
  • 网络Hutchison Whampoa Limited;HWL;Hutchison Whampoa Properties
  1. 和记黄埔有限公司(「和黄」)是业务遍布全球的大型跨国企业,一向锐意创新,并勇于采用新科技。

    Hutchison Whampoa Limited ( HWL ) is a leading international corporation committed to innovation and technology with businesses spanning the globe .

  2. 他的商业帝国和记黄埔有限公司(HutchisonWhampoaLtd.,0013.HK,简称:和记黄埔)的业务涵盖了从电讯到港口,乃至酒店的多个领域。

    His business empire , Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. , stretches from telecommunications to ports and hotels .

  3. 小米全球副总裁巴拉(HugoBarra)说,小米计划与李嘉诚控制的和记黄埔有限公司(HutchisonWhampoaLtd.,0013.HK)旗下的电信业务在香港之外进一步合作。

    Xiaomi Global Vice President Hugo Barra , the former Google Inc. official who joined the Chinese company in October , said Xiaomi is looking at further collaboration with Li-controlled Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. 's telecom operations beyond Hong Kong ,