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  • 网络gems
  1. 模式识别在珠宝玉石鉴定中的应用

    Application of pattern recognition in gems testing

  2. 在采访中,中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会副秘书长史洪岳甚至拒绝谈论缅甸玉石贸易的弊端。

    During an interview , Shi Hongyue , vice secretary general of the Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China , refused to even discuss the ills plaguing the Burmese jade trade .

  3. 珠宝玉石计算机辅助鉴定及信息系统

    Introduction of Computer Aided Identification and Information System for Gem Testing

  4. 古珠宝玉石的鉴定在考古研究中的意义

    On the Significance of Ancient pearl and Jewel Identification in Archaeological Studies

  5. 这是一个巨大范围的珠宝玉石质量。

    There is a huge range of gemstone quality .

  6. 中国传统珠宝玉石文化的渊薮

    Source of the culture of Chinese Jewelry & Jade

  7. 业务涵盖珠宝玉石摄影、平面设计、企业营销策划、网络建设等多项服务。

    Core competences of Boguan include photography , design , planning , network and other advertisement services .

  8. 我有一个妻子-珠宝玉石

    I have a wife-jewels jade

  9. 在GB/T16553-2003(《珠宝玉石鉴定》)中并没有相应玉石品种的鉴定标准,建议修改国家标准的相关内容。

    As there is no corresponding standard on testing this kind of jade inGB / T16553-2003 ( Gem-Testing ), the mending of national standard is suggested .

  10. 愿团结广大珠宝玉石界的朋友,建立长期稳定的合作伙伴关系,互惠互利,共创收益!

    We wish the friend of the malachite circle of united vast jewel , establish long and steady partnership relation , mutual reciprocity and mutual benefit , create incomes !

  11. 随着社会经济的增长和人类文明的发展,珠宝玉石已成为具有增值性、艺术性的大众化商品。

    With the development of civilization and growth of economy , the jewels and jade are becoming more and more popular commodities which are also involved in a fierce competition market .

  12. 对消费者个人委托加工的金银首饰及珠宝玉石,可暂按加工费征收消费税。

    With regard to gold , silver , jewelry , pearl and jade processed on order of individual consumers , consumption tax may temporarily be levied in light of processing charges .

  13. 政府旗下的中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会估计,玉石的年销售额高达50亿美元,其中超过一半来自缅甸翡翠。

    The state-affiliated Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China estimates that annual sales of jade are as high as $ 5 billion , more than half of which comes from Burmese jade .

  14. 云南省发展珠宝玉石产业不但具有优越的地缘区位和资源禀赋,而且还具有旺盛的市场需求、特殊的品牌效应、良好的产业依托及较为完善的法律法规等方面的优势。

    Yunnan province has particular superiorities to develop the gemstone industry , such as the increasing of market demand ; brand effect ; support and good relationship with the tourism industry , as well as established laws and regulations .

  15. 中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会副会长史洪岳表示,以经济作为一个整体,珠宝行业正在寻求新常态发展模式:扭转过度增长,提高质量,增强设计,发挥创造力和传播文化意义。

    Shi Hongyue , deputy of the Gem and Jewelry Trade Association of China , says like the economy , the industry is finding a new normal - excessive growth , and focusing on better quality and design , creativity , and cultural significance .