
  • 网络fresh food
  1. 冷冻食品和新鲜食品不能相提并论。

    There is no comparison between frozen food and fresh food .

  2. “食品荒漠”是指没有新鲜食品或这种食品价格极贵的地区。看了以上定义,你也许对此还是没啥概念。憋急!

    Food desert refers to an area where fresh food is either non-existent or too expensive .

  3. 纠正措施包括,新德里希望北京撤销对印度信息技术、宝莱坞(Bollywood)电影以及新鲜食品出口的限制,并增加印度企业在中国医药与IT行业的投资机会。

    Among other measures , New Delhi wants Beijing to end restrictions on Indian exports of information technology , Bollywood films and fresh food . It wants greater investment opportunities for Indian companies in sectors such as pharmaceuticals and IT .

  4. 位于纽约皇后区的FreshDirect每填都有2500名员工在辛勤劳作,确保当地的新鲜食品能够送达纽约州、新泽西州、康涅狄格州、宾夕法尼亚州和特拉华州。

    FreshDirect , based in Queens , has 2,500 employees working each day to ensure that fresh local food gets to customers in New York , New Jersey , Connecticut , Pennsylvania , and Delaware .

  5. 应该让人们买得到价格低廉的新鲜食品。

    People should have access to cheap , fresh food .

  6. 难于接近新鲜食品是一个可以解决的健康问题

    Poor access to fresh food is a solvable health problem

  7. 有没有任何违禁品?有没有新鲜食品、物或动物?

    Any contraband ? Any fresh fruit , live plants , or animals ?

  8. 食品,尤其是新鲜食品,属于这一类。还有香水。

    Food , especially fresh food , falls into this category , along with perfume .

  9. 探讨新鲜食品薄膜的包装功能

    Plastic film for fresh food packaging

  10. 该公司的食品包装分部提供收缩袋,以真空包各种新鲜食品产品;

    The company 's Food Packaging segment offers shrink bags to vacuum package various fresh food products ;

  11. 一般来说,摄入各种各样的新鲜食品便能给人体提供所有必需的营养成分。

    As a general rule , eating a wide variety of fresh foods will provide you with all the nutrients you need .

  12. 有没有任何违禁品?有没有新鲜食品、物或动物?您随身带有什么违禁品吗?

    Any contraband ? Any fresh fruit , live plants , or animals ? Have you got any prohibit goods with you ?

  13. 近年来,随着高品质新鲜食品需求的增长,真空预冷技术被越来越多地应用到食品保鲜领域中。

    Recently , vacuum pre-cooling technology has been used widely in food industry along with the growth of requirement in high quality fresh food .

  14. 为了确保新鲜食品从生产源头安全地送达消费者的手中,冷藏运输是一种必不可少的食品安全保障措施。

    In order to ensure fresh food from the production source to safely reach the hands of consumers , refrigerated transport is an essential food safety safeguards .

  15. 对于日益增多的中国城市消费者而言,现在获取新鲜食品最近、最便利的来源,是超市而不是菜市场。

    For a growing number of urban Chinese consumers the nearest and most convenient source of fresh food is now a supermarket rather than a wet market .

  16. 我们现在知道,连我们吃的新鲜食品也含有微量的化学药剂,含量一大,就可能有危险。

    Even foods that are eaten freshly , we now know , can contain chemicals in trace amounts that could , in large amounts , be dangerous .

  17. 把新鲜食品放冰箱里是从商店回来后最先做、也是最容易做的事,但那些食物是否该放冰箱里却是另一回事。

    Putting fresh groceries in the fridge is the quickest and easiest option after a shop , but whether or not those items belong in there is another story 。

  18. 如今专家强烈要求食品制造商采取有更效措施,并建议公众减少食用加工食品,尽可能吃更多的新鲜食品。

    Experts are now urging food producers to take stronger action , and are advising the public to cut down on processed food and eat as much fresh produce as possible .

  19. 他们只是希望当你读这个广告时对他们的好评论有不错的感觉,并且记住“新鲜食品”这几个字,而且把它们和超级市场的食品联系起来。

    They just hope that when you read the ad , you will feel good about their nice comment and remember the words'freshest food'and connect them to the food in the supermarket .

  20. 空运业务不断增长。某些商品如活牲畜、新鲜食品、鲜花以及贵重物品空运是最佳选择。

    Transporting by air is increasing and for certain types of goods , such as breeding stock , fresh food or flowers as well as valuables , airfreight is the best choice .

  21. 人们旅行还为了结交新朋友,品尝新鲜食品,体验世界各地的生活,或者干脆为了躲避严寒。

    People also travel to meet new friends , to try new kinds of food , to experience life in other parts of the world or simply to get away from cold weather .

  22. 沃特斯19岁到法国留学时发现,她每天都能吃到新鲜食品,原因就是餐馆厨师和家庭厨师每天都去食品市场采购。

    When Alice Waters was19 , she went to France to study and discovered that she could taste fresh food every day because restaurant chefs and household cooks went to the food market daily .

  23. 过去人们都以新鲜食品为主食,但是现在越来越多的人们越来越看重生活与消费的快捷和便利。

    In the past , people always took fresh food as their main food , but now , more and more people will think more on shortcut and advantage on their life and consumption .

  24. 对新鲜食品的需求,特别是保证新鲜食品的充分和四时供应,是人类渴望已久的事情。

    Preservation of food in a fresh-keeping way , which hasbeen a long-cherished dream of human beings , may satisfy people 's need for a sufficient supply of fresh food all the year round .

  25. 例如,Food-4-Less一家位于恩格尔伍德的商店就为将近41000户居民改善了新鲜食品的途径,并且,这些居民中的大多数都是黑人。

    It sometimes takes only one shop to change things vastly for the better . For example , the Food-4-Less store in Englewood improved access to fresh food for almost 41000 people , most of whom are black .

  26. 它还许诺在下一个五年,在城市其他19处有食品荒漠的地方和1000家遍布乡村的分店提供更多新鲜食品。

    It has also promised that over the next five years it will provide more fresh food in 19 other sites in the city , most of them food deserts , and in 1000 other stores across the country .

  27. 减压储藏是当今先进的新鲜食品储藏保鲜技术,本文叙述了减压保鲜的基本理论和技术特点,回顾了减压保鲜的现状和问题,提出了减压保鲜的发展方向。

    Hypobaric Storage is a recently advanced storage technology for the fresh foods . This topic described the theory and technology characteristics of Hypobaric Storage , and reviewed the status in quo and the problem , and put forward the future development of the Hypobaric Storage .

  28. 他们有各式各样劝告人们食用新鲜有机食品的广告语。

    They had all these literature advising people to eat fresh organic growing food .

  29. 战争期间,我们像奴隶般地干活,为国家生产新鲜的食品。

    During the war we worked like slaves to produce good food for the country .

  30. 没有面包被收集,当这不是一个博物馆物体时而是每日的新鲜的食品。

    No bread is collected as it is not a museum object but daily fresh food .