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  1. 李世石(LeeSe-Dol)是围棋世界冠军。围棋这种古老的中国棋盘游戏,被认为是世界上最复杂的棋类游戏。

    Lee Se-Dol is the world champion of Go , the ancient Chinese board game that is considered the world 's most complex .

  2. Google旗下的机器学习技术企业DeepMind总部设在英国,今年早些时候,他们的计算机因打败了围棋世界冠军而上了头条。

    Google 's machine learning unit DeepMind is based in the UK and have previously made headlines when their computer beat the Go World champion earlier this year .

  3. 上周四,谷歌(Google)旗下的DeepMind公司在对围棋世界冠军李世石(LeeSe-dol)的第二局比赛中取胜,这令它距离取得这场五局对战的胜利仅一步之遥。

    Yesterday , Google 's DeepMind subsidiary won its second game of Go against Lee Se-dol , world champion of the ancient board game , putting it on the brink of victory in a five-game series .

  4. 一些早期努力因为缺乏实用性而招致批评,包括打败围棋和国际象棋世界冠军的程序。

    Other early stage efforts that have come in for criticism over concerns that they have little real-world application include programmes that beat world champions of chess and Go .