
wéi yāo
  • apron;loincloth;waist warmer;lady's girdle
围腰 [wéi yāo]
  • (1) [waist warmer;lady's girdle]∶用来束腰或使腰部保暖的织物。也叫围腰子

  • (2) [apron]〈方〉∶围裙

围腰[wéi yāo]
  1. 一条粗布围腰把那裙子遮去了一半。

    A coarse linen apron concealed the half of her petticoat .

  2. 公白飞腰间围着围腰,在包扎伤员。

    Combeferre , wearing an apron , was dressing the wounds .

  3. 但是广西苗族妇女则是穿有腰带的上衣.色彩多变的刺锈围腰和褶裙。

    But the women in Guangxi wear jackets tied with belt , and many-hued embroidered apron , and a pleated skirt .

  4. 通过开着的窗子她可以看见穿着工作围腰的男男女女在那里忙忙碌碌地走来走去。

    Through the open windows she could see the figures of men and women in working aprons , moving busily about .

  5. 苗家姑娘最爱将龙的变形图案打制成银饰装点在头上,或刺绣在衣裙中,编织于围腰上。

    Girls like to adorn their hair with silver omaments shaped like dragons and wear clothes embroidered or woven with dragon patterns .

  6. 又为坛做一个铜网,安在坛四面的围腰板以下,从下达到坛的半腰。

    They made a grating for the altar , a bronze network , to be under its ledge , halfway up the altar .