
  • 网络survival strategy;survive strategy
  1. 两人在所谓的360协议上意见针锋相对。在这个CD销售正逐渐消亡的时代,360协议成为了许多音乐公司最主要的生存战略。

    The two men had contrasting views of the so-called 360 deals that have become the principal survival strategy for many music companies at a time when compact disc sales are grinding towards extinction .

  2. 组织的环境适应性及生存战略&基于知识供应链的分析

    Organizational Adaptability and Survival Strategy : Analy-sis Based on Knowledge Supply Chain

  3. 而客户关系管理(CRM)作为中资保险企业生存战略的一部分,对提升其核心竞争力有着相当大的促进作用。

    As a very important part of existent strategy , Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) is coming into efficient work in the fields of enhancing the core competence of the domestic insurance corporations .

  4. 企业文化&持久的生存战略

    Corporate Culture & the Persistent Survival Strategy

  5. 迅速反应管理与企业生存战略

    Quick Response Management and Corporate Survival Strategy

  6. 生存战略和世界综合模式

    Strategy for survival and world integrated model

  7. 最后分析极限组织的网络化生存战略。

    In the end , they also analyze the survival strategy of EO on the Internet .

  8. 这表明光合作用可能不是它们唯一的生存战略。

    It suggests that the photosynthesis may not be the only key to their survival strategy .

  9. 在这个经济动荡的年代,越来越多的组织选择拥抱敏捷开发作为自己的生存战略。

    An increasing number of organizations are embracing Agile development as a survival tactic in these turbulent economic times .

  10. 我在那与该国的总统会面,总统也向我透露了他为国家制定的生存战略。

    I had a meeting with the president there , who told me about his exit strategy for his country .

  11. 每个种类的生物都拥有其独特的生存战略:人类,充满智慧;树木,富有高度,抵抗虫害。

    Each species has its own specialized survival strategy : humans , intelligence ; trees , great height , pest-repelling bark .

  12. 一个主要例证是区域儿童生存战略,它再一次着重于儿童期死亡率负担最重的国家。

    A prime example is the Regional Child Survival Strategy , again focused on countries with the highest burden of childhood mortality .

  13. 风投公司至少有一个可行的生存战略,而且我同意美国食品及药物管理局应该先管好自己。

    VCs at least have a viable survival strategy , and I agree that the FDA needs to get its house in order .

  14. 尽管这乍看起来似乎是这个犹太国家生存战略的应有之意,却并非事事如此。

    And although this may at first look as if it makes strategic sense for the Jewish state , it doesn 't always .

  15. 发展正规就业的同时大力发展非正规就业,对于这些弱势群体来说,具有非常重要的生存战略意义。

    Therefore , it is of strategic significance to develop regular employment and irregular employment simultaneously for the sake of the survival of these people .

  16. 对于老牌企业的负责人来说,制定生存战略是优先考虑的事情,但他们还需要解决好员工的焦虑问题。

    For those in charge of established companies , devising strategies to stay afloat is a priority but they also need to manage employees " anxieties .

  17. 前瞻性思维,提高自己前瞻性思维的快速反应能力,及时调整自己的行为方案,将成为我们确立全球时代生存战略的关键。

    Fore-consciousness thinking . Improving our reacting quickly competence of fore-consciousness thinking and adjusting our acting scheme will become the key by which we establish existing strategy in global era .

  18. 走特色办学道路,既是高等学校的生存战略,也是高等学校的发展战略;实现特色办学,既是符合工具理性的选择,更是符合价值理性的选择。

    Following the developing route of school characteristics is not only the survival strategy , but also a development strategy of the institutions ; meanwhile , it is in line with both tool rationality and value rationality .

  19. 随着各国的战略目标从生存战略转变到发展战略,经济利益、经济地位和国家经济安全成为世界各大国首先追求的战略目标。

    As the shift of strategic aim from existence strategy to developing strategy in every country , economic profit , economic position and national economic security become the first strategic aim that big countries pursuit in the world .

  20. 中国旅游业面临的机遇及生存发展战略

    Opportunities and Strategy of Survival Development for China 's Tourism

  21. 随着现代企业的竞争日益加剧,质量正在逐渐成为企业得以生存的战略武器。

    To deal with the challenge of competition between enterprises nowadays , quality is turning to a strategy weapon for the firm to survive in the market .

  22. 公司治理和资本结构是关系着公司发展、生存的战略要件,这二者之间存在着不可分割的联系。

    The strategic elements that corporate governance and capital structure are related to development and survival of the company , and they existed integral contact with each other .

  23. 他们研究生存的战略,但随着年龄的增长,他们又会想方设法地将这些战略运用到其他事情上面,创造出属于自己独特而强大的优势。

    They developed strategies to survive , and as they grow older they find ways to apply these strategies to other things , and create for themselves a distinct and powerful advantage .

  24. 随着Internet的日渐普及和全球信息化的不断推进,网络系统已经成为组织赖以生存的重要战略资源。

    With the development of global informatization and the popularization of Internet , network system became the important strategic resource which organization depends to survive .

  25. 期刊生存发展的战略策划

    Strategies for Sustenance and Development of Periodicals Journals ' Digest

  26. 中小企业的生存空间及其战略选择

    The Survival Space and Strategic Choices for Small and Medium - sized Businesses

  27. 浅论地方性品牌的生存与成长战略

    On the Strategy of Local Brands Existence and Growth

  28. 信息是企业生存发展的战略资源,信息化水平已成为现代企业的重要标志。

    The information is the strategy resources that enterprise existence was developed , and the information .

  29. 同时,也对国内其它软件企业的生存和竞争战略选择提供参考。

    At the same time , but also for other domestic software enterprises survival and competition strategy is selected to provide reference .

  30. 在服装个性化、时尚化发展的趋势下,品牌运营成为当今服装企业生存发展的战略手段。

    On the trends of clothing personality and fashion , garment enterprises choose brand operating as a strategic tool for survival and development .