
  • 网络New Farmer
  1. 65岁以上与35岁以下农民的比例是6:1,且全国三分之二的农田都需要新农民,因此我们必须让愿意为国家种植粮食的人才毫无阻碍地去做这件事。

    With farmers over the age of 65 outnumbering farmers younger than 35 by six to one , and with two-thirds of the nation 's farmland in need of a new farmer , we must clear the path for talented people willing to grow the nation 's food .

  2. 新农民培训的理念和实践

    The Idea and Practice of New Farmer 's Training

  3. 开发商和老牌的大农场主使许多新农民无法拥有自己的土地。

    developers , and established large farmers makes owning one 's own land unattainable for many new farmers .

  4. 农业现代化呼唤加强新农民培训的思考

    Thoughts on Training of Modernized Farmers for Requirement of Agricultural Modernization

  5. 校地合作视阈下新农民培训模式探析

    Training Mode of Farmers in the Context of Locality and University Cooperation

  6. 培养新农民,建设新农村

    Training new farmer and constructing socialist new countryside

  7. 高校应加强大学生社会主义新农民意识培养

    Colleges Should Strengthen the Cultivation of College Students ' Outlook of Socialist New Farmer

  8. 培养新农民是社会主义新农村建设的最高价值追求

    Training the New Farmers : the Pursuit of the Highest Value in the Socialist Rural Construction

  9. 论新农民合作经济

    Discussion Of New Peasant Cooperative Economy

  10. 新农民与新农业新农村&论农村职业技术教育的目标定向

    New Farmer , New Agriculture and New Country & On the New Orientation of Rural Vocational Education

  11. 法国新农民

    The New Farmers In France

  12. 新农民榜样

    Models of New Farmer

  13. 将新农民培训、劳动力转移培训以及农民工培训作为职业教育发展的重点。

    Take new peasants training , workforce transferring training and peasant workers training as the emphasis of vocational education development .

  14. 培育新农民与建设新农村&基于人力资本理论的实证分析

    A Study of the New Peasants Cultivation and the New Rural Construction & Based on the empirical analysis of the human capital theory

  15. 挣脱僵化、固守的惰性心理情结,发挥积极、向上的热情理念,成就与时俱进的新农民,是有效推动新农村建设的内在动力。

    To get rid of inertia psychology , promote positive ideas and cultivate new peasants advancing with time is the intrinsic force that make new countryside building more effective .

  16. 加强新农民培训新农村建设的基础湖南省新宁县新农村建设实况调查之农民培训有效供给

    To Reinforce New Peasant Training the Basis of New Rural Construction the Fact Finding of New Rural Construction in Xin Ning County : the Effective Supply of Peasant Training

  17. 如果条件相似,从墨西哥或是更南部地区来的新农民也将沿袭同样的模式&第一代问题很多,第二代能适应,第三代得到发展。

    Given half a chance ②, the new peasant arrivals from Mexico and farther south will follow the same broad pattern : problems in the first generation , adjustment in the second , advancement in the third .

  18. 新阶段农民增收的新思考

    New Thinking of Increasing Peasants ' Income in the New Stage

  19. 新时期农民职业教育研究

    Research on Farmers ' Vocational Education in Province in New Era

  20. 新阶段农民收入问题研究

    Study on the Income Problem of Farmers of the New Phase

  21. 新世纪农民职业教育需求的调查与分析

    Demanding investigation and analysis on peasant vocational education in new century

  22. 对新时期农民组织化几个问题的思考

    Thinking about some issues on farmer organization in the new era

  23. 新阶段农民收入增长的新思路

    New Thought of Peasants ' Income Increasing in the New Stage

  24. 社会主义新农村农民思想道德状况的研究

    The Research of Peasant Ideological-moral Situation in the New Countryside of Socialism

  25. 新时期农民增收途径&城乡一体化

    A Way to Increase the Income of Farmers in New Period-Integrated Urban-Rural

  26. 新时期农民组织化问题的理论研究与实践探索

    Theoretical Research and Practical Exploration of Peasant 's Organization Problem of New Period

  27. 新时期农民土地权益流失与保护的思考

    In the New Period of Land Rights and Interests Protection and Loss of Farmers

  28. 新时期农民科技需求的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Need of Farmers for Science and Technology in New Stage

  29. 新时期农民增收的财税政策研究

    A Study On the Fiscal Policy of Increasing Farmers ' Income in the New Era

  30. 新阶段农民增收与提高农产品竞争力的若干建议

    Several Suggestions of Increasing Farmer Income and Improving Competitiveness of Agricultural Products at new Stage