
  • 网络Everest Base Camp
  1. 此次地震的震中接近珠峰大本营(EverestBaseCamp)。在4月25日发生的地震引发的雪崩导致18名登山人员丧生后,珠峰大本营的人员已经撤离。

    The quake 's epicentre was close to Everest Base Camp , which was evacuated after an avalanche triggered by the April 25 quake killed 18 climbers .

  2. 我已经长途跋涉到过珠峰大本营,并完成了安娜普娜山脉沿线环游,这两个地方都是梦幻般的旅行,而且拥有世界上最好的的风景。

    I have trekked to Everest base camp and have done the Annapurna circuit , both are fantastic treks and offer some of the best scenery in the world .

  3. 根据安排,一个媒体采访团也将随火种一同前往珠峰大本营。

    A media group is scheduled to accompany the flame as far as the base camp .

  4. 参赛选手需要从尼泊尔境内海拔高度为5356米的珠峰大本营出发,跑到海拔高度为3446米的纳姆泽巴扎尔小镇。

    Starting from Everest Base Camp at5356m ( 17,149 feet ) height in Nepal , the race finishes at the Sherpa town of Namche Bazaar at3446m ( 11,300 feet ) .

  5. 尼泊尔旅游局局长普拉萨德·德哈卡尔表示,在给这对夫妇颁发证书前,旅游局曾经向探险组织和珠峰大本营驻地工作人员确认过。

    Nepal 's tourism chief , Prasad Dhakal , said his department had spoken to the expedition 's organisers and officials stationed at Everest base camp before validating the couple 's certificates .

  6. 政府工作人员表示,越来越多的游客在珠峰大本营中国一侧的纪念碑和其他标志建筑上,留下用各种语言书写的“到此一游”之类的文字。

    Tourists were increasingly leaving comments like " I was here " in several languages on monuments and signs at Base Camp on the Chinese side of the mountain , they said .

  7. 地震发生后,里塔周一在尼泊尔东部的这座营地通过电话表示,珠峰大本营以前从未遇到这种情况。此次地震引发了那里的雪崩和地质震动。

    Nothing like this has happened before at Everest base camp , Mr. Rita said by telephone Monday from the camp in eastern Nepal , in the aftermath of the earthquake that set off the avalanche and geological convulsions there .

  8. 他患有肌肉萎缩症,心脏也有毛病。他表示自己曾徒步抵达珠峰大本营和世界上其他一些著名景点或难以接近的地方,为的是向世人表明,生活不应该笼罩在疾病的阴影之下。

    He has muscular dystrophy and heart problems , and said he had trekked to the Everest base camp , and other famous or forbidding parts of the world , to show people that illness should not overshadow their lives .

  9. 晚上我们将在珠峰山脚下协格尔休整准备出发,准备明天的珠峰大本营之旅。

    At Night we will rest Everest foothills Xegar ready to set out to prepare tomorrow 's trip to Everest base camp .