actress Gwyneth Paltrow named her children Apple and Moses , singer Beyonce gave birth to Blue Ivy and Kim Kardashian has a daughter called North 。

  24. 他在SAT考试中取得2400分满分,毕业时成绩排在全班前1%,但仍被多所常春藤盟校拒绝。

    He 'd scored a perfect 2400 on the SAT and graduated in the top 1 percent of his class , yet had been rejected at several Ivies .

  25. 路透社6月19日-根据《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)公布的世界年轻大学排名(100Under50)报告,常春藤联盟要小心了!全球新一代的精英大学正在崛起。

    June 19 ( Reuters ) - Watch out Ivy League , there 's a new generation of elite universities on the rise around the globe , according to a new 100 Under 50 report from Times Higher Education magazine .

  26. 和许多同龄人一样,马特也想争取常春藤:他的目标是耶鲁、普林斯顿(Princeton)或布朗大学(Brown)。

    Matt , like many of his peers , was shooting for the Ivies : in his case , Yale , Princeton or Brown .

  27. Serena你需要好好休息现在是常春藤联盟周

    Lily : Serena , you need your rest , okay ? It 's ivy week .

  28. 这个园区就像一所美国常春藤盟校(ivyleague),公司聘用的4.6万名印度软件工程师中有1.4万名在这里工作。

    The campus is like a new Ivy League university , home to 14000 Indian software engineers of the 46000 employed by the company .

  29. 路透社6月19日-根据《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)公布的世界年轻大学排名(100Under50)报告,常春藤联盟要小心了!全球新一代的精英大学正在崛起。

    June 19 ( Reuters ) - Watch out Ivy League , there 's a new generation of elite universities on the rise around the globe , according to a new " 100 Under 50 " report from Times Higher Education magazine .

  30. 没有一所常春藤盟校(IvyLeague)进入前20名,这表明,很多那种学生具有考大学的优势。

    No Ivy League schools made the top 20 on this list , suggesting that many of those students have an edge heading into college .