
wéi chǎnɡ
  • paddock;enclosure;imperial hunting park
围场 [wéi chǎng]
  • [exclosure;hunting ground] 专供皇帝贵族围起来打猎的场地

  1. 这块围场如此之大,几乎看不见最远端的围墙。

    This enclosure was so vast that the outermost wall could hardly be seen .

  2. 人们无目的地在围场里走着。

    The men walked aimlessly about the enclosure .

  3. 那户人家把马养在屋前的小围场里。

    The family kept horses in the paddock in front of the house .

  4. 他们的围场为24米见方。

    Their paddock measures 24 metres square .

  5. 他们在f1围场中看到的野兽还不够多嘛?

    Don 't they see enough animals in the F1 paddock ?

  6. 本研究采用河北围场产沸石和秦皇岛产页岩,通过X射线荧光光谱和X射线衍射分析,确定了2种填料的元素组成和矿物组成,揭示了填料去除氮磷及缓冲H+的作用机理。

    With X-ray fluorescence measurement and X-ray diffractometer , the elements and minerals in zeolite and shale were confirmed , and the removal mechanics of nitrogen , phosphate and hydrogen ion in substrates were explained respectively .

  7. 周四晚他们给f1围场里的所有人都来了一场别开生面的淋浴(最晚上床的是临晨4:30),今晚上又来了。

    They threw a brilliant bash for everyone in the F1 paddock on Thursday night ( the last person went to bed at4.30am ) and they did the same tonight .

  8. F1围场俱乐部(PaddockClub)是一个耀眼的娱乐旅行组织,为客户提供美食盛宴、赛道游览和香槟自助餐,平均每人每天花费3000美元。

    F1 's Paddock Club , a glitzy travelling circus of entertainment that provides clients with gourmet banquets , track tours and champagne buffets , costs an average $ 3,000 per person per day .

  9. 对围场县森林项目经济效果评价的实证研究表明:中国北方地区的森林CDM项目成本较高,信用额收益不足以弥补成本。

    A cost-benefit analysis of a forestry projects in Weichang County shows that the cost of forestry CDM projects in North China is so high that the carbon credits income does not totally cover the cost .

  10. 测定了2008年采自河北围场、吉林长春的共97株晚疫病菌的交配型,结果表明所有菌株全部为A1交配型,未发现A2交配型。

    The mating type of 97 isolates collected from Weichang county in Hebei province and Changchun city in Jilin province in 2008 were determined and the results indicates all tested isolates were the A1 mating type . 3 .

  11. 以承德市围场县为例,探讨了利用遥感技术从Landsat-TM图像中监测植被动态变化的方法。

    This paper takes Weichang county for example , discusses the method that monitors vegetation dynamic change from the Landsat-TM image using remote sensing technique .

  12. 考古研究小组为我们展示了清晰的远古画面,让我们可以追溯到更远的历史甚至小的个体群落,例如在埃塞克斯(Essex)考古遗址,考古人员发现了当时原始居民修建,使用和后来废弃的围场,它伴随了一代人的成长。

    The team 's work offers such a sharp picture of the past that it is possible to trace the histories even of individual communities , such as one in Essex whose inhabitants built , used and then abandoned an enclosure within the span of a single generation .

  13. 艾林河乡是围场县十大贫困乡之一。

    Ailinghe is one of the poor communes in Weichang County .

  14. 被围进围场,好象进入围场。

    To be gathered into or as if into a yard .

  15. 围场地区紫花苜蓿土壤水分动态变化与根系分布状况研究

    Soil Moisture Dynamic and Root Growth of Alfalfa in Weichang Region

  16. 河北围场县动物鼠疫调查分析

    Analysis on Plague Epizootic Investigations in Weichang County of Hebei Province

  17. 河北围场木兰石矿物学研究

    Mineralogy Research on Mulan Stone from Weichang County , Hebei Province

  18. 围场县森林植物资源及其开发利用浅议

    Resources of forest plants and their development in Weichang County

  19. 试验用的老鼠被安置在单独的试验围场里。

    The test mice are placed in individual experimental enclosure .

  20. 黎明和黄昏时,兔子在围场里跳跃。

    Rabbits cavort in the paddock at dawn and dusk .

  21. 好的,兰利下令突袭阿拉米达围场。

    Okay , langley 's ordered a raid on the Alameda yard .

  22. 我踩在结着露珠的草地上,向养马的围场走去

    and I was walking on dewy grass down to the horse paddocks

  23. 谁牵缰绳带它们去围场?

    Who takes the horses out to the paddock on their lead line ?

  24. 皇家围场用铁丝网隔离,并有人把守。

    The Royal enclose was wired off and guarded .

  25. 他卖掉了一些围场以缩小地产的面积。

    He reduced the acreage of his property by selling off several paddocks .

  26. 雇工们都在围场上闲混。

    The boys were in the compound loafing .

  27. 牛在围场里吃草。

    The cattle are grazing in the paddock .

  28. 把奶牛赶到下一个围场。

    To drive cows into the next paddock .

  29. 承德避暑山庄木兰围场地理及植物分析

    Analysis of plant landscape in Chengde Hunting Garden

  30. 在沙漠围场,金伯利恳求里克帮助她逃跑。

    At the desert compound , Kimberly pleads with Rick to help her escape .