
wǎ guàn
  • crock;earthen jar;crockery;earthenware pitcher
瓦罐 [wǎ guàn]
  • (1) [earthenware pitcher;crock]∶厚壁陶罐或瓶

  • (2) [earthen jar]∶泛指陶制的罐

瓦罐[wǎ guàn]
  1. 美国人的老化:这是一个瓦罐!

    American Way of Aging : It 's a Crock !

  2. 在瓦罐里有五条大鱼。

    There are five big fish in the crock .

  3. 越国人估计时机已到,便将瓦罐里的谷子换成水,在上面浅浅覆盖一层谷糠,兴冲冲跑来的老鼠一点儿也没有一个提防,在夜里成群结队地再次光临,它们次序井然地进入瓦罐里面,结果一只也没有活着出来。

    Thinking that it is the right time , the Yue person replaced the grains with water , and placed some chaff2 on the surface of the water . During the night , the mice came in groups again excitedly and were not alert at all . They entered the pitcher orderly and none of them came out alive .

  4. 接下来吃的这道菜由卷心菜与豆腐干丁做成,它有个好听的名字叫飘香瓦罐(floatingfragranceinaBuddhistpot),但我注意到释永信几乎未动筷子。

    We tuck into a dish of cabbage and shredded dried tofu with the delightful name of floating fragrance in a Buddhist pot but I notice that the abbot is hardly touching his food .

  5. 瓦罐不离井上破。

    A pot sent to the well is broken at last .

  6. 他们在一块公元前7000年的瓦罐上发现了牛奶残留物。

    They found milk residue on pots dating back to 7000 BC !

  7. 粘土被用来做砖和瓦罐。

    Clay is used for making bricks and pots .

  8. 瓦罐鸡汤品质在加热过程中的变化研究。

    Studies on forming process of Crock Chicken Soup .

  9. 瓦罐鸡汤较其他鸡汤有较丰富的鲜味物质和较好的感官滋味。

    Pottery jar chicken soup had significant higher glutamic acid and gave better flavor .

  10. 高压加热鸡汤和瓦罐鸡汤挥发性风味物质研究。

    Studies on volatile substances in Crock Chicken Soup and high-pressure heated potted chicken soup .

  11. 则用朝朋友家投掷瓮坛瓦罐碎片的方式发出各种声响。

    throw broken pieces of jars or pots against the sides of friends ' houses .

  12. 孙侦探笑了,一把将瓦罐接过来,往墙上一碰。

    Detective Sun grinned and , pouncing on the gourd , smashed it against the wall .

  13. 鹪鹩鸟在溪谷边的岩石上,或旧兔圈里的破瓦罐边叫不停。

    Wrens sputter around on the ravine rocks and broken crockery from the old rabbit hutches .

  14. 瓦罐鸡汤特征滋味成分研究及工艺条件对其品质的影响

    Study on the Main Taste of the Crock Chicken Soup and Processing Technology Effects on Its Quality

  15. 至于那瓦罐的碎片,嵌进石缝里一撬就碎了,经过一小时白费力气的辛苦以后,他住手了。

    The fragments of the jug broke , and after an hour of useless toil , he paused .

  16. 他们从一个大瓦罐里掏出若干完好无缺的碗,并把它们带到了岸上,卖给了别人。

    They pulled several intact bowls from inside a large jar , took them ashore , and sold them .

  17. 将牛肉装进干净的瓦罐或不锈钢桶中,用腌汁淹没。

    Pack meat in a clean stone crock or stainless steel tub , and cover it with the pickle .

  18. 制作蛋糕的干果要在朗姆酒中浸泡并在瓦罐中保存两个星期至6个月。

    The dried fruits are soaked in rum and kept in a crock anywhere from two weeks to six months .

  19. 驿站街在十三世纪时是陶器工人居住的地方,它的真名是瓦罐街。

    In the thirteenth century this Rue des Postes was inhabited by potters , and its real name is Rue des Pots .

  20. 有几次我还爬上山顶,在残垣断壁中寻找陶器瓦罐。

    And I had climbed several times to the top of the mesa and looked among the old ruins there for pottery .

  21. 该公园的考古学家们已经发现了许多古代普韦布洛印第安人所使用的物品,包括瓦罐、工具和珠宝。

    The park 's archeologists have recovered many objects that the ancient Pueblo people used , including pots , tools and jewelry .

  22. 结果,我工作了差不多两个月的时间,才做成两只大瓦罐,样子非常难看,简直无法把它们叫作缸。

    I could not make above two large earthen ugly things , I cannot call them jars , in about two months labour .

  23. 仿真统计结果表明:本文算法对瓦罐车图像的增强效果显著,提高了定位的准确率。

    The simulation results showed that the proposed algorithms in the paper enhanced the images of railway freight distinctively and improve the positioning accuracy .

  24. 瓦罐和铁锅怎能相交?铁锅一碰瓦罐,瓦罐就破碎了。

    What agreement shall the earthen pot have with the kettle ? for if they knock one against the other , it shall be broken .

  25. 你不断地在我的瓦罐里满满地斟上不同颜色不同芬芳的新酒。

    Thou ever pourest for me the fresh draught of thy wine of various colours and fragrance , filling this earthen vessel to the brim .

  26. 只有一种办法了,就是把瓦罐打碎,挑一块锋利的碎片来挖墙。

    Dant è s had but one resource , which was to break the jug , and with one of the sharp fragments attack the wall .

  27. 你先是打烂了瓦罐,后来你又让我踩破了你的盆子,要是所有的犯人都象你这个样,政府就支付不了啦。

    First you break your jug , then you make me break your plate ; if all the prisoners followed your example , the government would be ruined .

  28. 为了有效地综合存在相关关系的多个判据的判决结果,本文提出了一种基于瓦罐模型的判决机制。

    In order to integrate multiple decisions resulted from different but correlated criteria , a decision making mechanism based on the urn model is proposed in this paper .

  29. 我独立在树影横斜的井旁,女人们已顶着褐色的瓦罐盛满了水回家了。

    I was alone by the well where the shadow of the tree fell aslant , and the women had gone home with their brown earthen pitchers full to the brim .

  30. 樱桃木色的橱柜显得更加温暖与华丽。摆放着搅拌碗、瓦罐、砂锅、几排调料和瓶瓶罐罐的架子看起来也更加舒心了。

    The cherry-stained kitchen cabinets look warmer , richer ; the shelves of mixing bowls , crocks and casseroles , the rows of spices and jars and bottles , are homier .