
  • 网络Pig manure;hog manure
  1. 猪粪堆肥过程中腐殖质的生成及其对Cu的吸附作用研究

    The Formation of Humic Substances during Pig Manure Composting and the Adsorption of Copper on Humic Substances

  2. 原料为稻草和猪粪,按TS以2∶1混合。

    The material for fermentation is rice straw and pig manure mixed at ratio 2:1 by TS.

  3. 猪粪pH值随着枯草芽孢杆菌制剂添加量的增加而降低。

    The pH value of feces decreased with the increasing dosage of bacillus subtilis preparation .

  4. 当添加量为0.5%时,猪粪pH值由7.56降为7.03。

    The pH value decreased from 7.56 to 7.03 when the dosage was 0.5 % .

  5. 温度及调理剂对模拟猪粪堆肥过程中CO2释放规律的影响

    Effect of temperature , bulking agent and inoculants on CO_2 released during pig manure composting

  6. 堆肥对猪粪中CuZn在土壤中形态分布的影响

    The Effects of Manure Composting on Distribution of Cu and Zn Speciations in Soils

  7. 应用多重RT-PCR方法检测158例猪粪样中的两种冠状病毒

    Detection of two porcine coronavirus in 158 shares of clinical samples by multiple RT-PCR

  8. 施用猪粪由于同时带入了大量的活性养分,对土壤微生物生物量C、N和酶活性的影响尚难评价。

    However , the influence of pig manure on soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities was still uncertain because of high nutrient input with its application .

  9. 猪粪型生物有机肥与化肥配施(C、D、E)处理有利于提高水稻氮、磷、钾肥养分利用率。

    The N , P , K nutrient use efficiency of rice was increased with mixed application of pig manure bio-organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer .

  10. Cu在水稻籽粒、分蘖期茎叶、收获期茎叶和根系中的积累量均随猪粪施用量的增加而减少。

    The concentrations of Cu in grain , stem and root of paddy plant decreased with increasing application rate of pig manure .

  11. 对HDL、LDL腔内壁面浓度与不同喂养类型猪粪养分含量现状调查

    Research on actual nutrient concentration of different swine manure

  12. UASB处理猪粪废水启动试验研究

    Start-up experiment on pig manure wastewater treatment in UASB reactor

  13. 在Cu污染的潮土中施用猪粪,可明显减轻Cu对水稻叶绿素的负影响。

    In fluvio-aquic soil contaminated with Cu , application of pig manure could reduce Cu contamination-induced negative effect on the chlorophyll content of paddy plant .

  14. 猪粪污水中NH4~+与产氢光合细菌的相关关系研究

    Correlativity of NH_4 ~ + in Pig Dejecta Wastewater and Photosynthetic Bacteria of Hydrogen Production

  15. 用单克隆抗体PAP桥联酶标技术检测猪粪中的猪痢疾密螺旋体

    Monoclonal antibody enzyme bridge method for the detection of Treponema hyodysenteriae in pig faeces

  16. 蚯蚓对猪粪重金属Cu、Zn的吸收及影响因素研究

    Study on Cu and Zn Uptake in Pig Manure by Earthworm ( Eisenia foetida ) and Its Influencing Factors Bioleaching of heavy metals from pig manure

  17. 结果表明,连续施用猪粪,土壤pH值降低,有机质、全氮、全磷和有效磷增加。

    It would be gained that pH of the soil decreased , and the content of TN , TP , OM and bio - available phosphorus in soil increased .

  18. 采用猪粪/玉米秸秆型育苗基质进行茄子穴盘育苗时,除了处理F以外,所有处理的茄子的出苗率均达到80%以上,达到了CK的水平;

    Using pig manure / corn straw media to seedling , emergence rate of all treatments can get to 80 % except for treatment F.

  19. 柠檬酸能促进水稻对Cd的吸收,而猪粪浸提液则抑制水稻对重金属Cd的吸收。

    The citric acid promoted the absorption of Cd of rice while the water-soluble products of pig manure suppressed the absorption of heavy metal Cd of rice .

  20. 在长期不施化学磷肥的条件下,NK与猪粪长期配施处理土壤的各组分无机磷含量呈下降趋势。

    The content of soil inorganic phosphorus showed decline trends in NP + PM treatment after long-term application of no fertilizer .

  21. 试验也表明,相同浓度的猪粪DOM对硫杆菌复合菌株的抑制作用远大于污泥DOM。

    Results demonstrate that the inhibition by sewage sludge DOM is much more significant than by pig manure DOM at the same concentration level .

  22. 而猪粪H2S含量较高,产气量低且持续时间短,反应过程不稳定,易酸化。

    The pig waste has high H2S content 、 short produce-gas time 、 unstable reactive process in anaerobic digestion process .

  23. N、P、K肥三种肥料的均衡施用对土壤酸化的影响较小,施猪粪及秸杆还田也能对土壤酸化进行缓解。

    The balance utility of N , P , K fertilizer can cause little influence on soil acidification , and the use of manure and the returning of straw to field can relieve the soil acidification .

  24. 所有处理的土壤有效Cd含量都随时间的增加而降低,特别是高量石灰处理,其次为高量猪粪和高量活性炭处理。

    All the treatments reduced soil available Cd as the incubation proceeded , particularly for highest rate of lime , and followed by the highest rate of pig manure and active carbon .

  25. 1997年,一名联邦法官判决Smithfield支付1260万美元的罚款,罪名是将猪粪污染物排放到切萨皮克湾(ChesapeakeBay)的一个支流中,违反了联邦《净水法》(CleanWaterAct)。

    In 1997 , a federal judge fined Smithfield $ 12.6 million for violating the federal Clean Water Act by discharging hog-waste pollutants into a Chesapeake Bay tributary .

  26. 结果表明,在供试条件下施用鸡粪、牛粪和猪粪均可使土壤中有效Cu、Mn含量增加,但有效Zn含量降低;

    The results showed that the chicken dung , cattle dung and pig dung could all increase the contents of available Cu and Mn , but decrease the content of available Zn .

  27. 锌对猪粪堆肥过程中氧化还原类酶活性的影响(1)不同浓度的重金属Zn在堆肥过程中对堆料理化性质的影响不同。

    Effects of Zn on oxidoreductase activity during agriculture wastes composting ( 1 ) In composting process , different concentrations of heavy metals Zn have different influence of the physicochemical property of compost .

  28. 结果表明,在160份猪粪样品中12份可检测到SwineHEV,阳性率为7.5%。

    Finally the results of the study show that there were 12 positive samples of 160 pig manure for swine HEV and the positive rate was 7.5 % .

  29. 研究在猪粪、米糠强制通风堆肥过程中,堆体中氮素转化特点和NH3挥发规律。

    During the forced aeration composting with swine manure and bran , the characteristics of nitrogen transformation and NH3 emission are studied .

  30. 赤泥与猪粪配施对重金属Cd污染土壤的改良效应,存在一个最适配比(早稻,1.125;晚稻,0.625)的问题,并不是越多越好。

    The effect of red mud and pig manure on improvement of Cd-contaminated soil exists an optimal ratio ( early rice , 1.125 ; late rice , 0.625 ), rather than the more the better .