
  1. 根据设计实例,垃圾电站应选用进汽温度425℃,压力在4.5~5MPa之间的汽轮发电机组;

    According to the practical design the refuse power station should adopt the turbine-generator unit with a steam input temperature of 425 ℃ and pressure between 4.5 ~ 5 MPa ;

  2. 垃圾电站发电设备无功控制及相关问题研究

    Study on the Reactive Control of Power Generation Equipment of Refuse Burning Station and Related Problems

  3. 兴建垃圾电站是解决城市环保及实现资源再生的主要方法。

    Construction of the refuse power stations is a major method to solve the urban environment protection and realize the regeneration of resources .

  4. 由于垃圾电站的特殊性,《小型火力发电厂设计规范》不能满足垃圾电站汽机及主要辅机的选型。

    Due to the specificity of the refuse power station 《 Design code of small thermal power plants 》 can not meet the model selection for turbine and main auxiliaries of the refuse power stations .

  5. 主要介绍垃圾电站发电设备的励磁系统对无功功率的合理控制,以及有关控制系统的功能,从而给机组的安全运行和局域网的电压稳定创造了条件。

    The reasonably control of excitation system for power generation equipment of refuse burning generation station and the function of related control system are mainly introduced . It creates advantage condition for safety running of the generation unit and stable voltage of the local area network .

  6. 垃圾焚烧电站设计及设备选择应注意的问题

    Matters Needing Attention on Design and Equipment Selection for MSW Incineration Power Plant

  7. 垃圾焚烧电站空气预热器与低压省煤器的组合分析

    Combination Utilization of Air Preheater with Low-Pressure Economizer in MSW Incineration Power Plants

  8. 垃圾焚烧电站设计特点

    Design features of garbage incineration power plant

  9. 垃圾燃料电站汽轮机叶片结垢原因分析及预防措施

    Cause analysis of turbine blade scaling in a power plant using MSW as fuel and preventive measures thereof

  10. 该系统在掌握国外引进焚烧炉工艺的基础上,采取了自行设计配套生产的方法,系统设计涵盖了垃圾焚烧电站的所有主要设备。

    Adopting an imported destructor technology from the foreign country , this kind of DCS system has employed a self-design and self-integration method . The system design has covered all main equipments in a garbage-burning power station .

  11. 结合深圳南山垃圾焚烧电站工程的设计,介绍垃圾焚烧电站的参数选择、系统拟定、设备配备、厂房布置、运行方式等设计特点。

    And combining with the design of Shenzhen Nanshan Garbage Incineration Power Plant briefs the parameters selection , system decision , equipment match , main building layout and operation mode etc. design features of garbage incineration power plant .

  12. 该系统成功投运为垃圾焚烧电站的调试和工艺改进提供了平台和基础,系统实用、稳定、可靠,是垃圾焚烧电站值得推荐的配套系统。

    The successful operation of the system has provided a platform and basis for debugging and technical improvement in a garbage-burning power station . The system is very reliable and worthy of widely recommending to all garbage-burning power stations .

  13. 该计划将保证曼联制造的所有垃圾都不会进填埋场,而是送进本地的垃圾电站。俱乐部也和地方议会与警方合作减少比赛日的拥堵。

    The programme has ensured that any waste produced by United does not end up in landfill , but is sent for energy recovery via a local waste to energy plant .