
  • 网络Garbage disposal equipment;Garbage Treatment Plants
  1. 居民小区生活垃圾处理设备研究

    Study on the auto-process equipment of solid wastes from residential areas

  2. 垃圾处理设备现状、存在问题及对策探讨

    Discussion on Waste Treatment Equipment Status , Problem and Countermeasure

  3. 我家还有抵制胡萝卜的垃圾处理设备呢。

    I have a garbage disposal that rejects carrots .

  4. 基于餐厨垃圾处理设备的新型油水分离器

    Oil-Water Separator Based on Restaurant Garbage Treatment Equipment

  5. ZTL-30型自燃焚烧式特种垃圾处理成套设备的设计

    Research of ZTL-30 Special Garbage Processing Equipment with Self-ignition and Burning

  6. 因此,本文以北京瑞杰灵通环境技术有限公司现有餐厨垃圾生化处理设备为研究对象,分析了热管与太阳能结合应用作为加热热源得可行性,利用计算流体力学CFD方法仿真研究了设备内部温度场分布。

    Therefore , the existing food waste biological treatment processor is taken as a case study by this paper , the feasibility of heat pipe combined with solar application as heat source is analyzed , and the internal temperature field distribution phenomenon is studied by using Computational Fluid Dynamics method .

  7. 国内外垃圾焚烧处理设备的现状

    Current situation of the garbage incineration equipment at home and abroad

  8. 本论文研究的对象是城市生活垃圾预处理设备及工艺参数。

    In this paper , as the main subject , preparatory treatment equipment and its parameter were studied .

  9. 阐述了人工神经PID(比例-微分-积分校正)控制技术在有机垃圾减量化处理设备中的应用。

    In this paper , introduced the application of neural PID control to organic garbage decomposition vanished machinery .

  10. 新型易腐垃圾源头处理工艺设备

    A New Process and Equipment of Disposing Domestic Putrescible Waste at Source

  11. 生活垃圾Z-lant处理技术及其设备研制

    Application of High-tech Z-lant to Daily Organic Garbage Disposal and Device Developed for This Technology

  12. 我国城市生活垃圾焚烧处理方法及设备的现状与展望

    Actuality and prospect of urban daily garbage combustion treatment and equipment in our country