
  • 网络accident conditions
  1. HTR-10的运行工况监督和事故工况追忆

    Supervision of Operating Conditions and Retrospection of Accident Conditions for HTR-10

  2. 总结了将分布式计算机控制系统(DCS)用于10MW高温气冷堆运行工况的监督和事故工况追忆的设计思路。

    This paper summarizes the design methods that use the digital control system ( DCS ) system as supervision of operating conditions and retrospection of accident conditions for 10MW high temperature gas cooled reactor ( HTR 10 ) .

  3. 利用中子学计算程序对换料堆芯正常运行工况(一类工况或工况I)和中等频率事故工况(二类工况或工况II)中可能的堆芯功率分布进行模拟。

    The radial and axial power distributions of normal operation ( category I or condition I ) and abnormal operation ( category II or condition II ) are simulated by using neutronics calculation code .

  4. ATWS事故工况下的应急初始条件和应急行动水平在核电厂的应用

    Application of Initiating Condition and Emergency Action Level in NPP at ATWS

  5. 在供暖、通风与空调(HVAC)系统中相应采用了安全负压通风系统,以保证包容体在正常工况或事故工况下都能满足与安全相关的一切功能。

    The safety subatmospheric pressure ventilation system is used in heating , ventilation and air conditioning ( HVAC ) system to fulfil its all kinds of safety related functions in the normal operation or the accident operation .

  6. 失水事故工况(LOCA)下反应堆下降环腔内的流动和传热研究,对反应堆压力容器(RPV)的安全具有重要的意义。

    The study on flow and heat transfer in downcomer under loss of coolant accident ( LOCA ) is important to the safety of reactor pressure vessel ( RPV ) .

  7. 汽轮机事故工况的压差分析

    The analysis of differential pressure under the accident condition of steam turbine

  8. 反应堆控制棒在事故工况下的落棒时间分析

    Computation of Reactor Control Rod Drop Time under Accident Conditions

  9. 压水堆事故工况下放射性裂变产物向环境转移和释放的理论计算

    Calculation on Fission Product Transport and Release to Environment During PWR Accident

  10. 催化裂化装置机组事故工况下超速时间的估算

    Estimation of overspeed time when FCC unit main set is at fault

  11. 主设备在事故工况下的动态响应分析

    Dynamic response analysis for primary components under accident condition

  12. 建筑房间事故工况下冷却过程的研究

    The Study on Cooling Building in Damage Accident

  13. 计算结果表明:对质能释放而言,主蒸汽管道断裂事故工况最恶劣。

    The calculating results show that the MSLB accident is the most serious condition for MER .

  14. 本文研究了热网事故工况下的房间冷却过程,建立了动态冷却过程的物理模型和数学模型。

    This paper studies the physical model of room when heating is stopped in damage accident of heating-supply network .

  15. 讨论了事故工况下,内边界层对事故剂量的影响及冲洗沉积剂量的贡献。

    The effect of internal boundary layer on dose and the contribution to dose from the washout deposition pathway are discussed .

  16. 停堆和停泵事故工况下的计算结果符合低流速的基本特征。

    Numerical results of two accident situations , pump stopping and shut down , conform to the basic features of low velocity .

  17. 实验结果表明,在400℃以下热循环,对燃料芯体及燃料板的性能没有显著影响,芯体暴露对燃料元件在正常运行温度下影响不大,但对事故工况下的影响不可忽视。

    The effect of meat exposure on fuel element plates was small under normal conditions , but could not be neglected under off-normal conditions .

  18. 针对大亚湾核电站实施18个月换料技术改造的特点,计算了大亚湾核电站在正常运行工况下以及各种设计基准事故工况下对周围环境的放射性后果。

    This article presents the calculation of radiological consequences of normal operation and various design basis accidents for GNPS 12 18-months fuel cycles project .

  19. 报警系统对于防止低温供热堆事故工况的发生及事故的扩大具有重要作用。

    The Alarm System plays an important role in keeping the Low Temperature Heating Reactor ( LTHR ) from incident and deteriorating to severe accident .

  20. 同时,该系统还具有事故工况下急停、泥渣收集和运行状态视频监视等功能。

    Moreover , this control system also has such functions as the emergency shutdown under fault condition , sludge collection and video monitor for operation status .

  21. 该系统利用计算机仿真技术,对变电站的主要控制操作、正常运行和事故工况、继电保护等进行了全面的仿真和模拟。

    By using the modern computer simulation technique , the system simulates the major operation and control , normal and emergency conditions , and protection relay .

  22. 试验结果表明设备性能完善,能够满足核电站正常和事故工况下的运行要求。

    The test results show that the equipment performance is excellent which operation requirement can be satisfied in normal or accident conditions for the power plant .

  23. 本文即是针对动力失灵和系统断流两种主要事故工况下,所引起的动力系统中空穴的特性作以研究。

    Under this condition , this thesis offers a study on cavitation characteristics caused by two main accidental conditions : power off and system fluid off .

  24. 通过对运行工况特别是事故工况进行定常数值模拟,分析内部流场结构与叶轮结构的关联及影响,进而揭示事故发生的主要原因。

    The main reasons of the accident are revealed through analyzing the relationship between the inner flow field and the impeller structure under the real operating condition .

  25. 设计满足了有关安全准则要求,并为可预期的事故工况留有足够的安全裕量。

    Thermal hydraulic design of reactor core for 10MW research reactor is consistent with requirement of safety criteria ; enough safety margin is given for anticipated accidents .

  26. 在设计时,要事先作水锤分析、预测和模拟事故工况下水锤的发生和传播规律。

    In the design , it is necessary to advance water hammer analysis , forecasting and simulation of accident conditions the occurrence of water hammer and dissemination of the law .

  27. 给出了多热源环状供热管网的水力计算方法,通过实例进行了水力计算及多种事故工况的分析,给出了提高可靠性的措施。

    Hydraulic calculation method of multi-source ring-shaped heat-supply network is given , hydraulic calculation and analysis of multiple emergency regimes are presented by an actual example , and the measures improving reliability are put forward .

  28. 结果表明:(1)在大扰动(如事故工况)下,过冷沸腾引起的空泡反应性反馈对系统稳定性影响显著,不同过冷沸腾模型之间存在较大差别;

    The results showed : ( 1 ) Under large perturbation such as accident conditions the void reactivity feedback caused by subcooled boiling is considerable , and , bigger difference exists between various subcooled boiling models .

  29. 初步安全分析结果表明,10兆瓦高温气冷实验堆具有良好固有安全特性,在上述假想事故工况下反应堆均处于安全允许状态。

    The preliminary results of safety analysis show that the 10 MW HTR Test Module has good inherent safety features . Under all above postulated accident conditions the reactor will be in a safety allowable condition .

  30. 非能动余热排出换热器是非能动安全系统中的一个重要设备,担负着事故工况下导出堆芯余热,保证反应堆安全的重任。

    The passive residual heat removal heat exchanger is an important device in the passive safety system , which charged with the important task of removing core decay heat during the accident operating conditions to ensure the safety of reactor .