
yīng luò
  • pearl and jade necklace
璎珞 [yīng luò]
  • [jade-like stone] 古代用珠玉串成的装饰品,多用为颈饰

  • 将那珠宝晶莹、黄金灿烂的璎珞摘出来。--《红楼梦》

  1. 边上有小座,狮子和牛以下有垂下的璎珞。

    Above and below the lions and bulls were wreaths of hammered work .

  2. 解了排扣,从里面大红袄上将那珠宝晶莹黄金灿烂的璎珞掏将出来。

    She unbuttoned her red jacket and drew out a bright gold necklace studded with glittering pearls and jewels .

  3. 每盆座有四个铜轮和铜轴。小座的四角上在盆以下,有铸成的盆架,其旁都有璎珞。

    Each stand had four bronze wheels with bronze axles , and each had a basin resting on four supports , cast with wreaths on each side .

  4. 在撑子和心子上刻着基路伯,狮子,和棕树,周围有璎珞。

    He engraved cherubim , lions and palm trees on the surfaces of the supports and on the panels , in every available space , with wreaths all around .