
hé qí
  • draw;stalemate;a draw in chess or other board games
和棋 [hé qí]
  • [a draw in chess or other board games] [下棋等]双方不分胜负

和棋[hé qí]
  1. 这盘国际象棋比赛以和棋结束。

    The chess game ended in a stalemate .

  2. 我想这个局面已经非常接近和棋了。

    I felt that this position was very near a drawn one .

  3. 国际象棋以和棋而告终;两派在利益边缘僵持不下。

    The chess game ended with white stalemated ; the two factions are deadlocked over fringe benefits .

  4. 对手选择了一个极其尖锐的变化,对双方赢棋都比和棋容易。

    The opponents played an extremely sharp line that is much easier to win than to draw with either color .

  5. 本系统还有和棋、再来一盘、帮助等辅助功能。

    Moreover , this system has the assistant functions such as " Deuce "," Play Again "," Help " and so on .

  6. 在这种局势下的一步疑问手。和棋对彭来说是合适的,所以她应该下得更稳妥些。

    It is an unjustified decision in this situation . a draw would suit peng , so she should have played more conservatively .

  7. 该装置可以显示水平光栅、垂直光栅和棋格信号,具有六档不同的空间频率、十二档时间频率、十二档视野范围和显示时间控制。

    There are six grades of space frequency , twelve grades of time frequency , twelve grades of visual field and different showing-time for each patterns .

  8. 希望人们喝茶时可以感受带有浓重亚洲文化的茶道和棋文化。

    All the materials are woods and pottery , so people can appreciate the tea ceremony and the culture of go in Asia while tasting tea .

  9. 在当前的局势下,白棋赢棋的机会看起来要比黑棋和棋的机会要好。然而,白棋要证明这一点必须走得十分精确。

    Well in this position white 's chances to win look better than black 's to draw . however , great accuracy is demanded on white 's part to prove it .