
  • 网络enrichment;RERTR
  1. 研究堆燃料的~(235)U富集度对材料核发热的影响

    The Effect of Nuclear Heating on Material With Different Enrichment of ~ ( 235 ) U in Research Reactor

  2. 铀富集度是指同位素~(233)U和~(235)U的质量之和与总铀量之比。

    Uranium enrichment means the ratio of the combined weight of the isotopes 233U and 235U to that of the total uranium in question .

  3. 核燃料棒~(235)U富集度均匀性扫描装置中的中子慢化系统计算

    Neutron Moderation Calculation for Nuclear Fuel Rod Scanner

  4. PCR方法比免疫组化能明显提高EBV检出率;利用显微切割技术能很好地提高目的细胞的富集度,提高检出率和准确性。

    Microdissection is very helpful to improve the detection rate and accuracy ;

  5. PKA原子和SKA原子对同位素(溅射)富集度的贡献分析

    Analysis of the contributions of PKA and SKA to the isotope enrichment

  6. 并对使用此富集度稍浓铀的秦山三期CANDU堆做了基于通道年龄模型的瞬时堆芯检验计算。

    The instantaneous SEU reactor core was calculated and inspected based on the patterned channel age model .

  7. 本文分析了采用低富集度UO2燃料和轻水慢化剂的零功率装置几种假想的极限事故。

    This paper analyses several supposed limit-accidents for the low concentration UO , / H , Ozero power assembly .

  8. 分析结果表明:不同235U富集度的燃料对燃料区影响极微。

    The results show that the heating effect in fuel regions can be neglected .

  9. Cr,Mn等合金元素在晶界碳化物中的富集度可作为表征材料损伤形核程度的参数,并用以估算损伤孕育时间。

    And ( 3 ) the degree of enrichment of constituent elements such as Cr and Mn in the grain boundary carbides can be used as a parameter to characterize the damage nucleation , then , to estimate the damage incubation time .

  10. 开展了有源符合中子法探测235U富集度为90.34%的小圆柱状金属铀块裂变材料的方法与技术研究。

    A small column of Uranium fission material , which contains 90 . 34 % 235U , is detected by active coincidence neutron counting in this study .

  11. 为了降低以(U、Pu、Np、Am、Cm)O2为燃料的加速器驱动次临界快堆(ADSFR)堆芯径的功率峰因子,将堆芯精细地分为燃料高、低富集度区。

    Refined allocations of the assemblies to high - and low - enrichment zones were used to reduce the power peaking factors of the Accelerator-Driven Sub-critical Fast Reactor ( ADSFR ) loaded with ( U , Pu , Np , Am , Cm ) O_2 fuel elements .

  12. 对于核燃料棒235U富集度均匀性扫描装置,为了合理有效地利用252Cf中子源,提高检测灵敏度,需要合理选择中子慢化材料,优化中子慢化过程。

    In order to use ~ ( 252 ) Cf source effectively and improve testing sensitivity of the nuclear fuel scanner , appropriate moderation material should be selected carefully , and the process of neutron moderation should be optimized .

  13. γ能谱法测定铀富集度的方法研究

    Studies on γ - Ray Spectrometry in Determining Uranium Enrichment

  14. 深海浅地层剖面特征及其与多金属结核富集度的关系

    Features of subbottom profile in the deep sea and the relationship of the abundance of polymetallic nodules

  15. 大亚湾核电站第十循环堆芯是自提高燃料组件富集度后实现18个月燃料循环的第二个循环堆芯。

    The tenth cycle core of GNPS is the second cycle with 18-month fuel cycle after increasing fuel enrichment .

  16. 此处黄金的富集度堪称世界之最,岩石被侵蚀之后财富终现于世。

    The seam is one of the densest on the planet . Rocks erode and the riches are released .

  17. 富集度计算结果的误差在10%以内。预应力度是P.P。

    The uncertainty of uranium enrichment was less than 10 % . The prestressing degree is an important concept in P.P.

  18. 西部旅游资源富集度高,旅游产品市场需求旺盛,旅游业发展潜力巨大。

    West China is abundant in tourist resources , has a brisk demanding market for tourist products and has great potentialities for developing tourism .

  19. 通过对不同铀富集度的能谱数据,在不同条件下进行计算,确定了铀的能谱分析的最佳条件,并得到较好的分析结果。

    Several spectra with various enrichments are analyzed in different conditions , the best condition of fitting is obtained , and the best results are achieved .

  20. 结果表明,裂变率最大处位于高富集度铀区域中间某点,而非位于系统中心或上下半球球心。

    The results indicate that the maximum fission rate lies in neither the system center nor the hemisphere center but some place in the enriched uranium core .

  21. 由于其在氧化铝中富集度高,在电解过程中,离子态的镓在阴极比铝优先析出。

    Because of its high concentration of alumina in the electrolysis process , the state of gallium ions in the cathode is in priority precipitation than aluminum .

  22. 根据成矿条件、矿床类型、矿床特征、矿化富集度以及工作程度,可将全国金矿划分为15个成矿区(带)。我国金矿的基本特点是:分布广、较集中;

    Based on metallogenic condition , types , characteristics of the gold deposits and concentration of gold mineralization and exploration intensity 15 gold metallogenic belts are delineated in China .

  23. 在岭澳核电站混合堆芯及提高富集度论证项目中的反应性事故中,硼稀释事故分析占据着重要的地位。

    Boron Dilution Accident ( UBDA ) analysis plays a significant role in the reactivity accidents during the justification of Ling ' ao Mixed Core and Increased Enrichment project .

  24. 结果显示,在设定的0.97初始临界度下,富集度分割比为1.5时将给出最有利的结果:初始的全堆功率峰因子为1.692;

    The results show that an enrichment split of 1.5 gives the best performance at a initial criticality of 0.97 for the initial core with a whole-core peak power density factor of 1.692 during operation with a thermal power level of 840 MW .

  25. 聚酰胺富集双波长光度法同时测定金和银

    Enrichment with polyamide and dual wavelength spectrophotometric determination of gold and silver

  26. 充分氧化可以实现铁组分向磁铁矿相的转移和富集,磁铁矿相的富集度从22%提高到85%以上.适当控制氧化后的冷却速率可以促进磁铁矿晶粒的生长,平均粒度可达到82-95μm。

    After the oxidizing , iron enrichment in magnetite phase increased from 22 % to 86 % . The average grain size of magnetite grows up to 82-95 μ m when the cool rate is suitable .