
shēng jī àng rán
  • living;exuberant;be full of life;full of life;pullulate;overflowing with vigour;brimming over with vigour and vitality
生机盎然 [shēng jī àng rán]
  • [living;be full of life] 充满生气和活力的

  • 改革事业生机盎然

生机盎然[shēng jī àng rán]
  1. 我们放眼四望,但见一派新天新地,生机盎然,变动不居,日新月异。

    We look round in a new world , full of life , and motion , and ceaseless progress .

  2. 我们看到四周一派新天地——生机盎然,变动不居,日新月异;

    We look round in a new world , full of life , and motion , and ceaseless progress ;

  3. 乡村在春天生机盎然。

    In spring the countryside bursts into life .

  4. 纽约//凯茨奇尔(Catskills)离曼哈顿(Manhattan)可能只有90分钟车程,但这片半山区在秋季却因色彩而生机盎然。

    NEW YORK / / The Catskills may only be 90 minutes from Manhattan , but this semi-mountainous region is alive with color in the fall .

  5. 这是早晨8点钟,生机盎然,阳光明媚。

    It was eight o'clock , morning , full and brilliant .

  6. 农民能使沙漠象玫瑰那样生机盎然。

    Farmers can make the desert bloom like the rose .

  7. 这是加州北部一处生机盎然的湖。

    A healthy and full lake in northern California .

  8. 整个世界载歌载舞,生机盎然。

    Soon the entire world was dancing with life .

  9. 她那艺术家的本性向往生机盎然的自然景致和繁星点缀的月夜。

    The artist in her longed for vibrant landscapes and starry moonlit skies .

  10. 零件与零件之间的互动,就是维持这个地球生机盎然的原动力。

    Interaction of parts is the impulsion to keep flourish of the Earth .

  11. “大堡礁”一带生机盎然。

    The Great Barrier Reef swarms with life .

  12. 整个垃圾岛海滩的生态系统非常健康,处处呈现出一派生机盎然的景象。

    Along the shore all indications point to a healthy ecosystem on garbage island .

  13. 自然万物都沉浸在青春和爱的欢乐之中,这是生机盎然的新到来的欢乐!

    All things rejoice in youth and love , The fullness of their first delight !

  14. 文化之都生机盎然。

    A cultural capital springs to life .

  15. 增添些鲜亮的照明系统后,单调沉闷的展位顿显生机盎然。

    Adding some brilliant lighting systems you can make a boring booth come to life .

  16. 二儿子否认,说树上发满嫩绿的新芽,生机盎然。

    The second son said no-it was covered with green buds and full of promise .

  17. 在整个墓地,只有这座坟照料得好,总是生机盎然。

    In all the churchyard only one grave is always fresh and well cared for .

  18. 那是一朵生机盎然的纯白睡莲,正在用她自己的方式展现她的独特个性。

    It was a vivacious pure white lotus flower , with her very own personality .

  19. 太阳光给了我们五彩斑斓的世界,使地球生机盎然。

    The sun light gives us colorful world and there are plenty of life on earth .

  20. 这是一种生机盎然的人类生存的画面,这是一种积极向上的人生态度。

    This is a vitality screen of human existence and , is a positive attitude towards life .

  21. 随着现代高强材料和施工技术的发展,桥梁结构正朝着大跨、轻柔的方向发展,而拱桥以其独特的优势使其生机盎然。

    With the development of modern materials and construction techniques , the bridges become longer and longer .

  22. 在这种特有的婚恋风俗中,生命和爱情都不受压抑,它们以原生态的方式出现,生机盎然。

    In this particular customs of marriage , life and love go on without depression . They are lively and natural .

  23. 假如说我心里没有你,怎么我会在这生机盎然的春天里,孤独想你。

    If you say I do not mind , how I will in this lively spring , the lonely thinking of you .

  24. 在我开始注意夜间周围的动静之后,这世界变得比以往生机盎然了许多。

    As I focused on the nighttime sounds that surrounded me , the world became more vivid than it ever had before .

  25. 荠荠初春,我凭窗远眺,春雨菲菲,淋漓之处显生机盎然。

    Water chestnut water chestnut early spring , I look at the crystal overlook , spring Fifi , dripping between were full of vitality .

  26. 秋天,不像春天那样万紫千红,也不像夏天那样生机盎然,更不像冬天那样粉妆玉砌,但是,秋天同样美丽。

    Autumn , unlike the colorful spring , or the summer full of vitality , or the winter filled with makeup , is also beautiful .

  27. 艺术和科学最重要的作用是唤醒一个人的感知并且并且生机盎然得存在与那些敏感的人的心里。

    It is the most important function of art and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those who are receptive to it .

  28. 青春无极限,就像眼前这片生机盎然的彩绘,即使是沉默的,沉默中也萌动着无尽的热情。

    The youth is limitless , as this vital colorful painting at the sight , despite of its silent apearance , it stimulates our endless illusion .

  29. 在这繁花似锦、生机盎然的美好时节,我们在北京迎来了中澳企业文化报告会的召开,迎来了中澳各界的专家学者和企业家朋友们。

    In this flower-decked , vitality abundant beautiful season , we welcomed the convention of Sino-Australian corporate culture convene in Beijing ; welcome Sino-Australian experts and entrepreneur .

  30. 这儿的峡谷又是另一番景象:谷中急水奔流,穿峡而过,两岸树木葱茏,鲜花繁茂,碧草萋萋,活脱脱一幅生机盎然的天然风景画。

    It is another gorge through which a rapid stream flows . Trees , flowers and grass , a picture of natural vitality , thrive on both banks .