
zhū pái
  • pork chop
猪排 [zhū pái]
  • [pork chop] 大而厚的猪肉片,也指用它做成的菜肴

猪排[zhū pái]
  1. 但是直到我看了PETA网站上的资料之后,才开始将我最要好的动物朋友与盘子上的猪排产生关联。

    It wasn 't until I stumbled across PETA 's Web site that I started to make the connection between my companion animal best friends and the pork chop on my plate .

  2. 我想要份猪排和一杯啤酒。

    I 'd like a pork chop and a glass of beer .

  3. 这块猪排上没什么肉。

    There 's not much meat on this chop .

  4. 猪排会腐烂,给糟蹋掉。

    The chops will fester and go to waste .

  5. 五月份汉堡王推出了7美元八个的烤猪排。

    And in May Burger King introduced barbecuepork ribs at $ 7 for eight .

  6. 汉克正焦急地等待着他的扇贝。这时服务员给邻桌端了一盘夹馅猪排让他久久移不开目光。

    Hank was eagerly anticipating his scallops when the waiter brought the stuffed pork chops to the man at the table next to him .

  7. 在西弗吉尼亚州克查尔斯顿罗格商店的69岁的Sondra说,往她的购物车装了两个软包猪排。

    At a Kroger store in Charleston , W.Va. , Sondra Meadows , 69 , loaded two packages of pork chops into her shopping cart .

  8. 低调的MaruyamaKippei餐厅在2012年开业,主打简餐,这里有最好吃的日式猪排——包裹面包屑的炸猪排。简朴的外观很容易让人以为这是一家普通的寿司店。

    The unassuming luncheonette Maruyama Kippei , which opened in 2012 , serves superlative tonkatsu - breaded , deep-fried pork cutlet - in a modest space that could easily be mistaken for a spartan sushi bar .

  9. 你比较喜欢小羊排,还是猪排?

    Which do you prefer , lamb chops or pork chops ?

  10. 猪排和鸡肉,每天都是。

    Pork chops and chicken , day in and day out .

  11. 他请我吃了猪排,叫我要赢。

    He bought me pork and told me to win .

  12. “你比较喜欢小羊排,还是猪排?”

    " Which do you prefer , lamb chops or pork chops ?"

  13. 也可以烤羊排和猪排。

    Or maybe you might also cook lamb chops or pork chops .

  14. 猪排起锅与绿菜叶装盘。

    Remove from pan , serve with the greens .

  15. 应把猪排熬成浓汤。

    Pork chops should be condensed into thick soup .

  16. 我有了第一个外号:“猪排”。

    and I earned my first nickname : Porkchop .

  17. 时至今日,我都讨厌听到“猪排”这个词。

    To this day , I hate pork chops .

  18. 猪排泄物恶臭产生与控制的微生物学原理

    Microbiological mechanism of swine excreta odor production and control

  19. 艾尔,你真该尝尝这烤猪排。

    El , you really must try this because it 's puerco pibil .

  20. 将炸好的猪排做为主菜放在饭里,并加上其他的配菜的料理。

    Put a fried pork on the rice and collocate various side dishes .

  21. 递给我他的猪排的递给我他的猪排的谁?

    Pass me them pork chops . Pass me them pork chops who ?

  22. 谁昨天要的是火腿,今天要的是猪排?

    Who ordered ham yesterday and pork chops today ?

  23. 她先在猪排上洒上面包屑而后再煎。

    She breaded the pork chop before frying it .

  24. 冷冻酸奶、连骨猪排或藜麦怎么样?

    Or frozen yogurt , pork chops or quinoa ?

  25. 还有六块猪排和一只小羊腿

    And six pork chops and a lamb shank .

  26. 今天的特色莱是烤猪排。

    Today 's special is roast pork chops .

  27. 先生,这是你的烤猪排。

    Here is your roast pork , sir .

  28. 阿德里安、布朗和卡特三人去餐馆吃饭,他们每人要的不是火腿就是猪排。

    Both Brown and Carter don 't order pork chops at the same time .

  29. 今天的菜单上有猪排。

    Pork chop is on today 's menu .

  30. 猪排博士正在袭击闹鬼的面包店!

    Doctor Porkchop is attacking the haunted bakery !