
  • 网络Wali;valley;Vali;wally
  1. 后来,我们再告诉瓦利不要再戴耳塞,好吗?

    And then , afterwards , we will tell Wally no more earplugs , okay ?

  2. 世行官员扬•瓦利泽尔(JanWalliser)表示,因加3号水电站工程看上去可行。

    Jan Walliser , an official at the World Bank , says the third phase of Inga looks feasible .

  3. 老一辈的人常常会怀念最后一代的瓦利统治时期。

    Older people often looked back nostalgically to the days of the last wali .

  4. 如果有任何人冒犯了瓦利准则,那么此人的整个家族都会被赶出斯瓦特。

    If anyone offended him , their entire family could be expelled from Swat .

  5. 喋喋不休地大谈意大利克里莫纳出产的提琴以及斯特莱迪瓦利提琴与阿玛蒂提琴之间的区别,

    and prattled away about Cremona fiddles and the difference between a Stradivarius and an Amati .

  6. 这是华盛顿的卧室的代表性,在里面他瓦利福奇宿舍。

    This is a representation of Washington 's bedroom , inside his quarters at Valley Forge .

  7. 我们的民族已经习惯逆来顺受,因为在瓦利制度下,是不允许批判政权的。

    Our people are used to being subservient because under the wali no criticism was tolerated .

  8. 那附近有一栋“白宫饭店”,是旧时瓦利的避暑宫殿。

    Nearby was the White Palace Hotel , which used to be the wali 's summer residence .

  9. 为了让剧集看起来更真实,瓦利-贝基特坚持让真正的芭蕾舞演员参演。

    To create a sense of authenticity , Walley-Beckett insisted that the show cast real-life ballet dancers .

  10. 瓦利-贝基特说,这正是《骨肉之躯》的“起源”。

    And this idea is the very " genesis " of Flesh and Bone , said Walley-Beckett .

  11. 很可惜我们没办法看到瓦利的房间,因为它遭到洪水的破坏,尚未修复。

    Sadly we could not see the wali 's room as it had been damaged by the floods .

  12. 瓦利表示这是他九年前推出自己的品牌以来第二次设计迷你裙。

    Mr. Valli notes that this is his second round with minis since launching his label nine years ago .

  13. 几乎可以这么说:他们认为法兹鲁拉能够重塑大环境,让我们的国家回到古时瓦利统治下的井然有序。

    It was almost as if they thought Fazlullah would recreate our old princely state from the time of the wali .

  14. 奈德最心爱的坐骑已经上好马鞍,正在庭院里等他。他穿过场子,瓦利和杰克斯一左一右跟了上来。

    Ned 's favorite horse was saddled and waiting in the yard.Varly and Jacks fell in beside him as he rode through the yard .

  15. 这两所都是名校,尤其是桑戈塔,它的历史可追溯至末代瓦利当政时期,并以其学术上的卓越而著称。

    These were famous schools , particularly Sangota , which dated from the time of the last wali and was well known for academic excellence .

  16. 在福冈举行的第12届亚洲田径锦标赛第一天的比赛中,巴塞罗那奥运会金牌得主、乌兹别克斯坦选手安德烈.阿布杜瓦利耶夫打破亚锦赛男子链球纪录。

    Barcelona Olympic gold medallist Andrei ABduvaliev of Uzbekistan set a meeting record winning the men 's hammer throw the opening day the12th Asian Athletic Championships in Fukuoka .

  17. 这一天还没怎么过去,艾哈迈德先生已经不为这又一次的杀戮而悲伤了。瓦利是总统哈米德?卡尔扎伊同父异母的兄弟,也是这块动荡的充斥着塔利班的南部地区实际上的总督。

    Barely a day goes by in which Ahmed Wali , half-brother to President Hamid Karzai and a sort of viceroy to the turbulent , Taliban-filled south , is not briefed about another killing .

  18. 他们回忆道,那时候山上还有葱郁的树林覆盖,每隔五公里就会有间学校,瓦利老爷还会亲自拜访他们,解决他们遇到的问题。

    Back then , they said , the mountains were all still covered in trees , there were schools every five kilometres and the wali sahib would visit them in person to resolve problems .

  19. 到了1969年,也就是我父亲出生的那年,瓦利放弃统治权,我们变成了巴基斯坦西北边疆的一个省。几年前,这个省改名为开伯尔-普什图省。

    In 1969 , the year my father was born , the wali gave up power and we became part of Pakistan 's North-West Frontier Province , which a few years ago changed its name to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa .

  20. 我们很幸运,住在斯瓦特这样一个世外桃源,有很多美丽的地方值得造访——瀑布、湖泊、滑雪胜地、瓦利的宫殿、大佛雕像、斯瓦特的圣贤阿昆德的陵墓等。

    We were lucky to live in a paradise like Swat with so many beautiful places to visit - waterfalls , lakes , the ski resort , the wali 's palace , the Buddha statues , the tomb of Akhund of Swat .