
  • 网络the New Kingdom
  1. 古代埃及新王国时期的维西尔

    The Vizier of the New Kingdom in Ancient Egypt

  2. 论新王国时期埃及和利比亚的关系

    A Study of the Relationship of Egypt and Libya during the New Kingdom

  3. 第二阶段是新王国时期埃及与爱琴文明中的迈锡尼文明的直接联系。

    Secondly Egypt keeps the direct relationship with Mycenaean culture .

  4. 古埃及新王国时期的婚姻生活

    Marriage in the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt

  5. 从而得出这样的结论:维西尔的崇高地位和权力在新王国时期并没有丧失。

    Thus , I draw the conclusion : The lofty position and power of the vizier have not been lost in the New Kingdom period .

  6. 卡那克神庙是埃及新王国时期宗教活动的中心,而且在埃及政治、经济、文化中发挥着巨大的作用。

    Karnak Temple is central to religion in Egyptian society during the New Kingdom , and it plays an important part on politics 、 economy and civilization .

  7. 这一发现距离一世神庙400米远,一世神庙是新王国时期横穿尼罗河(现在的卢克索)的纪念物。

    The discovery was made 400 metres away from the temple of Seti I , a New Kingdom period memorial across the Nile from present day Luxor .

  8. 我的结论是:整个新王国时期,政治宗教的平衡与矛盾贯穿始终,表现为军士和祭司阶层在政治中的纵横捭阖。

    My conclusion is the equilibrium and conflict between politics and religion ran through the whole New Kingdom , which represented the monastery and soldiery groups combated each other .

  9. 这尊模特是在埃及新王国时期雕刻的,但是我们不知道它是谁,也不知道为什么要制作它,因为它上面没有象形文字可参考。

    The model was carved during the New Kingdom Period but we do not know who it is or why it was made because there are no hieroglyphics on it .

  10. 新王国时期,军事帝国的特性使其政治制度、统治方式都有着与以往不同的特色,本文即关注于此。

    The New Kingdom was a period that characteristic of empire military make its political system , ruling way all have got with different special features , this paper namely pay attention to it .

  11. 我们认为新王国时期的埃及,政治生活中有强烈的军事色彩,而古埃及人是一贯重视传统的,祭司和军士阶层成为两股强大的相互牵制的力量。

    We think that the warlike trait in New Kingdom is keen , while the ancient Egyptians persistently attached importance to traditions , thus monastery group and soldiery became two powerful sections contain mutually .

  12. 通过介绍新王国时期的一系列政治策略,分析此种政治策略存在的合理性基础,挖掘政治的深层次内核。

    By introducing a series of political strategy of the New Kingdom , analyze this kind of political strategy the rational foundation that existed , and scoop out the inside kernel of political structure deeply .

  13. 埃及随之进入国力复兴的新时期,该时期被埃及学专家称为新王国时期。

    Followed a new phase of revival for Egypt , a period known to Egyptologists as the New Empire .