
  1. 新少林寺高清版在线观看这也是失去的意义吧。

    This is also the significance of losing it .

  2. 2010年06月19日据媒体近日报道,由成龙、刘德华、谢霆峰主演的电影《新少林寺》将在今年年底的贺岁档上映。

    2010-06-19 The film " Shaolin ," starring Jackie Chan , Andy Lau and Nicholas Tse , will be released at the end of this year during the New Year movie season , according to media reporting recently .

  3. 枣寺继承人为完成管原惠庆长老热心中日友好和文化交流的遗愿,正式邀请我和李承仙东渡日本在新落成的枣寺正殿绘制壁画。

    To carry out his last wish and promote the friendship and cultural exchange between Japan and China , the present abbot of the Date Monastery sent us an official invitation to paint murals in the newly constructed Main Hall of his monastery .