
  1. 有一天,我眼看着他把600张电脑打印纸揉成纸团对着垃圾筐练三分投篮。

    The other day I watched him wad up 600 sheets of computer paper in pursuit of the perfect wastebasket three-point shot .

  2. 不要把电池扔进垃圾筐。

    Don 't throw the batteries into the garbage basket !

  3. 我们保持这些塑料袋,让他们不会立即到该垃圾筐中。

    We keep these plastic bags so that they would not immediately go to the waste basket .

  4. 我把名牌搁好,拎了余下的残骸来到有垃圾筐候着的街角。

    I pocketed this , and carried the mutilated remains to the corner , where the wire basket waited .