
  • 网络WACKER;Wacke
  1. 纽瓦克市市长CoryBooker,以及新西南州州长ChrisChristie,都不知道纽约警方的这一系列的行为。他们对此也表示十分的反感。

    Cory Booker , Newark 's mayor , and Chris Christie , New Jersey 's governor , who were not informed about the NYPD 's activities , are not happy either .

  2. 新泽西州纽瓦克市议员拉斯·巴拉卡当选市长。

    Newark , New Jersey has elected city councilman Ras Baraka , mayor .

  3. 新泽西州纽瓦克市他父亲

    In Newark , New Jersey His father .

  4. 纽瓦克市上任市长科里·布克于去年离职,并前往美国参议院任职。

    Newark 's last elected mayor Cory Booker left for the US senate last year .

  5. 根据调查,新泽西纽瓦克市是在最不友好城市名单里位列榜首。

    Newark , New Jersey , is the unfriendliest city in the world according to the survey .

  6. 纽瓦克市的夏普·詹姆斯和卡姆登市的米尔顿·米兰都都曾因贪污行为被指控和定罪。

    Mayor Sharpe James of Newark and Milton Milan of Camden also were charged and convicted of corruption .

  7. 新泽西纽瓦克市市长科里·布克表示,他将在两周内决定是否与克里斯·克里斯蒂竞选州长。

    Newark , New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker says he 'll decide within two weeks whether to run for governor against Chris Christie .

  8. 是伟大纽瓦克市的建立者之一这对我而言是一个强大的启示让我明白

    Was one of the founders of the great city of Newark and for me this was a powerful revelation as I began .

  9. 在周一凌晨,纽瓦克市市长和参议院科里·布克为7对情侣主持了婚礼。

    Weddings begin just after midnight Monday morning with Newark Mayor and US Senator-elect , Cory Booker , leading the ceremony for 7 couples .

  10. 今天,副总统乔·拜登主持了前纽瓦克市市长科里·布克宣誓就任新泽西州民主党参议员的仪式。

    Vice President Joe Biden doing the honors as former Newark Mayor Cory Booker was sworn in as the Democratic Senator for New Jersey today .

  11. 是当时市里最年轻的民选官员我是新泽西纽瓦克市议会最年轻的议员

    The youngest elected in my city at that time The youngest elected person I was on the city council in Newark , New Jersey .

  12. 1875年,爱迪生觉得他的事业已经发展成熟不用再在纽瓦克市的仓库里待着了。于是他在新泽西州门洛园的一个小镇上买了地。

    In 1875 , Edison felt he had outgrown the warehouse in Newark and purchased land in the small town of Menlo Park , New Jersey .

  13. 最后,我学习瓦克的热情在两个星期之后得到了回报,他们的住院总医师高速我让我加入到他的研究中去。

    Ultimately , my enthusiasm was well rewarded just two weeks into the rotation , when the chief resident asked me to participate in his research study .

  14. 在强夏季风年,1月份的哈特莱环流、7月份的瓦克环流和季风经圈环流都比弱夏季风年同期的明显。

    In strong summer monsoon cases , January Hadley circulation and July walker circulation as well as monsoon meridional circulation are stronger than that of weak monsoon cases .

  15. 1876年,爱迪生正式地将自己的事业搬出纽瓦克市,而门洛园是他在美国的第一处研发中心。

    Edison officially moved the business out of Newark in 1876 . Menlo Park was the first research and development center of its kind in the United States .

  16. 令他高兴的是,他的雇主西部联盟电报公司斥资40000美金购买了他所有的机器,这些钱足够他在新泽西州纽瓦克市的仓库里创业了。

    To his delight , Western Union , his employer , offered to purchase all of his machines for $ 40000 . This was enough to set up business in a Newark , New Jersey warehouse .

  17. 巴黎高等商学院副院长埃卢瓦克?佩拉什(EloicPeyrache)表示,与美、英两国的商学院相比,很多法国商学院往往更侧重多学科教育,提供更多学业内容,学员与教员交流的时间也更多。

    According to Eloic Peyrache , associate dean of HEC , many French business schools tend to be more multi-disciplinary than their US or British counterparts and offer more academic content and greater contact time with faculty .

  18. 根据美国联合通讯社的一则曝光内容称纽约警方不仅一直监视着在纽约地区的穆斯林们,而且还越过哈德逊河监视着在新泽西州的纽瓦克市的穆斯林。

    According to an expos é by the Associated Press , the NYPD has been monitoring Muslims not just in New York , but also across the Hudson river ( and the state line ) in Newark , New Jersey .

  19. 一份六十页的由纽约警方的情报部门汇编的关于纽瓦克市的穆斯林报告,包括商店店铺,餐馆以及有穆斯林学生学校的照片,还包括了一些在长岛地区的穆斯林的信息分类。

    A 60-page " demographics " report about Newark 's Muslims , compiled by NYPD 's Intelligence Division , includes photographs of shops , restaurants and a school that are owned or frequented by Muslims . It also catalogues information about Muslims on Long Island .

  20. 新片的故事背景设定在20世纪六七十年代,当时新泽西州纽瓦克市充斥着种族动乱,黑人和意大利裔美国人互相敌视,这部电影能让我们对《黑道家族》中的犯罪源头有所了解。

    Set in the 1960s and 70s , against the backdrop of racial unrest and riots in Newark , New Jersey , with antagonism between black people and Italian Americans , the film could give us a clue about where all that Sopranos crime came from .

  21. 民主党赢得了特殊选举,填补新泽西州空缺的参议员席位,据当地媒体报道,这位前纽瓦克市市长击败了共和党人史蒂夫·隆根,赢得了弗兰克·劳腾伯格去世后留下的空缺席位。

    Democrat Corry Bokker has won a special election to fill New Jersey 's vacant US senator seat , based on local media reports , Bokker the former mayor of Newark reportedly defeating Republican 's Steve Lonegan for the seat vacated by the death of Frank Lautenburg .