
lā jī xiānɡ
  • bin;trash can;garbage can;waste bin;dustbin;garbage
垃圾箱 [lā jī xiāng]
  • (1) [trash can; trash bin; ash bin (can); dust bin; garbage can; refuse bin]∶盛干垃圾用的金属容器

  • (2) [ugly]∶形容长得难看

  1. 你可以把它扔进垃圾箱里吗?

    Bung this in the bin , can you ?

  2. 他把报纸塞进了垃圾箱,然后沿街往前走了。

    He stuffed the newspapers into a litter bin and headed down the street

  3. 狗和狐狸从垃圾箱里寻找食物。

    Dogs and foxes scavenged through the trash cans for something to eat .

  4. 把它扔到垃圾箱里去。

    Throw it in the garbage .

  5. 我狠狠地踢了一脚垃圾箱,结果脚趾骨折了。

    I kicked a dustbin very hard and broke my toe .

  6. 许多人靠在垃圾箱中寻食才能够活下来。

    Many can survive only by raking through dustbins .

  7. 我一直在给保洁部门施加压力,要求他们更换那些垃圾箱的盖子。

    I have been putting pressure onto the Cleansing Services to replace those dustbin lids

  8. 浣熊弄翻垃圾箱找吃的,把垃圾弄得满地都是。

    The racoons knock over the rubbish bins in search of food , and strew the contents all over the ground

  9. 我认为应该把它扔进历史的垃圾箱。

    I think that should be relegated to the garbage can of history .

  10. 他把空瓶子扔进垃圾箱。

    He threw the empty bottles in the bin .

  11. 他对自己那种怪异的文体加以夸耀这恰似一个野人从别人的垃圾箱里捡出一顶礼帽时那种洋洋得意的样子。

    He flaunts his queer style as a savage might flaunt a top-hat retrieved from somebody 's dustbin .

  12. 请保持办公室整洁,使用所提供的垃圾箱。

    Please keep this office natty and use the binaries provided .

  13. 这对旧鞋子现在可以进垃圾箱了。

    These old shoes can go in the dustbin now .

  14. 她把发霉的土豆扔进垃圾箱。

    She chucked the moldy potatoes in the dustbin .

  15. 我的科学展项目给我的父母带来了很多困扰,包括了一个遥控移动垃圾箱。

    My parents suffered through many more of my science fair projects , including a remote controlled garbage can .

  16. 在娱乐或体育领域,“垃圾箱火灾”指的是表现差得可笑,通常是因为如下原因:

    In entertainment or sports , dumpster fire refers to a laughably poor performance usually caused by : 1 .

  17. 英国财政部称,每十枚铜币(即便士)中就会有六枚硬币仅在一次使用后就被人存置一旁,甚至被扔进垃圾箱。

    The Treasury1 says that six out of ten copper2 coins are used only once before being stashed3 away or even chucked in the bin4 .

  18. “垃圾箱着火”指的是某人、某个机构、或某种情况处于绝望境地,或者处于灾难性地失控状态。也可以指某件事很棘手,没人想处理。

    Dumpster fire refers to a person , organization , or situation that is hopelessly and disastrously1 out of control , or something very difficult that nobody wants to deal with .

  19. 弗格森还特意列举了BigBellySolar公司研制智能垃圾箱的成功范例。

    Ferguson cited the success of BigBelly Solar 's intelligent trash receptacles as one example .

  20. 每个RFID垃圾箱价值170万韩元(约合1500美元),可供60户家庭使用。

    Each RFID bin costs 1.7 million won ( $ 1500 ) and can cater to 60 households .

  21. EMF生成的代码也不是一种只配丢进垃圾箱的解决方案。

    The EMF-generated code is no throw-away solution , either .

  22. 但是也许不久之后,他们还将需要另一种垃圾箱:以用于收纳电子标签,又称射频识别(rfid)标签。

    But they may soon need yet another Bin : for electronic labels , also known as radio-frequency identification ( RFID ) tags .

  23. 他以WholeFoods(一家美国超市)这样的商家为例,在那里的沙拉吧就餐的人需要弄清楚他们的叉子、盒子和杯子要扔进哪个垃圾箱。

    He points to the example of a store like Whole Foods , where anyone who eats at the salad bar then has to figure out which bin to use for their fork and box and cup .

  24. 过去40年,政治伊斯兰(politicalIslam)的兴起使所有可能本以为宗教已被扔进历史垃圾箱的人士惊慌失措。

    The rise of political Islam over the past 40 years has been discombobulating for anyone who might have assumed that religion had been consigned to the dustbin of history .

  25. Netflix今天宣布对DVD开战,誓将DVD如同VHS录像带和Betamax录像带一样扫进垃圾箱。

    Netflix ( NFlx ) today declared war on DVDs , pledging to relegate them to the same dustbin that is occupied by VHS and Betamax tapes .

  26. 在我住过六年的俄勒冈州波特兰(Portland),几乎每个周日晚上我都会看见一个邻居在我的垃圾箱里扔上两个大的梅乐(Merlot)酒瓶。

    In Portland , Ore. , where I lived for six years , I would watch most Sunday nights as a neighbor deposited two giant Merlot bottles in my recycling bin .

  27. 这15款怪异奇妙的购物袋的设计,将“可爱提手”的概念带到了一个全新层次。所以,把你原来那朴实平淡的褐色袋子扔进垃圾箱吧。ShoppingUnplugged购物时也要记住拔去电器插头

    These 15 weird & wonderful shopping bag designs take the concept of " love handles " to a whole new level while consigning the basic , bland , brown bag to the boredom bin .

  28. 第一种,通过无线射频识别(RFID)卡缴费——当使用者将载有个人信息的识别卡置于专用食物垃圾箱上方时,箱盖会感应开启,此时使用者可将垃圾投入箱中。

    One is through an RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) card - when users tap this card - embedded with their personal tag - over a specially designed food waste bin , the lid will open , allowing them to dump their waste .

  29. 然后就会有员工带着专门用于拾取最细小颗粒的高效微粒空气过滤吸尘器(HEPA),吸走疑似骨灰的物质——最后可能倒进了垃圾箱。

    Staff then come in with a vacuum cleaner equipped with a high-efficiency particulate air ( HEPA ) filter , specifically designed for picking up the very finest particles , and vacuum up the remains , possibly for disposal into a garbage bin .

  30. 每一个垃圾箱都能“说”好几种语言。

    Each ashbin can " speak " several kinds of languages .